(632) 928 2836. chanrobles virtual law library IMPORT PERMIT (FOR DOGS AND CATS) Philippine Food Safety Framework - ASEAN Food Safety Network Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory - UPLB Pet Import/Export in the Philippines Quezon City, Philippines Issuance of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Clearance to Import Dogs and Cats. 6.The dog and the necessary documents including a valid health certificate from the country of origin shall be presented at the Veterinary Quarantine Unit for inspection as well as payment of fees for permits and other necessary fees such as mailing or fax transmittal of Veterinary Quarantine Clearance (VQC). Some commodities are only allowed into Australia upon the granting of an import permit from the department. Fax: +632 920 0815. Tel. (632) 8521.7650 It should sit and stand comfortably. Documents required to support the above application: 1. Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) National Veterinary Quarantine Service Visayas Ave., Diliman, Quezon City Tel. The health certificate should be dated within 30 days before your date of arrival in the Philippines. (632) 8525.7909 3. Visit the nearest Bureau of Animal Industry near you 15 days or less before your travel ... ask lang po ako since pwede naman po na hindi yung shipper ang kukuha ng export permit may kilala po bah kayo na cya na lang kukuha ng permit in our behalf. RSS Entries and RSS Comments. Vehicle Inventory: (List all vehicles to be used to transport animal carcasses or refuse. 2. Good thing I did this because he was detained in Kota Kinabalu airport quarantine office overnight since we missed our connecting flight to Miri. Landline +63 (2) 8 920 0971 +63 (2) 8 928 2429 +63 (2) 8 926 6883 +63 (2) 8 926 6883. Have a safe flight! (632) 925-4343; 928-1778 Fax No. 3.If the number of animals exceeds five, they are to be inspected at the government quarantine site. My pet cat was rather convenient, his urges to evacuate his wastes can be induced by freshly laid sand litter. Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) Marine and Aquatic Products. (632) 928 2743; Fax no. (632) 8928.8756 to 65 (632) 928-2429. Visayas Ave., Diliman, Quezon City 1128, Philippines. Share. Secure a health certificate for each pet from a duly licensed veterinarian or from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. (632) 928-2429 Call Map More . dito po kac kami sa mindanao area sa sultan kudarat and yung pamangkin ko travel cla ng dog nya to canada. Live animal exports include commercial livestock species, companion and assistance animals, horses, and genetic material. Additional documents for certain exports. More Actions × Follow . Tel. Government Offices. Tel. Email: info.dabafs@gmail.com Bureau of Animal Industry. 442), March 3, 1881, relative to control of pleuropneumonia in export cattle. Import permit issued by the Philippines' Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) 2. (632) 920 0816/926 4343 History: Treasury Cattle Commission established by the Secretary of the Treasury to carry out provisions of the Civil Appropriation Act (21 Stat. No. Fax No. There are many carriers available at pet shops, choose the one that says IATA approved. PNP Firearms and Explosives Office (FEO) VHS, Tapes, CDs, DVDs, etc. The BAI address and contact number is: So I brought with me a small amount of water and food and small plastic containers for eating. After seeing the AVA’s offices in the Ministry of National Development building in Singapore , I was a bit underwhelmed by the appearance of the building, but I suppose it’s no worse than some of the building’s I’ve seen used as government offices in the US. Tel. (632) 8924.7971 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. Please respond to: Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Animal Industry Equine Program Office 407 South Calhoun Street Tallahassee, Florida … Email: nvqsonline@bai.da.gov.ph or baiquarantineph@gmail.com. Blog at WordPress.com. How to apply for Import/Export Permit. No. Open With × YP Map . BPI Compound, Visayas Avenue, Import permit issued by the Philippines’ Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) Health certificate issued by a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) veterinarian or USDA-accredited veterinarian. 32. Tel. Comply with the requirements of your destination country 6. Website: http://nmis.gov.ph, PCA Building, Diliman, Export Permit for the shipment of live animals and other commodity; Import Permit . Website: http://www.bfar.da.gov.ph, FPA Building, BAI Compound, Tel. Bookmark . No. Quick Search for Relevant Resources on the Bureau of Animal Industry. Tel. Health Certificates issued from a licensed veterinarian. Therefore, it is best to contact the appropriate authority in the place of your pet’s destination rather than rely solely on information acquired from the internet. Email: fpacentral77@yahoo.com Get an import/export permit from the Bureau of Animal Industry 5. Most of my transactions with this bureau were with the Animal Quarantine Division (and a few times, with the Animal Welfare Division). 4. ABS-CBN News. Vaccination Record – containing details of the vaccines administered and date of vaccination. (632) 920 0816/926 4343 Export Quarantine Certificate from the Animal Quarantine Service of Japan. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) Firearms, Parts, Ammunition, etc. The importation of some commodities is, by law, subject to the biosecurity conditions outlined in the departments Biosecurity Import Conditions (BICON) system. Documents required to support the above application: – containing details of the vaccines administered and date of vaccination. Local: 3301-3305, 3308-3309 It is advisable that before the trip, your pet must have peed and pooped already. (632) 925-4343; 928-1778 Fax No. b. sex, color and number of pets. Tel. Quezon City, Philippines Information required in applying for an Export Permit from BAI (Bureau of Animal Industry) – Name of Pet – Breed – Sex – Age – Color – Weight – Species. 1.Apply for an import permit at National Veterinary Quarantine Services (NVQS), Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) by accomplishing the application form or by writing a Letter Request addressed to the BAI Director, with the following information: Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, Telephone no. 1.Apply for an import permit at National Veterinary Quarantine Services (NVQS), Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) by accomplishing the application form or by writing a Letter Request addressed to the BAI Director, with the following information: a. species and breed of animal. 2. Address. I guess that’s how they paid for that big fancy building. Fax No. Email: dir.bai@manila-online.net No. Optical Media Board (OMB) TV, Movie, Film Print and Negatives, etc. The Bureau of Animal Industry, National Veterinary Quarantine Services building. No. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. Secure and fill up Application Forms for Import and/or Export Permit and list of requirements from the frontline receiving/assessing area (for walk-in applicants) or download the from the URL: www.omb.gov.ph. Pet relocation is not an easy proceeding. The main office of the Bureau of Animal Industry is located in Visayas Ave, Quezon City. No. Website: http://www.bai.da.gov.ph, Visayas Avenue, Diliman, If the number of animals to be brought to the Philippines exceeds five, the animals have to be inspected at quarantine site. In the application letter, indicate the number of animals to be imported, the sex, age and breed; and also the possible date of arrival, mode of transport-aircraft / flight number. Diliman, Quezon City 33. (632) 8928.1778 1. Tel. No Ratings. Procedures in Applying for Import Permits. The pdf is located below. When I traveled my cat, I had a couple of stop-overs and connecting flights. No. (632) 928 2743; Fax no. Payment for extension is P100.00. Tel. Issuance of Permit for Local Shipment of Animals. 4.Issuance and inspection fees are P100.00 and P250.00 for the first two head and P300.00 for the succeeding head, respectively. Tel. Here are the guidelines I’ve gathered for import and export of pets (dogs and cats) in the Philippines: for the Importation of Live Pet Animals to the Philippines. To obtain information on the live animal species in which you are interested, or reproductive material, select the link below. Importers have to secure an import permit (or a Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary (SPS) Permit) for agricultural products from the following agencies: Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) for chicken, beef, pork, lamb, dairy, and other animal products; Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) for horticulture produce; and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) for seafood. Fax No. Tel. 011 (632) 920 0816/926 4343 Fax No. (632) 8922.3362 1.Apply for an import permit at National Veterinary Quarantine Services (NVQS), Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) by accomplishing the application form or by writing a Letter Request addressed to the BAI Director, with the following information: No. Use a separate sheet if necessary) Year Make Model VIN # License Tag # State of Registration In accordance with section 585.147, Florida Statutes, application is hereby made for permit … Tel: +632 920 0816 / 925 4343. Bureau Of Animal Industry Bureau Of Animal Industry. Write the Director of Bureau of Animal Industry (above address) for issuance of Import Permit. Bureau of Animal Industry. For example in Malaysia, the import conditions in the mainland Peninsular Malaysia are not applicable at all in Sarawak, a state in East Malaysia. Quezon City, Philippines 1100 7.A Notice of Quarantine shall be issued. (632) 8924.9597 Google Map . Most importantly, make sure that your pet can move freely in the container. accommodates shipment of live animal provided that the animal i.e. With this out of the way, the only thing left to do with Marble is to stick her in a carrier and show up at the airport with her. Additionally, if an import permit is issued/presented with different requirements, it may be used to create an alternative health certificate to meet those stated requirements. Visayas Ave., Diliman, Quezon City. The cat and dog shall be subjected to an in-house quarantine for 30 days. (632) 8928.2429 (632) 8925.4343 you dont need to bring your dog there, just bring the 'health certificate' from your dog's vet. Additionally, if an import permit is issued/presented with different requirements, it may be used to create an alternative health certificate to meet those stated requirements. CLIENT STEP: AGENCY ACTION Upon receipt of the application form or request letter, the BAI will issue the Import Permit which is valid for two months. Bureau of Animal Disease Control : PERMIT REQUIREMENTSFOR PRIVATE LABORATORY TO CONDUCT EQUINE INFECTIOUS ANEMIA (EIA) TESTS ; 585.671, Florida Statutes ; 5C-18.003 and 5C-18.004, Florida Administrative Code. The Bureau of Animal Industry, National Veterinary Quarantine Services building. 1. 1 review of Bureau of Animal Industry "Commonly known as BAI, this is where the government conglomerate all their animal-related offices and solve animal-related issues all over the country. Health certificate issued by a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) veterinarian or USDA-accredited veterinarian 3. Posted at Jan 07 2019 11:58 PM. Visayas Avenue, BAI Compound, Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila . Facebook; Twitter ; LinkedIn; Watch also in iWant or TFC.tv. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Share. No. Nebraska Animal Health Permit System * USDA worked with the United States Animal Health Association (USAHA) and the National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) to provide a single website for import requirements for each state. (632) 8924.7980 Mandatary identification of pet dog or cat with ISO compliant microchip/ RFID (radio-frequency identification). Philippines 1101 (632) 8929.8074 Email: nmisoed@gmail.com 17.2 RECORDS OF THE BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY 1864-1962. Quezon City, Philippines Electronic Export Declaration System; Electronic Transit Admission Permit System; Electronic Bring-In and Bring-Out; Department of Agriculture. Rate. Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) National Veterinary Quarantine Service. Online services for pet relocation are also available nowadays but most are limited only to major cities. Visayas Avenue, Diliman Certain products require government permission to be exported. The license is valid for 30 days. 2.The animals must be four (4) months of age or above. Website: http://bafs.da.gov.ph, 692 San Andres Street, Malate, Please visit the AVA website at sfa.gov.sg/ava. Import permit issued by the Philippines' Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) 2. Waze. The letter would need to contain the following information: a. species and breed of animal b. sex, age and number of animals c. expected date of arrival 3. (632) 8924.7973 You can refer to these guidelines at. Dr. Michael Short Animal Industry Director (850) 410-0900 (850) 410-0957 Fax AnimalIndustry@FDACS.gov THE WAY FORWARD │ Level Up Philippine Agriculture! COCONUT & BY PRODUCTS . Get an import permit from the Philippine Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI). (632) 8922.3368 Website design … No. Issuance of Permit for Local Shipment of Meat (Fresh, Frozen) Issuance of Permit for Local Shipment of Uncooked, Processed Meat (tocino, … Contact: Bureau of Animal Industry National Veterinary Quarantine Service Visayas Ave., Diliman, Quezon City 1128 Tel. Ronnie D. Domingo, DVM, MSc. Bureau of Animal Industry Visayas Avenue, Quezon City 2. Bureau of Animal Industry defends importation of frozen pork from Belgium. Issuance of permit to cut coconut trees; Issuance … Footer Title. Where’s the Bureau of Animal Industry? Accreditation And Licensing Section To accredit importers and exporters of animals and animal products/by-products, and issue Veterinary Quarantine Clearance (VQC) and other permits related to international trade of animals and animal products/by-products. (632) 928 2836 Website:www.bai.da.gov.ph *Always inquire for new rates on inspection fees . No. Note that the 'health certificate' expires after 10 days. No. … Animal Health Division* Bureau of Animal Industry Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines Telephone no. If you have a habit of watching the early morning news program, chances are you’ll encounter a man of virtue and simplicity being interviewed about a certain issue on the animal industry. Accreditation, Licensing, Registration & Other Related Services, Bureau of Agricultural and Fisheries Engineering, Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization, Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries, Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority, Philippine Fisheries Development Authority, Accreditation of Civil Society Organizations, Advisory on Accreditation of Civil Society Organizations, List of Accredited Civil Society Organizations (National Level), List of Accredited Civil Society Organizations (Regional Level), Agricultural Credit and Financing Programs, Agriculture and Fisheries Information Services, Special Projects Coordination & Management Assistance, Accreditation of Organic Certification Bodies (OCBs), Registration to the National Seed Industry Council, Plant Operations Standards and Monitoring, Issuance of Certificate of Hazard Analysis, Issuance of Fish Health Laboratory Results, Issuance of Sanitary & Phytosanitary Clearance to Import (Old Clients), Issuance of Sanitary & Phytosanitary Clearance to Import (New Applicants), Issuance of Export Permit for Fish and By-Products (Old Clients), Issuance of Export Permit for Fish and By-Products (New Applicants), Inspection and Clearance of Imported/Incoming Fish and By-Products via the MDA/NAIA, Issuance of Clearance to Import Fishing Vessels, Issuance of Commercial Fishing/Gear License, Registration of Organic Food and Input Producers/Establishments, Plant Material Certification for Foundation Trees, Plant Material Certification for Nursery Seedings, Plants and Plant Species Identification and Certification, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Certification Program, Good Animal Husbandry Practices (GAHP) Certification Program, Licensing of Fertilizer and Pesticide Dealers, Issuance of Certificate and Accreditation ID, Licensing of Fertilizer Dealers/Repackers, Registration of Pesticide/Biorational Products. 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