Sacred geometry brings about certain effects of healing, harmonizing and rebalancing on all levels. Navigation de l’article ← Fichier média précédent. This body radiates light energy and links you and you as a multidimensional self, with the infinite universe. The molecules of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snowflakes, flower petals, crystals, a shell, the stars, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms are created out of geometric codes. For example, the hexagonal shapes of a honeycomb, or the spiral on many snail shells were seen by philosophers as providing clues to the underlying structure of the world. You, or anyone with the link, can use it to retrieve your Cart at any time. The Platonic Solids are thought of as the sacred geometry ‘building blocks’ of the Universe that were taught in the Greek Mystery Schools 2,500 years ago (these are tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron & icosahedron). The healing symbols help people on multiple levels, from physical complaints to emotional healing, mental health, relationships, past trauma, developing intuition, releasing stress, soul/spiritual connection, and planetary and universal level alignments. I was going through a lot of inner child trauma at the time, and I found meditating with the symbols (especially the flower of life), and also using crystal grids in the geometric shapes, incredibly beneficial. In addition to outlining the background and basic meanings of numbers and shapes, it outlines the use of sacred geometry in the arts and architecture. When using them in meditation or healing, they can bring about an energetic shift in your being and in your consciousness, creating healing and re-balancing. The Fibonacci and Golden mean ratio (all shapes come back to this mathematical formula). Thus every creation … I would use this only under the guidance of someone who understand how to use it. The essence of the matter is recognition of the patterns of Creation. If you're not sure what the term sacred geometry means, it refers to the study of shapes and mathematical formulas that appear in nature. The application of sacred geometry can be found in many civilizations around the world. Understanding Sacred Geometry and the Flower of Life is a lavishly illustrated book about the beauty that is present within all levels of manifestation. However, if you break these Platonic Solids down to their simplest forms, they form the triangle, square, circle, spiral, and straight line. These Platonic Solids are considered the foundation of everything in the physical world, revealing the unity in all things. Surrounding oneself with Sacred Geometry is akin to immersion in a coherent energy field that assists with alignment with nature and the true self. ‘As above, so below’, connects heaven and earth. These are the basic ‘sacred geometric shapes (above).’, The Pyramid contains the spiral, the golden mean ratio, the triangle and square. Throughout history, spiritual teachers, mystics, and sages have applied meanings to the shapes and patterns present in nature. It is considered a sacred symbol universally, and said to also contain within it the ‘blue print of, creation’, the ‘building blocks’ of the universe – which we call the “Platonic Solids”. It can be inspirational and therapeutic. See also: Entheogen Plant Medicine – A Beginner’s Guide. The spiral is. Even though our logo looks quite simple (three interlocking triangles), its … Without any understanding of the Living Mathematic... Read More. The term sacred geometry describes the geometrical laws which create everything in existence. Merkaba, also spelled Merkabah, translates literally to light, spirit, body. Crystal healing. Researchers have long theorized that sacred geometry may have been referenced by its layout and design. Many teachings have described Sacred Geometry as the blueprint of creation and the genesis, the origin of all form. OG Sacred Geometry... "There exist a very common geometry in the universe. She also uses crystal grids to this effect. Experiencing geometry in this way naturally feels sacred. Michelle Harris is the founder of the draco dragon healing symbols system, a crystal healing system, which uses symbols that are based on sacred geometry and that bring about healing and unification. The spiral ‘spirals’ up to connect the physical self to the Higher Self, and all levels of our being (inter-dimensionally) and into the core of the Earth. Rechercher : Articles récents. The merkabah is like two pyramids interlocking, STAR OF DAVID (OR MERKABAH IN ITS 2D FORM). It creates high spiritual and psychic energy, for healing, protection, connecting with spiritual beings in other dimensions, and manifestation. Sacred geometry is a universal language that describes the inner workings of nature and the intrinsic order of the universe. The symbols are like codes that assist you in your journey of life, but also can be used more consciously to bring about deep soul awakening and connection to our true divine essence. The Pyramid of Giza in Egypt was built to create the energy that facilitated connection with the spiritual realms. However “free will” is the #1 law of the universe and this explains duality and the variables. It can be enjoyed by those with a passion for science and mathematics, as well as those of a more artistic and intuitive persuasion. The geometrical archetypes reveal the nature of each form and its vibrational resonance, symbolizing the inseparable relationship between everything and everyone, which ultimately makes up our whole matrix and the universe at large – embodying oneness. We even heard reports about some of the symbols crashing the game, but we are not sure whether or not it is true. Sacred Geometry forms are sacred universal patterns used in the design of everything in our reality. Sacred Geometry, by the way, is where the ‘mystery of all creation’ meets science, and any sceptics out there might enjoy further study, which will transport you from the Atomic Tables via mathematics to the myth of Atlantis and crop circles in the wink of an eye (which, as you will discover, embodies a very special shape known as a vesica piscis, and more, much more…) Your Shopping Cart will be saved with Product pictures and information, and Cart Totals. We sat down with wellness practitioner Michelle Harris to examine some of the beautiful patterns and shed some light on their meaning. Crystals themselves can transmit sacred geometric codes and so when they are held or applied to the body/chakras, their energetic vibrations affect healing and re-balancing on all levels. cssslider by v8.7. connected to the flow of energy through the chakras as they spin in a circle. Platonic Solids. For example, to help create better boundaries, we can use a circle of (red) stones. The spiral is the spiral shape as a double helix in the DNA of each cell. Star of David grid – this activates the Merkabah and is a very powerful grid. Empty cart. It is said that every natural pattern of growth or movement comes back to one or more geometric shapes. This is a great reminder of the connection to all in life – people, objects, nature, everything. It is said that every natural pattern of growth or movement comes back to one or more geometric shapes. It has been around since ancient times. The Flower of Life is an element of sacred geometry art made up of seven overlapping symmetrical circles. The base of a pyramid (which creates the balance/stability). The intersection of the 2 lines is where ‘heaven and earth’ meet, and the result of their union is mankind (symbolized by the cross). The symbols are like ‘super-charged’ focused intention for healing or whatever the symbol is being used for. The Meaning of Sacred Geometry. Sacred geometry is considered an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of creation organizes itself. ‘As above, so below’, connects heaven and earth. There are patterns in nature as well. It is the natural sanction that unites all forms of life… from microbes, plants, animals and humans to the motions of the planets and stars. Les Formes n’ont rien à cacher ! In nature we find patterns, designs and structures from the most minuscule particles, to expressions of life discernible by human eyes, to the greater cosmos. It represents the blueprint/code from which all creation is derived from and it is a window into the unity of the physical world and spirituality. But the triangle is a symbol that underlies all of them. It is one of the few subjects to satisfy both right and left brain hemispheres simultaneously. The pyramid contains the number of divinity, 3 (the 3 sides to each triangle) plus the number of mankind, 4 ( 4 sides of the square). Triangle symbolizes balance, harmony, completion. Triangle grid – encourages to rise upwards to “higher consciousness’. SOME CRYSTAL GRIDS USING THE SACRED GEOMETRIC SHAPES AND HOW THEY MAKE YOU FEEL: Circle grid – feeling of safety, boundaries, feeling secure and protected, Square grid – creates a foundation or base to build from, practical, ‘earthy’, grounding. Certainly, they have for me, as I have explored them through my own healing and empowerment journey. SACRED-GEOMETRY.COM is dedicated to bringing the power of sacred geometry and the wonderfully patterned beauty of Creation, to your life. To create crystal grids in sacred geometric shapes, you sit inside the crystal grids in the shape required as you meditate and feel their healing benefits. As described in depth in ‘What’s the Point’ the second article, or lesson, in this series on the meaning of Sacred Geometry, it was explained that the entire process of Sacred Geometry begins with a mere point.From that initial point either a straight line or a circle may be generated. Some energy healing practices and symbols are used specifically like this. Repetitive exposure to these ideas often reveals deeper understanding. Everything in nature is made up of patterns, structures, and designs from the smallest atom to the infinite universe. The top or apex of the pyramid represents the highest point of spiritual attainment, the body of the structure is the ‘journey’ or ascent to enlightenment, spiraling upwards. Examples are the graceful swirl of a nautilus shell, the crystalline structures of the mineral kingdom, and the remarkable patterns found in snowflakes and flowers. But the triangle is a symbol that underlies all of them. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. These are the basic ‘sacred geometric shapes (above).’. Michelle also offers her popular life and soul empowerment programs to create balance and wellbeing. Often referred to as the "architecture of the universe" Sacred Geometry is found throughout the natural world. The Fibonacci and Golden mean ratio (all shapes come back to this mathematical formula). You can activate this vehicle of light around your own body with practiced meditation and breathing techniques. Sacred Geometry is an evolved intelligence, a collection of experience that can communicate huge amounts of information; this information holds a frequency that assists us to hold our own frequency. The Merkaba Symbol is a shape made of 2 intersecting tetrahedrons that spin in opposite directions, creating a 3-dimensional energy field. All Sacred Geometry shapes explained in detail. The 5 Platonic Solids 2,500 years ago, Pythagoras, who lived contemporary to Buddha, surmised th... Read More. The Pyramid of Giza in Egypt was built to create the energy that facilitated connection with the spiritual realms. You can often see the Flower of Life or Seed of Life in a mandala, as well as circles, spirals, triangles, etc. These are templates through which the foundation of life can be expressed. This particular use of geometry focuses on patterns and shapes found in the natural world, with ties to a history of religious iconography. 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They knew that these patterns and codes were symbolic of our own inner realm and were significant to higher consciousness and self-awareness. Although the emphasis is on the Western tradition, the course also looks at sacred geometry in other traditions, including within Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism … Michelle Harris is the founder of the draco dragon healing symbols system, a crystal healing system, which uses symbols that are based on sacred geometry and that bring about healing and unification. The pyramid contains the number of divinity, 3 (the 3 sides to each triangle) plus the number of mankind, 4 ( 4 sides of the square). Or you can also sit and meditate whilst looking at these grids, and feel their effects. The patterns can be broken down into a language of mathematics that rules the entirety of our visible and invisible world. Each geometric shape has a specific energy vibration and intention, and feeling of energy. The merkabah is like, I was going through a lot of inner child trauma at the time, and I found meditating with the symbols (especially the flower of life), and also using crystal grids in the geometric shapes, incredibly, Entheogen Plant Medicine – A Beginner’s Guide, Crystals themselves can transmit sacred geometric codes and so when they are held or applied to the body/chakras, their energetic vibrations affect healing and re-balancing on all levels. The Pyramid contains the spiral, the golden mean ratio, the triangle and square. But sacred geometry is a broad term, covering a range of interpretations by tattoo artists around the world. These are templates through which the foundation of life can be expressed. See also: Akashic Records – What are they? exists by itself (and then it created a replica of itself. the physical world, revealing the unity in all things. It can be inspirational and therapeutic. The spiral is the spiral shape as a double helix in the DNA of each cell. And you can also use in them in a mindful movement meditation: You can dance, move or walk, in a spiral shape. Many teachings have described Sacred Geometry as the blueprint of creation and the genesis, the origin of all form. The pyramids were used for initiations, and in transporting to ‘other realms.’ They were used by the initiates to go through a kind of death and become ‘transformed’ or ‘reborn’. Sacred-Geometry-Flower-of-Life-Explained-Destination-Deluxe-570×381. It is a fun, creative and personal way to explore your inner self, express feelings, merge inner and outer worlds, and also use it as a manifestation tool. The world and the universe around us are filled with sacred geometry. It is possible to experience the resonance of Sacred Geometry in many aspects of life including Water, music, food and more. It is considered a sacred symbol universally, and said to also contain within it the ‘blue print of creation’, the ‘building blocks’ of the universe – which we call the “Platonic Solids”. Sacred geometry is a discipline or field of knowledge that ascribes symbolic and sacred meanings to certain geometrical shapes. This video is helpful for understanding Sacred Geometry as the genesis of Creation. “Geometry existed before the creation.” The platonic solids are thought of as the sacred geometry ‘building blocks’ of the Universe that were taught in the Greek Mystery Schools 2,500 years ago (these are tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron & icosahedron). It represents the relationships between Source & humanity. Certain naturally occurring shapes and forms are mysteriously pleasing to the human eye. Rising upwards, it elevates us to Higher Consciousness. Because it is a ‘doing’ activity (rather than a ‘reading’ or ‘observing’ activity) it directly appeals to the rational side of our brains. life, but also can be used more consciously to bring about deep soul awakening and connection to our true divine essence. Mark Booth, author of The Secret History of the World wrote, “Modern science tries to enforce a narrow, reductive view of our consciousness. It is said that every natural pattern of growth or movement comes back to one or more, The molecules of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snowflakes, flower petals, crystals, a shell, the stars, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms are created out of geometric, Sacred geometry as I have worked with it, contains high frequencies of energy and light that can activate, heal, awaken, and transform. ” is the # 1 law of the few subjects to satisfy right. Of ( red ) stones through which the foundation of everything in the universe around us, creating a energy... 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