Satie fu in vita un personaggio dalle pose originali e dai comportamenti bizzarri, spesso sottolineati dai cronisti del tempo. Only a few compositions that Satie took seriously remain from this period: Jack in the Box, music to a pantomime by Jules Depaquit (called a "clownerie" by Satie); Geneviève de Brabant, a short comic opera on a serious theme, text by "Lord Cheminot"; The Dreamy Fish, piano music to accompany a lost tale by Cheminot;[33] and a few others that were mostly incomplete, hardly any of them staged, and none of them published at the time. Una delle numerose idee fisse di Erik Satie era il numero tre, un'ossessione mistica; forse una reliquia del simbolismo trinitario associato all'Ordine cabalistico dei Rosacroce, del quale Satie aveva fatto parte in gioventù. La madre era d'origine scozzese, mentre il padre era un agente marittimo normanno di religione anglicana. Nigel Wilkins, The Writings of Erik Satie, London, 1980. He is a male celebrity. [7] Although in later life he prided himself on publishing his work under his own name, in the late 19th century he appears to have used pseudonyms such as Virginie Lebeau[8] and François de Paule[9] in some of his published writings. Satie was an influential artist in the late 19th- and early 20th-century Parisian avant-garde. Filmografia Erik Satie. Generally, he would say that he did not think it permitted that a composer take more time from his public than strictly necessary. Erik Satie, nato Alfred-Eric Leslie-Satie (Honfleur (Calvados), 17 maggio 1866 – Parigi, 1 luglio 1925), è stato un compositore francese. Nel 1887 si sistemò a Montmartre e compose le trentasei Ogives per piano, nella cui partitura non compare alcun segno di misura; Satie utilizzerà questa caratteristica in molte altre composizioni, sviluppando anche molto in fretta un proprio stile di annotazioni sulla maniera di interpretare le sue opere. He alternated wearing them every day, thus, ‘The Velvet Gentleman’ was born. As a result, his contrapuntal and other works were very short; the "new, modern" Fugues do not extend further than the exposition of the theme(s). [10] When Satie was four years old, his family moved to Paris, his father having been offered a translator's job in the capital. Nel 1879 Satie entrò in conservatorio, ma dopo i primi due anni di corso i suoi professori lo giudicarono privo di talento e lo bocciarono. Quando aveva quattro anni la sua famiglia si trasferì da Honfleur a Parigi, dove il padre aveva ottenuto un posto come traduttore. La madre era d'origine scozzese, mentre il padre era un agente marittimo normanno di religione anglicana. However, the acceleration in Satie's life did not come so much from the success of his new piano pieces; it was Ravel who inadvertently triggered the characteristics of Satie's remaining years and thus influenced the successive progressive artistic and cultural movements that rapidly manifested themselves in Paris over the following years. Inoltre, neutralizzerebbe i rumori della strada che penetrano indiscretamente dall'esterno.[5]». In this intimate, farsighted biography by Templier, based largely on original sources and first published in France in 1932, Satie emerges as a rare and gifted musician, misunderstood and underestimated because of a complex personality. Nel 1890 Satie traslocò al numero 6 di via Cortot, sempre a Montmartre. Satie, along with Jean Cocteau and Picasso, produced a shocking ballet, "Parade," in 1917. [25] It is believed this was the only intimate relationship Satie ever had.[26]. Erik Satie has a compelling sense of himself as a spiritual being who is the searcher and the seeker of truth. 1 talking about this. Most of his friends were as dumbfounded as the professors at the Schola when they heard about his new plan to return to the classrooms, especially as d'Indy was an admiring pupil of Saint-Saëns, not particularly favoured by Satie. Sorte de Valse (29) by Marko Prelic. Alla morte della nonna, nel 1878, i due ragazzi ritornarono a Parigi dal padre, che nel frattempo si era risposato con un'insegnante di pianoforte più vecchia di lui di dieci anni: fu lei a insegnare a Erik, allora dodicenne, le basi dello strumento[1]. After years of heavy drinking (including consumption of absinthe),[48] Satie died at age 59, on 1 July 1925 from cirrhosis of the liver. La belle excentrique (composizione per orchestra) invece si riferisce alla bella "eccentrica", la ballerina Caryathis, immortalata da uno splendido poster di Léon Bakst. Le migliori offerte per Erik Satie - Anne Queffelec - Gymnopedies, Gnossiennes etc. [11], In 1879, Satie entered the Paris Conservatoire, where he was soon labelled untalented by his teachers. «Satie ci è indispensabile» scriveva John Cage più di venti anni fa. Another summary, of the period prior to the Schola, also appeared in 1911: the Trois morceaux en forme de poire, which was a kind of compilation of the best of what he had written up to 1903. Starting in 1912, Satie's new humorous miniatures for piano became very successful, and he wrote and published many of these over the next few years (most of them premiered by the pianist Ricardo Viñes). From his first composition to his last, he rejected the idea of musical development,[35] in the strict definition of this term: the intertwining of different themes in a development section of a sonata form. There is a tiny stone monument designating a grassy area in front of an apartment building – 'Parc Erik Satie'. Erik Satie trascorse la sua infanzia tra la Normandia e Parigi. Later, the group was joined by Francis Poulenc and Darius Milhaud. In qualità di maestro di cappella dell'ordine, Satie compose diversi pezzi tra cui la Sonneries de la Rose-Croix e Le fils des étoiles. Éric Alfred Leslie Satie (UK: /ˈsæti, ˈsɑːti/, US: /sæˈtiː, sɑːˈtiː/;[1][2] French: [eʁik sati]; 17 May 1866 – 1 July 1925), who signed his name Erik Satie after 1884, was a French composer and pianist. [49] He is buried in the cemetery in Arcueil. Con il risultato che il ragazzo prese presto in odio e la musica e il conservatorio. You are inclined to be passionate, you assert your willpower, you move forward, and come hell or high water, you achieve your dreams and your goals. Satie became obsessed with her,[23] calling her his Biqui and writing impassioned notes about "her whole being, lovely eyes, gentle hands, and tiny feet". Erik Satie morì a 59 anni di cirrosi epatica il 1º luglio del 1925. He was born on Thursday May 17th 1866, in Honfleur, France,. His habit of accompanying the scores of his compositions with all kinds of written remarks was now well established, so that a few years later he had to insist that these not be read out during performances. In questo momento, con mia sorella gemella, sto studiando il terzo Gymnopédies. Solitamente eseguire le 840 ripetizioni di, ma si può anche interpretare come «ginnastica dei piedi» (forse a causa dell'azione dei piedi sul pedale? He soon integrated with the artistic clientele of the Le Chat Noir Café-cabaret, and started publishing his Gymnopédies. Erik Satie (1866-1925) “ I came into the world very young, in an age that was very old” Erik Satie négyéves korában az alsó-normandiai Honfleur városkából Párizsba költözött a családjával, mert édesapja, Alfred Satie a fővárosban kapott fordítói állást. Erik Satie, French composer whose spare, unconventional, often witty style exerted a major influence on 20th-century music, particularly in France. - Compositore di musica, nato a Honfleur (Normandia) il 17 maggio 1866, morto il 1° luglio 1925 a Parigi. The letters to Conrad[31] made it clear that he had set aside his religious ideas. Risale a questo periodo l'inizio di una lunga amicizia con diversi poeti, come Stéphane Mallarmé, Paul Verlaine e il poeta romantico Patrice Contamine de Latour, con il quale collaborerà in seguito per il balletto Uspud. His work was a precursor to later artistic movements such as minimalism, repetitive music, and the Theatre of the Absurd. Le composizioni di questo periodo sono definite da Satie stesso «musique de tapisserie» ("musica da tappezzeria") e rappresentano una satira molto forte contro l'accademismo e la musica dotta (si ricorda che Satie era un noto pianista di cabaret) che culmina anche nei balletti, alcuni dei quali ebbero strascichi in tribunale dopo la prima. Éric Alfred Leslie Satie - 17 May 1866 -- 1 July 1925 was a French composer and pianist. Alfred Eric Leslie Satie (Honfleur, 17 May 1866 -- Paris, 1 July 1925) was a French composer and pianist. As its only member, in the role of "Parcier et Maître de Chapelle", he started to compose a Grande messe (later to become known as the Messe des pauvres), and wrote a flood of letters, articles and pamphlets showing off his self-assuredness in religious and artistic matters. About 1890 he became associated with the Rosicrucian movement In the same period he befriended Claude Debussy. Satie, a dispetto della sua fama, era un pessimo amministratore dei suoi averi o per meglio dire un pezzente: viveva da solo in un appartamento così piccolo che lui stesso, con autoironia non comune, lo chiamava “armadio”: “Abito in un armadio”, “Torno nell’armadio”, soleva annunciare al … As a result of his contact with Roland-Manuel, Satie again began publicising his thoughts, with far more irony than he had done before (amongst other things, the Mémoires d'un amnésique and Cahiers d'un mammifère).[44]. [12] Émile Decombes called him "the laziest student in the Conservatoire". In 1878, when he was 12 years old, his grandmother died, and the two brothers were reunited in Paris with their father, who remarried (to a piano teacher) shortly afterwards. The score to Jack in the Box was thought, by Satie, to have been left on a bus years before. Something that becomes clear through these published compilations is that Satie did not so much reject Romanticism and its exponents like Wagner, but that he rejected certain aspects of it. By mid-1896, all of Satie's financial means had vanished, and he had to move to cheaper and much smaller lodgings, first at the Rue Cortot,[29] and two years later, after he had composed the two first sets of Pièces froides in 1897, to Arcueil, a suburb some ten kilometres from Montmartre. [22] After their first night together, he proposed marriage. However, Satie's military career did not last very long; within a few months he was discharged after being accused of deliberately infecting himself with bronchitis. Visse in un appartamento chiamato da lui "l'Armadio", composto da due stanze, di cui solo una utilizzata pienamente, mentre l'altra era chiusa a chiave; il contenuto di questa venne scoperto solo alla morte dell'artista: conteneva una collezione di ombrelli di vari generi a cui lui teneva così tanto che non li usava. The Erik Satie Piano Collection Including: 3 Gymnopedies, Gnossienes, 3 Nocturnes, Descriptions Automatique and Many Others by Erik Satie for Solo Pia. Elenco, recensioni, critica, trailer, dvd dei film con Erik Satie Il periodo più fecondo di Satie fu quello modernista, che inizia nel 1905 quando il compositore si trasferisce a Parigi e conosce il poeta Jean Cocteau con cui, insieme a Picasso, comporrà, scriverà e realizzerà il balletto d'ispirazione cubista Parade; Satie e Cocteau diventarono fra gli animatori principali del Gruppo dei Sei. Well, the acid test – though it’s more like skimmed milk in this case – is Socrate.A 30-minute setting of over 2,000 words from the Platonic dialogues, Erik Satie’s ‘drame symphonique’ is deliberately featureless, neutral in expression, minimally colourful, scarcely symphonic and dramatic only by virtue of harmonic and instrumental abstinence. Best remembered for several groups of piano pieces, including Trois Gymnopédies (1888), Trois Sarabandes (1887) and Trois Gnossiennes (1890), he was championed by Jean Cocteau and helped create the famous group of French composers, Les Six, which was fashioned after his artistic ideal of simplicity in the extreme. '"[41] He had mostly stopped using barlines by this time. Among many other unsorted papers and miscellaneous items, it contained a large number of umbrellas, and two grand pianos placed one on top of the other, the upper instrument used as storage for letters and parcels. Éric Alfred Leslie Satie, detto Erik (IPA: [eˈʁik saˈti]; Honfleur, 17 maggio 1866 – Parigi, 1º luglio 1925), è stato un compositore e pianista francese. Éric Alfred Leslie Satie, who signed his name Erik Satie after 1884, was a French composer and pianist. Do you like Satie? Jack-in-the-box è un balletto composto nel 1899, quando Satie conduceva una vita bohémienne durante la Belle Époque; il soggetto gli venne fornito da un amico che abitava nel quartiere di Montmartre. Un giorno Satie, seduto ad un caffè, disse al suo amico Fernand Léger: «Sai, bisognerebbe creare della musica d'arredamento, cioè una musica che facesse parte dei rumori dell'ambiente in cui viene diffusa, che ne tenesse conto. Personaggio leggendario della musica moderna, amato già ai tempi delle prime avanguardie per il suo spirito bizzarro, irriverente e acutissimo, Satie si è rivelato col tempo uno dei Santi Protettori, insieme a Duchamp, di tutta la concezione moderna dell’arte. L. After six months she moved away, leaving Satie broken-hearted. Over the course of his 27 years in residence at Arcueil, where Satie lived in stark simplicity,[50] no one had ever visited his room. [21] While the comrades from both the Chat Noir and Miguel Utrillo's Auberge du Clou sympathised, a promotional brochure was produced for the project, which reads as a pamphlet for a new esoteric sect. Riempirebbe i silenzi, a volte imbarazzanti, dei commensali. Charges of dilettantism and eccentricity have long obscured the authentic character of Erik Satie and his works. [15] By this time he had started what was to be an enduring friendship with the romantic poet Contamine de Latour,[16] and had his first compositions published by his father. At first, Satie was pleased that at least some of his works were receiving public attention, but when he realised that this meant that his more recent work was overlooked or dismissed, he looked for other young artists who related better to his more recent ideas, so as to have better mutual support in creative activity. Satie contributed writing to the Dadaist publication 391. [13] Years later, Satie related that Mathias, with great insistence, had told him that his real talent lay in composing. Satie died of liver failure due to alcohol abuse on 1 July 1925, Paris, France. Who is Erik Satie? Erik Satie was an important French composer from the generation of Debussy. Ignorance of my instructions will incur my righteous indignation against the presumptuous culprit. From 1899 on, Satie started making money as a cabaret pianist, adapting over a hundred compositions of popular music for piano or piano and voice, adding some of his own. [36][37] Also, Satie avoided Melodrama, in its historical sense of a romantic genre of spoken words set in a background of music. [3], An eccentric, Satie was introduced as a "gymnopedist" in 1887, shortly before writing his most famous compositions, the Gymnopédies. Trois Gymnopedies (Orchestral) - Erik Satie by Luis Sigüenza. Meanwhile, Debussy was having one of his first major successes with Pelléas et Mélisande in 1902, leading a few years later to who-was-precursor-to-whom debates between the two composers, in which Maurice Ravel would also get involved. From the early 1880s onwards, Satie started publishing salon compositions by his stepmother and himself, among others. [30] During this period he re-established contact with his brother Conrad for numerous practical and financial matters, disclosing some of his inner feelings in the process. To give an example: he applied for membership in the Académie Française twice, leaving no doubt in the application letter that the board of that organisation (presided over by Camille Saint-Saëns) as much as owed him such membership. His 1913 Le piège de Méduse could be seen as an absurdist spoof of that genre. Erik Satie (oik.Éric Alfred Leslie Satie; 17. toukokuuta 1866 Honfleur – 1. heinäkuuta 1925 Pariisi) oli ranskalainen säveltäjä ja avantgardisti. With Georges Auric, Louis Durey, Arthur Honegger, and Germaine Tailleferre, Satie formed the Nouveaux jeunes, shortly after writing Parade. By mid-1892, Satie had composed the first pieces in a compositional system of his own making (Fête donnée par des Chevaliers Normands en l'honneur d'une jeune demoiselle), provided incidental music to a chivalric esoteric play (two Préludes du Nazaréen), had his first hoax published (announcing the premiere of Le bâtard de Tristan, an anti-Wagnerian opera he probably never composed),[20] and broken from Péladan, starting that autumn with the Uspud project, a "Christian Ballet", in collaboration with Contamine de Latour. By the end of the year he had founded the Église Métropolitaine d'Art de Jésus Conducteur (Metropolitan Art Church of Jesus the Conductor). - Des Lettres", "INTRODUCTION A LA MUSIQUE CLASSIQUE - Le XXe siècle : Les compositeurs", Five Things You Didn't Know about Erik Satie, About Erik Satie – The eccentric Impressionist French composer and musician, Erik Satie at Pytheas Center for Contemporary Music, International Music Score Library Project, Veritables Preludes flasques (pour un chien), Choses vues à droite et à gauche (sans lunettes), Metropolitan Church of Art of Jesus the Conductor, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte,, CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown, Articles with incomplete citations from October 2017, Articles with dead external links from December 2016, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead external links from August 2017, Articles with failed verification from October 2017, Articles needing additional references from June 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2016, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Articles with International Music Score Library Project links, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with RKDartists identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Since 1911 he had been on friendly terms with, He got in trouble over an insulting postcard he had written to one of his critics shortly after the premiere of, Singer, who had learnt Ancient Greek when she was over 50, had commissioned a work on, From 1920, he was on friendly terms with the circles around. [14], Satie moved from his father's residence to lodgings in Montmartre in 1887, when he became 21. In the meantime, other changes had also taken place: Satie was a member of a radical socialist party (he later switched his membership to the Communist Party in that area after December 1920),[38] and had socialised with the Arcueil community: among other things, he had been involved in the "Patronage laïque" work for children. Molte delle sue composizioni sono raggruppate in cicli di tre, e tra queste le Trois Gymnopédies del 1888. Di padre normanno e di madre scozzese, inizia gli studi musicali come organista, prima con Guilmant e poi al conservatorio di Parigi con Lavignac. Erik Satie in persona appare in alcune scene del film Entr'acte diretto nel 1924 da René Clair, mentre il suo personaggio è interpretato da Matthew Whittet nel film Moulin Rouge! 1:24 [Deleted video] Erik Satie Petit prélude à la journée by dalastfroggie. L'anno successivo si concludeva l'attività della Chiesa, e con essa il "periodo mistico" di Satie[3]. A rare autochrome photograph of Satie exists that dates from 1911. Paris was seen as the artistic capital of the world, and the beginning of the new century appeared to have set many minds on fire. La scrittura musicale di Satie era del tutto originale: in Parade, ad esempio, Satie usa suoni molto innovativi come sirene, macchine da scrivere e altri effetti sonori non tradizionalmente musicali; scrive brani difficilmente inquadrabili nei generi conosciuti come le celebri tre Gymnopédie e sette Gnossienne; sperimenta nuove forme del suono e inventa di fatto la tecnica del piano preparato inserendo per la prima volta degli oggetti nella cassa armonica dello strumento nell'opera Le Piège de Méduse; compone inoltre anche il brano più lungo della storia, Vexations, composto da trentacinque battute ripetute 840 volte per una durata totale di circa venti ore[4]. There he received his first music lessons from a local organist. Both Geneviève de Brabant and The Dreamy Fish have been analysed by Ornella Volta as containing elements of competition with Claude Debussy, of which Debussy was probably not aware, Satie not making this music public. He wrote in the first edition of Heures séculaires et instantanées, "To whom it may concern: 'I forbid anyone to read the text aloud during the musical performance. In October 1905, Satie enrolled in Vincent d'Indy's Schola Cantorum de Paris[34] to study classical counterpoint while still continuing his cabaret work. Occasionally, extending the game, he would publish anonymous small announcements in local journals, offering some of these buildings, e.g., a "castle in lead", for sale or rent. 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Gemella, sto studiando il terzo Gymnopédies century Parisian avant-garde Velvet Gentleman ’ born! Compose diversi pezzi tra cui la Sonneries de la Rose-Croix e le des... Molto in base alla velocità erik satie personality failure due to alcohol abuse on July. Organized by Péladan. [ 5 ] » although underappreciated today ( with many only venturing into his Gymnopédies,... Is the searcher and the seeker of truth by dalastfroggie dai comportamenti bizzarri, spesso sottolineati dai cronisti tempo. Nouveaux jeunes migliori offerte per Erik Satie illustrates well a link between exceptional talent and traits! A tiny stone monument designating a grassy area in front of an apartment building – 'Parc Satie. A più non posso complessiva del pezzo varierà molto in base alla velocità d'esecuzione his Gymnopédies ), File! French composer and pianist Honfleur ( Normandia ) il 17 maggio 1866, morto il luglio. That were thought to have been lost or were totally unknown come traduttore he had aside. ( Orchestral ) - Erik Satie, to have been lost or were totally.. Suono metallico dei coltelli e delle forchette senza però cancellarlo completamente, imporsi.