Fans didn't know what her fate would be, and she almost never seemed totally evil like Dooku and Grievous. Mother Talzin, leader of the Nightsisters, veils Asajj and her fellow assassins in a cloak of invisibility, and they infiltrate Dooku's palace on Serenno. Serious money. The magic battle isn't technically a part of the duel, however, so won't mention it? How, exactly? Oops, already did. Rápidamente, su sensibilidad a la Fuerza se manifestó, asustando a su padre quien odiaba y temía a aquellos que la poseían tildándolos de rarezas. Result: Nobody dies from the duel, though Anakin and Obi-Wan are not playing to kill. Episode 109: “Cloak of Darkness,” Episode 312: “Nightsisters,” Episode 313: “Monster,” Episode 314: “Witches of the Mist,” and Episode 419: “Massacre” Betrayed by her Master, Count Dooku, in these episodes we see Ventress’ instincts of self-preservation and revenge on full display. Count Dooku, also known as Darth Tyranus or Lord Tyranus, was a Human Jedi Master and the former Padawan of Jedi Grand Master Yoda as well as the official head of state of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Kit Fisto, Kanan vs. Maul, and a few others. ... would annihilate them and could use telekinesis to render them all useless while I think that they stand a chance if savage and ventress create an opening for dooku to use his force lightning which we know Vader is weak to thanks to his suit. You're hurting Skyguy's feelings, and ours too. Make no mistake, that's all this fight is for him. We already saw Dooku vs Savage in 1 vs 1 and it ... Sidious indicates Maul was always intended to be his successor and heir prior to his apparent "demise" at the end of Episode 1. In any case, you've got two curved hilt sabers, Dooku's special curved saber, and a double-bladed saber all going at the same time. Report Post | Link. All of the man's class got funneled into his dueling technique and his cape usage, it would seem. If it’s in character, and they have no knowledge about his potential weakness to Lightning (Retconned actually in canon, but whatever) Vader could pull through by killing Savage as soon as possible, then working his way to Dooku. Didn't he modify his suit to resist such attacks? Yo dawg, we heard you like Kit Fisto! The Daughter and the Son of Mortis are breaking out every trick they have, and the two scenes happening at once is extraordinary. Result: They all survive, with both Ventress and Savage pointed in new directions. However, the same might have been said of Maul. It’s not that bad if you really look at it. They both had a tough season. If you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit... then welcome home, my friend. It's the two most powerful Force-users in the galaxy going at it, and it's being done with Season 6-level animation. He calls on Dooku, and the two of them work up some Sith magic to screw with Yoda while he's on the Sith planet Moraband. They knew Dooku was, but they didn't know if he was the master or apprentice. Sidious expressly forbade Dooku to treat her as a Sith or an apprentice. They've had years to perfect the animation, and Ray Park personally did some motion capture for it. Is this just the darkness talking, or does Ahsoka really hate it? It's so much fun to watch because you don't really know who is on what side (and when) in this fight. They lose Nute Gunray thanks to some unexpected betrayal, but they both survive. The Result: Savage is dead, dead, dead. Anakin would demand that we put it at the top of the list. He almost ignores Savage — in our headcanons, he gives Savage a pretty decent "ya basic.". Ventress takes a pounding, but she escapes into the next season where her development continues even further. This is leg day for Sidious, he didn't forget, and when he's had enough, he just blasts Maul with Force lightning, as if to say, "that was fun, thanks, but here's the deal...". We'd run into a burning building to save this scene. You come at the king, you'd best not miss. Being the biological brother of Darth Maul, he was found by Asajj Ventress to be used as a pawn in her plot to extract revenge on her former master, Dooku. There's death (and a death save) after the duel, however, and those moments have huge consequences. He's a Sidious pawn once again, as Sheev Palpatine showed him (and viewers) that there's just no messing around with the phantom menace of mayhem. Whatever Maul's big criminal plans were, they're now under the control of Sidious. It comes down to if he can beat dooku and maul. There is not one moment where Maul doesn't own this fight. They all have agendas and grievances, so all three try to kill each other at the same time. It's another giant step up in the animation department, but on a character level, there's just nothing that beats two former adversaries having to team up. That would prove to not be the case, but if it was? After Savage turns on Ventress as well and the three combatants split up, Ventress doesn't last long against him on her own. Maul and Savage have been romping around on Mandalore free as can be, with Maul possibly forgetting that he once had a master that can deal out death faster than Dexter Jettster can deal out saber dart information. Originally a tribal leader on Dathomir, Opress was handpicked by Asajj Ventress to become her mate and servant following her grueling tests of Selection, as part of her bid for revenge on her former Master, the Sith Lord Count Dooku. All of their constant "just get a room" bantering pays off here in a big way, with Ventress even tossing Kenobi one of her red lightsabers. He glides into the Mandalorian capital on the wings of a dream, reminds Maul that there can only be two, and that Maul is no longer his apprentice. Agreed. Yoda gets trapped within a vision, and we don't really know the stakes. Dooku figures out Palpatine plans to betray him. It would have been natural to assume Ventress was the apprentice up until the time Savage took her place. Vader vs Maul, Dooku, Savage, and Ventress. Back in the hands of a true Force user, we finally get to see what it can really do. Like Comic-Con. Maul misses, and Savage misses big. Factor in the presence of the darksaber, and you have a rad dad duel that makes our midi-chlorians jump up and down inside of our blood. Gora contactó con la Orden Jedi … If there not then Vader wins no matter what. I mean he was blasted point blank by Sidious and was still moving. Because of Star Wars Rebels (and other book/comic titles), we know that both Maul and Ahsoka survive the duel. Count Dooku of Serenno, also known by his Sith title Darth Tyranus, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas.He first appeared in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002), portrayed by Christopher Lee, who reprised his role in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005). Ventress was feisty and had a … Dooku continues to do the Dooku. Like it was ever going to be something else? This is the arc in which Ventress went in a completely unexpected and amazing direction — it is when we truly began to love her. Still, Yoda's "sacrifice" at the end of it is his final test and leads the way to him being able to manifest himself in the Force after death. Yeah, Sidious senses the shenanigans and decides that he could use some exercise. Cookies help us deliver our Services. The mid-air catch of his fallen former Padawan's lightsaber (going into the two-blade approach) is a great addition, and the flash of the famous Fisto smile (and escape) before the end makes it even better. How would vader fare against all 4 at the same time? If you don't, then my god Jed, I don't even want to know you. This fight features in the final episode of Season 6, and when it came out, for all we knew, it was the final episode of this entire show. Vizsla gets nowhere with the darksaber, so he breaks out every Mando trick he has. Yoda loses in order to win. Vader has a good chance at winning depending on how well they work together as a team. When Ahsoka gets bitten by the Son on Mortis and turns bad for an episode, she breaks out her new double lightsabers and shows what she can do with them. The Clone Wars presented fans with Dooku's apprentice Asajj Ventress, of whom Palpatine ordered the death.When Dooku attempted this, Asajj came back for revenge. Except every week in your inbox. The next time that they all meet, Anakin will tell Dooku that his powers have doubled since last they met. ), More posts from the whowouldwin community. This is also the episode in which Ahsoka wastes four Mandos at the same time, but that's not a duel, so we can't mention it. But the animation is gorgeous (as is everything on Mortis), and the way "dark Ahsoka" moves compared to real Ahsoka is a subtle but lovely touch. He manages to grapple Maul's legs at one point, but Maul cuts the wire away in a move that should be taught in ballet classes. It's another moment in which Sidious decides to personally come to town, and this time it's just because he's kind of annoyed? That would probably bring it to 5-6/10. Grievous doesn't fight fair, and Fisto knows it, so he smiles and peaces out. My friends think Vader would annihilate them and could use telekinesis to render them all useless while I think that they stand a chance if savage and ventress create an opening for dooku to use his force lightning which we know Vader is weak to thanks to his suit. Result: They all survive because they are going to repeat this exact setup in Revenge of the Sith. We're not really scared for Savage "dumbf**k" Opress because he had just hit the scene. comic 'The Many Deaths of Laila Starr', How Resident Alien transformed from a Dark Horse comic into a SYFY original series, From True Blood to Deathstroke, Joe Manganiello is living the dream, Who Won the Week: Cyberpunk 2077's Johnny Silverhand vs. Archenemy's Max Fist, Netflix's La Revolution and why we need more period horror pieces, 35 thoughts we had while watching the LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special, Share 10 lightsaber duels in Star Wars: The Clone Wars that get our midi-chlorians going on Facebook, Share 10 lightsaber duels in Star Wars: The Clone Wars that get our midi-chlorians going on Twitter, Share 10 lightsaber duels in Star Wars: The Clone Wars that get our midi-chlorians going on Reddit, Star Wars done right: The 15 best episodes of The Clone Wars, Star Wars: The Clone Wars explains why Padmé's pregnancy wasn't a galactic scandal. Savage, big dumb Savage, lumbers around and tries his best. His main problem is that he can't fight all 4 at once so if he could separate them he wins easily. Mace repeats Palpatine vs the brothers + Dooku stomps Ventress a second time or Dooku repeats Dooku vs Savage and Ventress and Mace beats Maul. Many of the duels that we're about to list do not end in fatality, actually — only two of them do. Dooku has story armor so we know he's okay, but anything can happen with Ventress and Savage. Thanks to this duel, Maul attains the darksaber. Sin embargo, Opress terminó rechazando a Ventress y a Dooku y casi mató a ambos. It was tough losing Ahsoka — time to bulk up. Ventress seleccionó al zabrak Savage Opress para ser entregado a Dooku como su nuevo asesino. "I've been looking forward to this...". Though the prospect of yet another Dooku/Anakin/Kenobi bro-down may not sound that exciting, it is worth keeping in mind that this is Season 6. That's right, Obi-Wan and Ventress now fight on the same side. It is a truth universally acknowledged that when you factor the darksaber into a duel, that duel automatically gets ranked higher. Her day of reckoning does come, but not yet. NEXT: The Clone Wars' Next Episode Could Leave Rex in a Heartbreaking Position Which team takes it? Every slash, swipe, and parry with this thing is gorgeous to look at, even though Ahsoka doesn't have much of a problem fighting off the man wielding it. Maul was shown to be pretty good with the force in the last season of Clone Wars.If the others distract Vader long enough for Dooku get a good lighting hit, they definitely win. He's never gonna get it, either. He certainly doesn’t destroy them immediately. Is Vader really susceptible to lightning? She says she hates it when he calls her that. Ventress is def not 'Jedi Master Tier+', and Savage has killed several masters b/f, but is lacking in literally all areas besides brute force/saber combat—areas where Vader is vastly, vastly superior. Come on. Sidious kills Savage ("I'm not like you, I never was"), and Maul rallies with the darksaber and his classic single red to take Sidious on solo. Way to go! We never need much of an excuse to dive back into the luminous beauty of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but the show's miraculous return has us returning to that mighty Force wellspring once more. Snoke 'em if you got em, Savage... ya burnt. They had a plan for that. Result: Everyone survives, but lessons are learned. Maul gets a taste of what it must have been like for Vizsla in the episode before this because he never comes remotely close to anything that could even dream of a hit. It doesn't matter. Come come, Mr. Kenobi... this duel should be shown in museums. Likely takes out Ventress and Savage but Dooku and Maul would be skilled enough to beat him. From the first, Vizsla is nowhere close to landing a single blow. Result: They all survive. True, she's fighting Anakin and Obi-Wan, so neither of them is fighting to kill. Maul being denied his revenge. RELATED: The Clone Wars: 10 Best Ventress Episodes. It is not likely to be topped... but Season 7 is here, after all. Oh, there's also a giant battle of Force magic happening at the same time while dark Ahsoka fights it out. there is no way anyone but dooku here could even put up a fight on their own. It is a huge moment for Yoda, for this series, and for Star Wars in general. Who comes to Obi-Wan's aid? This is of course assuming the 4 with are willing to work together. Maul's gonna be double-blading it again, and chronologically he still has the darksaber. Actually, the entire episode proves it. legends vader obliterates all of them with little to no difficulty, while movie vader could still win if he plays smart. This duel also has some serious stakes because we didn't know what Ahsoka's fate was at the time, and any moment like this had us afraid for her. Also good? self. Originally born to the Nightsisters, Asajj's Dathomirian mother was forced to give her up to a Siniteen criminal named Hal'Sted to protect the clan. In The Clone Wars episode "Witches of the Mist", he rather easily subdues Savage Opress while simultaneously keeping Ventress at bay. From a certain point of view, that might be what the entirety of The Clone Wars adds up to. Ahsoka also has mad moves. When you get right down to it, this duel is probably all about those moving tentacles. Asajj Ventress and Savage Opress wage a combined attack against Dooku, ... Dooku vs. His Apprentices. The way that Dooku twists and bends his body is insane, as is the way he points and uses his curved lightsaber. The duels up to this point had been enjoyable, but the series was obviously still finding its feet. The show hadn't yet dealt with the movement of hair, but tentacles? Savage and Maul, Ventress and Savage vs. Dooku, Asajj and the Nightsisters vs. Dooku, and the underrated Ahsoka vs. Anakin and Obi-Wan. The animation is at its pre-Season 7 best, and Dooku's particular style of dueling is masterful. The Jedi just keep doing what they're doing despite this new knowledge. The first half of the season is quite odd, with time-jump episodes happening all over the place, and a lot of politics too. Dooku was casually Force-choked by Sidious across the galaxy, and was incapable of doing anything to actually make him stop, until Sidious cut the link. Maul gets his bottom whipped. This duel comes in an episode right after the previous one, and once again the animation takes another step. What a way to go out. This was the duel that showed that the feet had been found. Mother Talzin, leader of the Nightsisters, veils Asajj and her fellow assassins in a cloak of invisibility, and they infiltrate Dooku's palace on Serenno. His best is basic. The difference is as clear as a sunny day in the void. Now, if we want to get into bare-handed brawling? (Not his real name, but just "Maul" without the "Darth" still feels weird.) In accordance with their plot against Dooku, Mother … Even Yoda snatched up her lightsabers without a fight . The thing that changes the most during this duel is that Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenoblivious finally find out that Dooku is Tyrannus, and Tyrannus is Dooku. Savage, Maul and Asajj don't like Dooku that much, and probably would simply focus on bringing him down first, leading to Vader picking off Savage then Asajj and Maul last. That's just how it works. Darksaber. Result: They both survive, but the duel (and the entire episode) is a big step in the journey of Ahsoka. "Find a brother, lose some revenge." That's all well and good, they're all enjoyable, but when you hit the Nightsisters arc mid-season, things get real. So too deserving mention is Ahsoka vs. the Inquisitors, Grievous vs. She was never given the Darth title. But Ventress survives Dooku's assassination attempt, and the jilted former apprentice vows to take revenge, enlisting the aid of her kinswomen -- the mystical Nightsisters -- in her sinister scheme. If we had to pick a side here, it would be hers. We saw it in action in Season 2, but two seasons later, it is a thing of majestic beauty, and things would only get more impressive. Savage’s only weapon is brute strength and that wouldn’t work against someone like Vader . Who doesn't enjoy one of those? Savage and Ventress are low tiers. 5 Witches of the Mist (Season 3, Episode 14) When Anakin and Obi-Wan come looking for Savage, Mother Talzin tells Ventress that she must act quickly and use Savage to kill Dooku before the Jedi can deal with him. It would easily be one of the harder fights Vader has had in his lifetime, but he still has a near even field. All of that together makes one heady broth, and it just might do the job. Season 4 is really hard on Obi-Wan Kenobi, ending with him getting the Jedi stuffing beaten out of him by Savage and the back-from-the-dead Maul. The real power of the duel is when it is over — Yoda makes the decision to save Anakin and sacrifice himself, and this ensures, in terms of the long game, that the Jedi will survive. Either way, that hurts, Snips. Neither would stand a chance alone (—Dooku probably could, though; his lightning would be very effective if we're talking about post-mustafar vader. Result: Both survive. Not for anyone else. Okay then, accepted. She can do a lot. Wvroom, wvroom, let's go. We don't get to see what Sidious is truly capable of in Revenge of the Sith because it involves real actors, and human bodies have limits. Maul is having fun, he's playing with Vizsla, and it really shows. Also? Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 3 Episode 14 Witches of the Mist [1080p] Anyway, these two are set for a furious duel of the fates on Mandalore, but that's not gonna be coming for several more weeks. They fight in the Mandalore Throne room. Savage Opress was a Dathomirian Zabrak Nightbrother and Dark Acolyte who lived during the Clone Wars. 4 opponents of pretty good lightsaber skill and force powers seem way too much for even Vader. Yoda's entire arc of Force discovery that closes out this season is some of the best Star Wars storytelling to happen in any medium, goodbye, the end. However, if he’s in Vader form outside of the suit he puts up a fight. But Ventress survives Dooku's assassination attempt, and the jilted former apprentice vows to take revenge, enlisting the aid of her kinswomen -- the mystical Nightsisters -- in her sinister scheme. Still, it's great fun to see someone other than a main character fight Grievous, and more Kit Fisto is always good. The biggest problems in this scenario are that they don't know Vader has lightning weakness and that Sith aren't well known for teamwork. Dooku nació en el planeta Serenno en el 102 ABY siendo hijo del gobernante del planeta, el Conde Gora, y su mujer, la Condesa Anya. Once one of the most respected members of the Jedi Order, the death of his former Padawan, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, as well as the corruption he saw in the Republic left him disillusioned with the Order, resulting in his de… , either peaces out when he calls her that affair, with both Ventress and Savage duel the! That bad if you do n't really know the stakes and she almost seemed! 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