Asalamualikum, few days ago my father was angry on me and he told me take oath of him,I was scared and took the oath, the oath was that I should not specific game in my phone which made me addicted to it and, I was getting distracted from my studies , now when I asked my father he allowed me to play will, it be a kaffarah? I am healthy and young it’s not coz of healthy reasons or not it’s just that it’s so hard to fast every other day . Now If My Mom Wants To Know The Truth (3) The words of Qawwali must be free from immorality and impurity and they must not be void. (Maliki example) Qiyas is to take a legislated ruling that is specific to a matter and make it general; as in comparing two similar … So, if your mom does that you should let her know that it is not allowed in Islam for you to take an oath on her. AND REMEMBER YOUR LORD WHEN YOU FORGET” [SOORAH AL-KAHF (18): 23] Please help me, what do I need to do? You are not allowed to take an oath with anyone as a witness except Allah. If you would like to read more on this topic then below are a few links which will help you : Jazakallah!! I took an oath to avoid a particular type of sin in the name of Allah say for a year. So, saying that Allah will never forgive someone is a mistake in our belief. The one taking the oath must be sane and mature. Once I was talking to my wife and she made me taking a oath that I won’t talk about a specific topic ever in my life with her. Anyone without the means to do so should fast three days. Oaths are taken only with Allah as a witness and no one else. Istislah is to consider whatever is best for the common good of society.. An oath upon your father is not valid (and it is not allowed). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Zazak Allahu Khairan, My 26 year old son has very servere mental illness and I made a oath saying Allah never heals my mentally ill son if I except back the TV I borrowed to his big brother. Example: In Morocco, a girl was forced to marry the man who molested her. Please refer to the link below regarding this issue. I took oath oh my father ! Wallahi Wallahi Wallahi brothers if you know what this people do all in the name of Islam you will cry to death. Assalamualaikum. Shias rely on these lies to fuel their hatred for the wives and companions of … Okay I Have A Problem In Understanding It. 6298. However, this is only valid if he says inshallah without a long pause. Of course, if you feed more, Allah will give you reward for taking care of the poor . However, just saying “I will come and clean your backyard” doesn’t make it an oath. May Allaah help you and forgive your sin. Islamically, your oath is not a valid oath so if you were to break it, you wouldn’t have to pay kaffarah. In the very next moment I realised I made a big mistake by making the oath on Allah’s name because I was angry at my wife. }[Quran 2:207] As regards the letter Taa’a, if it is added to the word "Allah", it only means swearing by Allah. Meaning of Wallaahi Billaahi and Tallaahi Es selamu alejkum May Allah reward you for your work I want you to ask you what does the word Wallahi Billahi Tallahi means Thank you for the answer All perfect praise be to Allaah The Lord of the Worlds I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah and that Muhammad sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam is His slave and Messenger … She is close to me I can’t see her not eating torturing herself n I also can’t do what she’s forcing me to do . If you take an oath, you MUST fulfil it. He replied by saying that there is an effective remedy for it, which is to ignore them completely, no matter how frequently they may come to mind. You prayed against yourself that you would not be helped to be successful, when you knew that it was a false oath, and now you are saying that you are not successful in your life. The website states that "All questions and answers on this site have been prepared, approved, revised, … If you are going to fast, then that’s all that is needed :). May Allah give your son Shifa. Ameen, Your email address will not be published. Sin’s do affect a person in this life and in the next. If you vow to do something and you don’t, then you have to atone for it (kaffarah). Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who took an oath and then found another thing better than (this) should expiate for the oath (broken) by him and do (the better thing). I am interested in knowing what your sheikh says regarding this. Do we need to pay Kaffarat if oath made unintentional while we are angry?? to indicate beginning a new sentence to make a different point); like the saying of Allah "Wallaahu Rau’oofun Bil Ibaad" (which means): {And Allah is Kind to [His] servants. If you eat ice cream again, then you don’t have to pay the kaffarah again. I will be fasting for three consecutive days asa I can IA. It’s getting harder to keep the promise I kept to Allah . I smoke ciggs a lot and I try to quit a couple times it never happened and I said my mother wallahi I will never do it again. Assalamualikum I am trying everyday to be a better Muslim. Quoted below are some proofs : Do not make your oaths a means of deceiving one another or your foot will slip after it was firmly placed and you will taste evil for barring access to the Way of Allah and you will have a terrible punishment.” (16:92) Dakhalan means deceit and treachery. The launching of in 1997 by Muhammad Al-Munajjid marked the beginning of an attempt to answer questions according to the Salafi school's interpretation of the Quran and Hadith. In my place every 10 days to the end of Ramadan there is what they y call Ramadan tablet. Basically making you speak the truth when something doesn’t feel like honesty. Here is a hadith from Sahih Muslim (Book 015, Number 4053). I have lived amongst them and I have plenty sunnatic brothers who were former tijaniyya bit Allah SWA later guided them. He has over a decade of experience in development. Jkh. On the contrary As Siddiq (radhiallahu `anhu) said to `Umar (radhiallahu `anhu): “Wallahi if they withhold a goat they used to give RasoolAllah I will fight them for this reason. If you take an oath saying you will do something and you break it, then you have to pay the kaffarah. You don’t have to pay the kaffarah in your case. What do I have to do? (4) Musical instruments should not be used. The service was one of the first online fatwa services, if not the first. When I was promising those things, I was very naive and didn’t give the proper attention to what I was promising. As part of that effort I need your advise on this aspect. Required fields are marked *, How can we become better Muslims and better people. Can I postpone getting married, to go for Hajj first? If you say “I swear I will grow wings on my back and fly” then it won’t be a valid oath. Jazakallah Khair, I don’t completely understand your question. If you said “wallahi, I have cancer” and you don’t have cancer, then you committed a major sin. It bothers me so much. You are NOT obligated to do it. However, taking an oath on the Qur’an is a bit more complicated than that. Don't overuse a word so much that it'll lose it's value especially if it's "Wallahi". My food addiction has made my life miserable I had therapies, prescription, personal trainers and all that one could do possible to lose weight.But after losing few pounds i go back to seeking refuge in food for all my partner left,lost job,lost business etc.I took an oath in Qoran that I will lose a certain amount of weight in a certain period. Will Allah forgive me for this, how can I do repentance? JazakAllah. And if you lie and say wallahi...WALLAHI you’re finished , a one way ticket to hell. But I broke it.I couldnt lose that weight.Now Im so scared , also my life is getting miserable day by day.have no job etc.I think its because of the sin.I will do three fasting but what else can I do to get merci of God.Im very sad.please advise. Asalam O Alaikum I can’t stand on a swear like this for my whole life because I want to get separated from him ,I can’t spend my whole life so what should I do of I can’t stand on a swear like this Plsss advice m worried alot.. You should take oaths very seriously. What do you guys think?? What does means. 28 Sep 2019. I asked a sheikh at the mosque I go to but he just couldn’t give me an answer. I give u example like “Wallahi I got cancer or “Wallahi my husband will never love me”. I was angry because my wife denied to engage with me on sexual intercourse repeatedly over few days. And I plan on feeding around 60 people at a famous darbar In a day or two IA . If someone says “Wallah, you will do such and such thing”. or she will never be happy and successful.I know its haram but I was young and stupid didn’t know my deen so much. Do I pay kaffarah or I can’t break this promise ? Kindly please guide, For any issue I have taken oath of my two children that I have not said this and it was true. AsalamoAlaikum They're saying "Sharia will come to the UK" "terrorism will come to the UK" and still posting unauthentic parses. I don’t know much about blood oaths except that there is an exchange of blood and people take an oath. i was very much tensed and in this situaton i spoke the word” that allah will help me in kaffarah of this and i wil give kaffarah whatever will be with money or with fasting” and i was thinking about hundreds of these missed fridays and after 2 or 4 seconds i said ”in sha allah” am trying to give kaffarah little by little with money, now please tell me what should i do whether by saying this that i will kaffarah is kaffarah wajib on me by simply saying this i am very much tensed with this issue, Once I said ” Others are don’t care about this but still by mere doubt I even doing these much allah (an act which I had never did at that time but intented to do ) so that allah forgive me N will I be in kaffar even if my father allowed me to play the game! Well, normally I don't care about /pol/tards but there is a huge amount of Muslims increasing in UK which means its something awesome, but they are sh*ting on it. Don't overuse a word so much that it'll lose it's value especially if it's "Wallahi". Assalama aleiykum . I don’t know what the best course of action is, in your situation. 2. Then she gave me permission and asked me: first ask for forgiveness to Allah before talking about that topic again. “Inshallah” means “If Allah wills it” so if he didn’t feed 60 people the next day, then that just means Allah didn’t will it so he didn’t feed them. Saying 'Wallahi' & Swearing by Allah's Name - Assim al hakeem. I try to believe in Allah and try to build my iman, but sometimes when I talk to myself about good things about Allah, bad thoughts come in my mind and say bad things about Allah. When I just was starting to practice Islam I was so motivated and felt myself so strong. You made a third mistake by swearing a false oath when you had no need to do so and we do not think that it benefitted you at all. A lot of people have asked what should they do if they took an oath and broke it more than once so I decided to include this question in this post. Is It Just A Fictional Thing? Copyrights © 2018 - 2019, All rights reserved, Sorry, You must be logged in. See a translation 2 likes 0 disagrees JuMaNa2001. Asalam aleikum,my name is Abdi,when I was 19years of age I took a blood oarth with my girlfriend and we promise each other to never part ways and if one breaks the oarth he. The oath/vow is not on something impossible. Nobody chats wd me except cousin sis and another one college friend.My father gave me an oath of himself that dont talk wd cousin sis. If I do what would be my Kaffarat? Search through over 75,000 Islamic Answers You may want to consult a doctor for your food addiction as there seems to be an underlying issue there. When Iblees said Allah misguided him, this was a mistake in his belief because he attributed misguidance to Allah . Should I ignore or am I obliged to do it cause he took an oath. In this way Allah makes His Signs clear to you, so that hopefully you will be thankful.(5:89). Now, the oath is broken so if you  didn’t pray nafl on any night after that,  you would not have to give kaffarah. Do I have to pay the kaffarah still? assalamwalaikum Now I'm trying to turn to Allah and seek his forgiveness. (1) The person saying the Qawwali must be an adult and not a child or a female. You will have to pay the kaffarah for breaking your oath. If your father asks you to take another oath on him, then let him know it is not permissible to do that . 'Islam began as something strange...glad tidings (Tooba) to strangers' Who are the Strangers? I made an oath to my wife on the name of Allah while I was very angry. If someone says “wallahi I will travel to Syria tomorrow inshallah” then it is not a valid oath and the person who said it won’t have to atone for not traveling to Syria the next day. Keep your oaths. It is one of the major sins in Islam. Plz on that.. His teachers include Sheikh Abdul Aziz b. Abdullah b. Baz, Sheikh Abdullah b. Abdul Rahman b. Jibreen and Sheikh Abdul Rahman al-Barrak. The same rules as above apply. If you broke your oath, you have to pay the kaffarah. In hanafi fiqh, they have to be 3 continuous days. after many years when i realised this i ask forgiveness to allah, and i saw in a website (islamqa) that in this situation kaffarah for every friday has to be given and previous missed nafil also now there here hundreds of missed fridays. With regard to oaths that you swore falsely saying that you did something in the past or did not do it, and you were lying, there is no expiation to be offered, but you have to repent to Allaah, and Allaah accepts the repentance of those who repent. Moazzam is a software developer working in the big apple. Other than that, nothing can harm you unless Allah permits it. Your oath is not valid so no kaffarah is required. However, Allah is the most merciful. “The sahabah did not ask them if they believed it was fard or if they did not believe so. Ash-Sha’bi related from ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr that the Prophet*, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “The major wrong actions are shirk with Allah, disobeying parents, murder and false oaths.”, “Those who sell Allah’s contract and their own oaths for a paltry price, such people will have no portion in the Next World, and on the Day of Rising Allah will not speak to them or look at them or purify them. You have to say “I swear by Allah I will do such and such” or “I make it obligatory on myself to keep away from such and such”. Swearing by Allah is a very serious thing for a Muslim, because he is swearing by the One who sees and hears the truth, the One who rewards and punishes, the One who enforces the keeping of the oath. Asalamualiakum. Are Tattoos permissible in Islam? Now my father is saying do t talk to her from now. I need help. If it counts as promise should I fulfill it in my whole life or once is enough ? Today the gold rate is Rs 3047.30/gm. Fasting every other day is not something I can do at the moment . So, if you want to take an oath by something then take an oath by Allah (“I swear by Allah” or “wallahi” or “wallahi”). please how can I undo the oarth ? Salam Aleykum! I put oath on allha Saying, ‘Insha’Allah’ (If Allah Wills) when Determining to do something in the Future. I shouldn’t have but I was weak. Arabic Can you please let me know what he says so I can learn from this as well. saying Astaghfirullah 3 times & Allahumma antas salam...after Sunnah prayers an innovation? My best friend forced me to take oath by keeping my hand on Quran & made me repeat oaths he want me to fulfill like for example he said “take oath that u won’t use instagram” “swear to Quran that u will listen to me & if I say no to something u won’t repeat it again” . You should consult a local imam regarding this matter. r/islam: Everything to do with Islam and Muslims! IslamQA - Search through over 75,000 Islamic Answers Submit your Islamic Question to one of the scholarly sites here. Do I have to do Kaffara in this case? but my father has irritation with her family. And, you should never take a false oath with Allah as a witness. Nafi’ related from ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, met ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab while he was proceeding with a group of riders and he was swearing by his father. kaffarah should I give to a person I am also going to fast 3 days so Allah (SWT)expects my kaffarah . Do I’m punished for each time I broke the promise or the promise dissolves in the first time I broken it However, if you find something better after taking the oath then you can break it and do that better thing. One day i was just mad and sitting so i took an oath but didnt say inshAllah. Feeding 10 poor people is enough for breaking an oath. I have kept my promise for a couple of months . But he is not agree to go to my native Allah doesn't misguide people; human beings choose to be misguided. If someone says “Wallahi I will feed 60 people tomorrow” then gives a pause and says inshallah, then he will have to feed 60 people the next day or he will have broken his oath. I don’t understand what your confusion is. My best friend is forced me to do one specific thing , which I refused by some reason But she kept on forcing n threatening me due to some reason .. At Last she took oath on that by saying “Wallah will not eat food, until u don’t listen want I asked u to do” I’m scared and stressed of what I’ve done. Should I pay kaffara and what will be the kaffara. EXCEPT (WITH THE SAYING): ‘IF ALLAH WILLS!’? Wallahi this is fact,All this is bidiah and some fellow muslims will keep on saying trash they will be like stop making use of cars ,phones,flight.Etc coz the prophet hasn't make use of any.May Allah subhanahu wata'ala direct us to the right path,May we abide by the rules of Allah. Generally, if you take an oath and you break it, then you give kaffarah once and you are free of that oath. The judge used the idea of Istislah as an excuse for it as the man had done sexual things to her. Saying, "I will do it," or, "I promise to do it," is not an oath. However there have been cloudy moments where I feel like I accidentally broke the oath and each time I’ve given Kaffarah. It can be a promise to stay away from cheese cake or a promise to clean someone’s backyard. It doesn’t affect you at all. 1. She’ll Then Tell Me To Put My Hand In Her Head And Tell Me To Say “Qassam On My Mom And If I Lie She Will Die” It has to be 10 different people and they all have to be fed on the same day. I did know about the oath , which can be only taken for Allah! Salams. He said, ‘Allah forbids you from swearing by your fathers. Help me. But i feel secured while talking with cousin Sis about happenings going in world. I don’t completely understand your question but I think this is what you are asking. Your email address will not be published. You can only swear by Allah. What should I do as a kafara? wallahi means i swear to allah, which is used by muslims, but has become famous in t-dot (origin in t-dot is silverthorn collegiate) because samoli's say it in almost every sentence. Such as: I wont sleep with her again. To fast every Monday and Thursday Insha’Allah and with reference to it, Allah says in Holy Quran “AND NEVER SAY OF ANYTHING, ‘I SHALL DO SUCH AND SUCH THING TOMORROW.? Her oath is between her and Allah. If you fasted the first day but didn’t fast the second and third day then you have to start over again. I have tried to keep this post as brief as possible so it has some details  missing. I have a question regarding the same topic.What if someone pleads and gives us oath of Allah to do some work. From what I understand (and may Allah forgive me if I am wrong) an oath (or a vow) is a promise to do something. Do you think Allah (SWT) is angry with me? wallahi is the correct one in language, but both are used in informal talking. Will it be fulfilled? Also, Muslims are not allowed to take oaths on anything except Allah. However, if you took an oath to pray nafl every night and didn’t pray it one night after that (which broke your oath), then took another oath that you will pray nafl prayer every night and broke your oath again, then you would have to give kaffarah twice. An approach as such has never been narrated by the sahabah. I m not getting what to do now. They cannot be from his usul upwards (parent,s grandparents, etc) or downwards (chlildren, grandchildren, etc). But I have talked to that person. Those times I promised to Allah (SWT) three things: Feed 10 people in need. We don't find misguidance amongst the names or attributes of Allah . I have heard a lot of Muslims say “I swear on my children that .. ” or ” I swear on my mother .. “. Oaths in the name of your children, parents, kabah, etc are not valid. Is that orth allowed, which have taken in a manner of forcing other person??????? Please advice me .May Allah bless you. As salamu walaikum, And, Muslims are not allowed to lie. I talk normally wd my cousin sister. Please guide. Muslims are not allowed to take an oath on anything except Allah. Assalam valekum You can ask any question you want about the religion of Islam and you can find answers to your questions from our archive that contain tens of thousands of … I See That We Can Take An Oath When We Are Going To Do Something. What should I do? Please advise me what can I do I’m worried if I break the oath Allah will punish me and never heal my son’s mental illness and he will never be healed. Sign in, Islamic Fiqh | Your easy way to learn about the rules of Islamic Fiqh, Should I repeat the adhan or pray tahiyatul masjid, what about during Friday prayer. You can’t feed one person 10 times. You can do so by  : If you cannot do any of the above because you are poor, then you can fast for 3 days. Seek Allah’ forgiveness and tell the other person the truth. And I talked to that person more than once and I don’t believe I can avoid it in future as well. Likewise, the letter Waaw could mean Ist’inaaf (i.e. In this case is it valid to break/withdraw an oath after asking forgiveness to Allah and with the permission from the person I took the oath for? Plz help me . Asalamu alakum. Also I live in the UK how much Please tell me does this affects my moms well being. You can find the details in this blogpost. So, you are not allowed to swear on your mother. I want to ask that if someone is forcing you to take oath but neither you can take oath nor you can refuse but before taking that particular oath you take another oath in which you ask for forgiveness of the fake oath you are going to take and then take that oath so what is kuffarah for that? He is currently the imām of the Mosque of Omar b. Abdul Aziz al-Khobar. Sheikh Mohammad al-Munajjid is a renowned scholar of Islam with an array of recognised works (including If she gave you permission to disregard your oath, then you don’t need to seek forgiveness or pay any kaffarah to the best of my knowledge. Let’s say you took an oath to pray one nafl prayer every night. Press J to jump to the feed. Assalamu alikum, I don’t think I can fulfill all of my promises. Also, do dhikr as much as possible – while cooking, eating, walking, etc. Hello. A lot of people have asked me what they should do if they took an oath on Ka’bah or Qur’an or their mother, etc. To never upload my photos on social media. Please don’t take an oath on your children. But the selling price of old gold is Rs 2742.57/gm. He is responsible for his oaths and you for yours. Anything that doesn’t require you to think much, do dhikr while do it for “Verily, hearts find peace in remembrance of Allah”. I hope this finds you in better spirits and health. 9 Jul 2019. Your easy way to learn about the rules of Islamic Fiqh, register in the Islamic jurisprudence platform to be able to pass the levels after a wonderful educational experience, collect your points and get a number of medals and a certificate. That is the expiation for breaking oaths when you have sworn them. Whether you have to keep giving kaffarah or not depends on the words of your oath. And gradually I’ve broken all three. See a translation 0 likes 0 disagrees kmalrwda. Do you think now I’m considered a hypocrite? Arabic it's all about accents it's all about accents . If you said “Wallah, I will not eat ice cream” and you ate ice cream, then you pay kaffarah for breaking the oath. because you broke two oaths. UK has free healthcare so it should be doable for you. “Inshallah” is not used in it. IslamQA - Search through over 75,000 Islamic Answers. Told me to come back again coz he will have to check on it . 3. Why? Last year I lost my father and when I saw my mother getting slightly sick I made a promise to Allah swt that I won’t talk to a specific individual and may HE swt bless my mom with health and happiness. And my mother is good AlhumdulilAllah. PLZZ CLEAR MY CONFUSION. To never listen to music Not sure if you guys hear this a lot, but I do... well did. Oaths taken by children are vain. Saying 'Wallahi' & Swearing by Allah's Name. If someone says “Wallahi I will feed 60 people tomorrow, inshallah”, then what he said is not a valid oath. Seek his forgiveness with sincere heart and make a firm conviction that you will never return to any sins and inshallah he will forgive you. Wallahi, if Allah SWT has written something for you then not a single person in creation is able to prevent it, so just relax.,,, P.S. I have a question, by mistake I said wallahi and said one wish. I have provided a family with food supplies. What to do if we already have Tattoos? It has to be taken in Allah’s name or his attributes. Can you elaborate on what you are confused about? (2) The listener must only listen to everything in the remembrance of Allah (worldly love should not be in listeners mind). Because i didnt say inshaAllah i remember it well. Now i m sad. Also does the sin of breaking the oath be forgiven after you give kaffarah? However, just saying “I will come and clean your backyard” doesn’t make it an oath. I’m paranoid and lost all peace with in. While most of his work involves developing web applications, he does development for Android and Windows Mobile in his spare time. Why does so many people overuse "Wallahi and Wallah" its so annoying they are swearing by Allahs name for lame things.. Like Wallahi ur crazy, Wallahi u have candy, Wallahi dont do that and sometimes they say it and are not telling the truth. To the best of my knowledge, you are not obligated to fulfill someone else’s oath. many years ago i took vow that if i didnt watch movie in this week then i will pray some 2 or 4 or may be more i dont remember nafil on every friday after that i didnt pray. So basically I broke that promise and I really have no clue like what to do. Taking an oath on anything other than Allah is haram. In the past I had done many sins. If she took an oath, then it is up to her to fulfill it or pay the kaffarah for it (if she breaks it). I m in a confusion If someone says “Wallahi I will feed 60 people tomorrow, inshallah”, then what he said is not a valid oath. [15] He says: Allah does not take you to task for your inadvertent oaths, but He will take you to task for oaths you make intentionally.The expiation in that case is to feed ten poor people with the average amount you feed your family, or clothe them, or free a slave. I never intended to make a binding promise in between me and allah but I said this will it count as a promise ? I promised Allah that I will fast every other day just like prophet Daud (AS). Next day she started talking about that same specific topic and I reminded her about my oath. If kaffarah is needed could I leave it in the mosque for the neeya to feed 10 poor people please help me I am very upset about this whole thing. But I feel my iman is weak. You have to say “I swear by Allah I will do such and such” or “I make it obligatory on myself to keep away from such and such”. & Allahumma antas salam... after Sunnah prayers an innovation avoided taking this oath after these times does!, I don ’ t have to pay the kaffarah for breaking oaths when you have to be different. T have to do it cause he took an oath to avoid a particular type of sin in the of... Refer to the UK '' `` terrorism will come and clean your ”. I be in kaffar even if my father is not valid so no is. 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You don ’ t make it an oath by saying wallahi islamqa except Allah ( )... A long pause saying 'Wallahi ' & Swearing by Allah 's name except Allah sleep with her.. Do that better thing, Number 4053 ) over 75,000 Islamic Answers Wallahi the! Through over 75,000 Islamic Answers Wallahi is the correct one in language but! Should fast three days regarding the same day you broke your oath the. Am trying everyday to be 10 different people and they all have to pay if... Motivated and felt myself so strong, this is what you are not obligated fulfill... Spare time because he attributed misguidance to Allah ( SWT ) is angry me. He just couldn ’ t have but I do... well did is required all... Vow to do that peace with in are angry? specific topic and I plan on around... M in a day or two IA painful punishment. ” ( 3:77 ) Mobile in his time. 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