Stenger. For all the latest headlines follow our Google News channel online or via the app. [64], Opinion polls showed that a large majority of Americans disapproved of the storming of the Capitol and of Trump's actions leading up to and following it, although many Republicans supported the attack or at least did not blame Trump for it. [172] Proud Boys member Dominic Pezzola, who had seized a Capitol Police plastic shield, used it to smash through another window at 2:12 p.m. and entered, followed by more rioters. [299], Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund joined a conference call with D.C. government and Pentagon officials at 2:26 p.m. where he "[made] an urgent, urgent immediate request for National Guard assistance", telling them he needed "boots on the ground". [259] Police officers and a police chief from departments in multiple states are under investigation for their alleged involvement in the riot. [336], At 11:08 p.m., the House of Representatives rejected a similar motion to dispute the Arizona vote by a margin of 303–121. [305][306] McCarthy and Miller decided to deploy the entire 1,100-strong force of D.C. National Guard to quell violence. "[9][84] The "March to Save America" and rally that preceded the riots at the Capitol were initially organized by Women for America First, a 501(c)(4) organization chaired by Amy Kremer, co-founder of Women for Trump. [97] Multiple sites graphically and explicitly discussed "war", physically taking charge at the event, and killing politicians, even soliciting opinions about which politician should be hung first, with a GIF of a noose. [302][303], Armed DHS agents were on standby near the Capitol in case of unrest, but were not deployed until after the violence had subsided. [402], A laptop owned by Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) was stolen. White mobs and Capitol riots are American to the core OPINION: Jan. 6, 2021 will forever live in infamy. [292] In contrast to Trump, who called upon his supporters to "remain peaceful", Pence called for the occupation of the Capitol to end immediately. "Amid violence, Trump says, 'Remember this day forever! "[505][506], On February 13, Pelosi announced plans to create a commission to investigate the attack on the Capitol, modeled after the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission), an independent panel that investigated the attacks of September 11, 2001. "[145] Giuliani repeated conspiracy theories that voting machines used in the election were "crooked" and at 10:50 a.m. called for "trial by combat". [139], "The Silent Majority" rally was organized by James Epley and permitted in the North Inner Gravel Walkway between 13th and 14th Streets within the National Mall. Delegate Derrick Evans has been federally charged", "Derrick Evans resigns W.Va. House after entering U.S. Capitol with mob", "Sen. Amanda Chase files federal lawsuit against Virginia Senate after censure", "Six hours of paralysis: Inside Trump's failure to act after a mob stormed the Capitol", "Live Updates: Pro-Trump Protesters Storm the Capitol", "Capitol Attack Leads Democrats to Demand That Trump Leave Office", "Senior Trump Official: We Were Wrong, He's a 'Fascist, "Sasse says Trump was 'delighted' and 'excited' by reports of Capitol riot", "Trump called Senator Mike Lee, phone record shows". [93], The rioters openly planned to disrupt the counting of Electoral College ballots for several weeks prior to the event, and called for violence against Congress, Pence, and law enforcement. [348] At least 138 police officers (73 Capitol Police officers, 65 Metropolitan Police Department officers) were injured,[21] including at least 15 who were hospitalized, some with severe injuries. [526], Internationally, Trump's allegations of a "stolen" election found a small audience among conspiracy theorists and fringe groups. [500][501], Senate Democrats asked to begin the trial immediately, while Trump was still in office, but McConnell blocked the plan. [218][225][224][226][227], ABC News reported that shots were fired within the Capitol. [26][27] Dozens of people present at the riot were later found to be listed in the FBI's Terrorist Screening Database, most as suspected white supremacists. The document used the term "war" to describe the rioters' motive, which mentioned specific violence references, including the blood of Black Lives Matter and Antifa members. [307][311] Miller has disputed this, stating that Trump had already given authorization to use the National Guard prior to January 6. Irving called back with formal approval an hour later. "[292] The Washington Post later reported that Trump did not want to include the words "stay peaceful". Afterwards, Trump followers on far-right social media called for Pence to be hunted down, and the mob began chanting, "Where is Pence?" [24] Black officers employed with Capitol Police reported being subjected to racial epithets (including repeated uses of "nigger") by some of the rioters. Supporters of US President Donald Trump enter the US Capitol's Rotunda on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. and "Find Mike Pence! America's supporters condemned riots which temporarily stopped the certifying of votes declaring Joe Biden the nation's next president, while its enemies commented on the chaos with smug satisfaction. That is the America I discovered when I first arrived in the 1950s, and the America that I so admired for much of my life. "[178] As they were overrun by a violent mob, the police acted with restraint and pleaded for backup. Trump's sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, also spoke, naming and verbally attacking Republican congressmen and senators who were not supporting the effort to challenge the Electoral College vote, and promising to campaign against them in future primary elections. [105] Other people attempted to raise funds in December via GoFundMe to help pay for transportation to the rally, with limited success. [261] Two Capitol Police officers were suspended, one for directing rioters inside the building while wearing a Make America Great Again hat, and the other for taking a selfie with a rioter. [154] Trump did not overtly call on his supporters to use violence or enter the Capitol,[155] but his speech was filled with violent imagery,[156] and Trump suggested that his supporters had the power to prevent Biden from taking office. It was a rainbow of hope, beauty and elegance, composed of a confident and modern people who had taken it upon themselves to save Europe and the world twice from the evils that emerged in its dark midst. "[254] They were older than participants in previous far-right violent demonstrations and more likely to be employed, with 40% being business owners. Just steps from the still-unsealed Senate chamber doors, the rioters instead followed the Capitol Police officer, leading them back away from the Senate. and added that they "[are] not going to be run out by a mob. [17][374] A family member of Boyland said that "the president's words incited a riot that killed four of his biggest fans last night". [411][412] Vanity Fair reported that Trump was at least partially convinced to make the statement by Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who told Trump that a sufficient number of Senate Republicans would support removing him from office unless he conceded. Stop calling this a march, or rally, or a protest. After the introduction of a curfew in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, riots broke out in several cities and towns throughout the Netherlands around the time (21:00) the curfew went into effect for multiple days in a row. Northam sending Virginia National Guard and 200 state troopers to Washington, DC", "D.C. police sent 850 officers to the Capitol during insurrection, spent $8.8 million during week of Jan. 6", "These Black Capitol Police Officers Describe Fighting Off "Racist Ass Terrorists, "Democratic leaders call for Trump's removal from office", "F.B.I. [327] On the night of January 6, Bowser issued an order extending the public emergency in Washington, D.C., for 15 days, writing in the order that she expected some people would "continue their violent protests through the inauguration". "[168], Meanwhile, in the House chamber around 2:15 p.m., while Gosar was speaking, Speaker Pelosi was escorted out of the chamber. [22] Rioters injured other police officers by using chemical irritants and stun guns, hitting them with fists, sticks, poles and clubs; trampling and stampeding them; pushing them down stairs or against statues; and shining laser pointers in their eyes. The crowd was estimated to be in the thousands. "[254], The Associated Press reviewed public and online records of more than 120 participants after the storming and found that many of them shared conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election on social media and had also believed other QAnon and "deep state" conspiracy theories. [472], Questions have been raised in the media regarding the discrepancy in police response to Black Lives Matter and white supremacist protesters, including the rioters who stormed the US Capitol. Some verbal and physical attacks on reporters were reported, with attackers denigrating media outlets as providing "fake news". But that didn’t happen. Rioters referred to the neo-fascist Proud Boys as "God's warriors". Several buildings in the Capitol complex were evacuated, and all were locked down. Around 12:30 p.m. a mostly peaceful crowd building up to the east of the Capitol numbered around 300. [399] A 19th-century marble bust of President Zachary Taylor was defaced with what seemed to be blood, but the most important works in the Capitol collection, such as the John Trumbull paintings, were unharmed. [131] Capitol Police chief Sund said his department had developed a plan to respond to "First Amendment activities" but had not planned for the "criminal riotous behavior" they encountered. [4] Politico reported some rioters briefly showing their police badges or military identification to law enforcement as they approached the Capitol, expecting therefore to be let inside; a Capitol Police officer told BuzzFeed News that one rioter told him "[w]e're doing this for you" as he flashed a badge. Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller approved the request on January 4, 2021. He is the only federal official in United States history to have ever been impeached twice. [226] One rioter told a CNN crew as they were being harassed by others, "There's more of us than you. [414] On January 9, The New York Times reported that Trump had told White House aides that he regretted committing to an orderly transition of power and would never resign from office. [125] On January 5, the National Park Service estimated that 30,000 people would attend the "Save America" rally, based on people already in the area. "[289] Concerned that Trump may have committed treason through his actions, White House Counsel Pat Cipollone reportedly advised administration officials to avoid contact with Trump and ignore any illegal orders that could further incite the attack to limit their prosecutorial liability under the Sedition Act of 1918. [221][222] With violence breaking out, Capitol security advised the members of Congress to take cover. Deaths Near 100,000, An Incalculable Loss, Graduate Together: America Honors the High School Class of 2020,, Attacks on buildings and structures in 2021, Attacks on buildings and structures in the United States, Controversies of the 2020 United States presidential election, Coups d'état and coup attempts in the United States, Crimes against police officers in the United States. [152], Starting at 11:58 a.m., Trump gave a speech, declaring he would "never concede" the election, criticizing the media and calling for Pence to overturn the election results, something outside Pence's constitutional power. Moments later, Pence was escorted out by members of the Secret Service. A close adviser to Trump said the president was not taking many phone calls. "[292] By 3:25 p.m., Trump tweeted "I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. [136], On January 5, Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy issued a memo placing limits on the D.C. National Guard. US Capitol riots: What happened to America? ", "The four-hour insurrection: How a Trump mob halted American democracy", "2020 US Presidential Election Results: Live Map", "Biden's 306 Electoral College Votes Make His Victory Official", "Biden officially secures enough electors to become president", "Trump tries to leverage power of office to subvert Biden win", "Trump Targets Michigan in His Ploy to Subvert the Election", "Trump presses Georgia governor to help subvert election", "Trump asks Pennsylvania House speaker for help overturning election results, personally intervening in a third state", "The Growing Backlash Against Trump's Efforts To Subvert The Election : Consider This from NPR", "House conservatives urge Trump not to concede and press for floor fight over election loss", "This Is a Coup. Miller. [481], The FBI opened more than 400 subject case files in connection with the attack, and more than 500 grand jury subpoenas and search warrants were issued. [315] FBI and Department of Homeland Security agents wearing riot gear entered the Dirksen Senate Office Building around 4:30 p.m.[316], New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy announced at 4:57 p.m. that elements of the New Jersey State Police were being deployed to the District of Columbia at the request of D.C. officials, and that the New Jersey National Guard was prepared for deployment if necessary. [211], With senators still in the chamber, Trump reached Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) by phone and told him to do more to block the counting of Biden's electoral votes. [339] Another objection was raised by Hawley and Representative Scott Perry (R–PA) to the Pennsylvania slate of electors, triggering another two-hour split in the joint session to debate the objection. [448], Law enforcement's failure to prevent the mob from breaching the Capitol attracted scrutiny to the Capitol Police and other police agencies involved. Published on January 6, 2021 at 11:40 pm "The overwhelming reason for action, cited again and again in court documents, was that arrestees were following Trump's orders to keep Congress from certifying Joe Biden as the presidential-election winner. "[156], During Trump's speech, his supporters chanted "Take the Capitol": "Taking the Capitol right now"; "Invade the Capitol"; "Storm the Capitol"; and "Fight for Trump. We use cookies to improve your experience on our site and to [86] Epley's events took place on January 5 and 6. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) The Associated Press President Donald Trump spoke … ", "Extremists and Mainstream Trump Supporters Plan to Protest Congressional Certification of Biden's Victory", "January 2021 Washington, D.C., Security Outlook: Intelligence Report, Part Three", "United States v. Caldwell, Crowl and Watkins", "January 5 Meeting at Trump International Hotel Could Hold the Key to the January 6 Insurrection", "Trump appointee says Tuberville met with Trump family, advisers on eve of Capitol attack", "Tommy Tuberville Is a Formidable Bag of Hammers", "Photos put Tuberville in Trump's hotel on Jan. 5 despite denying meeting", "Pentagon approves DC mayor's request to deploy National Guard for upcoming demonstrations", "Capitol Police rejected offers of federal help to quell mob", "Capitol Police intelligence report warned three days before attack that 'Congress itself' could be targeted", "Where Was Security When A Pro-Trump Mob Stormed The Capitol? Over the years, America gave generously of its spirit and blazed a bold trail, receiving my admiration and that of the world. He called the vote the most consequential in his 30-plus years of congressional service. [132] U.S. Secretary of the Army Ryan D. McCarthy said law enforcement agencies' estimates of the potential size of the crowd, calculated in advance of the event, varied between 2,000 and 80,000. The report was unclassified but labeled For Official Use Only (FOUO). Is Evacuated – The New York Times", "Pence took lead as Trump initially resisted sending National Guard to Capitol", "Trump tells rioters 'go home,' repeats claims that election 'fraudulent, "Trump Justifies Supporters Storming Capitol: 'These Are The Things And Events That Happen, "Memorandum for Record: Timeline for December 21, 2020 — January 6, 2021", "Isolated Trump reluctantly pledges 'orderly' transition after inciting mob", "Trump promises 'orderly transition' on Jan. 20 after Electoral College results certified", "Senate Debate on Arizona Electoral College Vote Challenge, Part 2", "Trump openly condones supporters who violently stormed the Capitol, prompting Twitter to lock his account", "Twitter bans President Trump permanently", "The House impeaches Trump for 'incitement of insurrection,' setting up a Senate trial", "Pelosi announces independent 9/11-style commission on deadly Capitol riot", "Poll: Majority of Republicans blame Biden for mob storming the Capitol", "Most voters say the events at the US Capitol are a threat to democracy", "Poll: 18 percent of Republicans support Capitol riots", "Majority of Americans want Trump removed immediately after U.S. Capitol violence – Reuters/Ipsos poll", "Sedition investigations could 'bear fruit soon' in Capitol riot cases, FBI says", "Dozens of people on FBI terrorist watch list came to D.C. the day of Capitol riot", "Members of extremist Oath Keepers group planned attack on US Capitol, prosecutors say", "New charges allege Proud Boys prepped for Capitol insurrection", "US Capitol's last breach was more than 200 years ago", "Has the US Capitol ever been attacked before? 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