Foster independence with conversational textbooks and hands-on learning for grades K-12. There isnt a firmer foundation on which to base our childrens knowledge. We need to say what the prophets said and do what they did.. Learn more . He is the author of four illustrated children's books designed to help kids learn a biblical worldview. The Council of Bourges unequivocally mandates "a shaved beard" for "all who minister within the Holy Church. Ashamed of his bad behavior, Tim eventually called Durbin and his ministry partner Marcus Pitman to apologize to them. Instead of addressing the concerns of flaunting liberty with reckless disregard forthe weaker brother, Durbin extolled the official policies of the church against drunkenness. 3(Revelation 20), The Essence of the Three Millennial Views, Pt. Honest review about Apologia. Rods daughter Sondra* began having social trouble with a member of the Durbin household. It is not cussing in Greek. Quezada, a 23-year-old student from California, stopped shaving in recent weeks to be an extra in an upcoming LDS Church film about the Bible an allowable exception to the school's beard ban. Humanism & Christianity: Friends or Foes? $30. Apologia is the Greek word for "defense" mentioned in the Bible, " but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being Throughout the course of history, societal attitudes toward male beards have varied From $14. P.O. We are a local congregation seeking to embody the true gospel in all of life in Utah. God is doing a mighty work in this church to glorify Himself and to make His truth known. The Dissenters shave in gloomy silence, leaving this noble field of ecclesiastical adornment to the Clergy of the Establishment." Abbot Burchard of Bellavaux writes Apologia de Barbis, a treatise on the biblical, theological, moral, social, and allegorical implications of beards. Many other church fathers made similar remarks about beardly manliness. As is the case with Tim Hurd and Sean Samson, his apology was later used to argue against him. Submit a video of your student explaining their science fair project, the scientific method they followed, and the results they observed. I am fearful for you if this doesnt get resolved.. At his beheading, Sir Thomas More reportedly set his beard away from his neck on the chopping block. ashlyn 72" ladder bookcase / la montagne jean ferrat partition piano pdf / apologia church beards. As Scripture cannot violate itself, and as Paul chose to use a word that was not profane to refer to refuse and filth, the evangelist was not implying that it is acceptable to use profanity on occasion if the word fits the situation. I dont get it., Apologia Studios replied, Answering the fool according to their folly. Four other congregations with female pastors were also determined to be not in friendly cooperation with the SBC, as well as one removed over its abuse response. All local clergy were ordered to do likewise. Paul did not do that. Apologia Uses Scientologist Attack Strategies Against BTWN Pray for all those suffering collateral damage, and surely there are many. *This name has been changed to protect the privacy of the By Heather Clark on October 13, 2020No Comment, NASHVILLE Jeff Durbin, who leads a Reformed assembly in Arizona along with apologist James White and others, is drawing scrutiny after he recently used preplanned profanity as a guest speaker at a gospel-themed conference in a move to condemn what he considers the woke church. Durbins verbiage is being condemned as unnecessary, disappointing and shameful by supporters and pastors, some of whom called him to repentance or referred to such talk as the language of Hell., Durbin, who leads Apologia Church in Tempe an active group that seeks to confront issues such as abortion, homosexuality and false religions like Mormonism is no stranger to controversy for pushing the envelope, including raising questions over his choice of language. 2, Jesus, Judas, & the Sovereignty of God, Pt. I also came into the church as a backslider with a full beard 30 years ago. Unfortunately, Simon discussed the situation that was brought to his attention by his daughters with a friend. And that concern fell on very, very deaf ears. As one abbot wrote in 1043, the empire in Germany was besieged by "the shameful custom of the vulgar French in the cutting of beards, in the shortening and deforming of clothing, execrable to modest eyes, and many other novelties." One-dimensional and pre-suppositional. An Elder sent inappropriate messages to young (barely 18) Christian Ladies. Whats worse is that youre more upset with the fact that I said [expletive] than the fact that 30,000 kids died last night.. My kids love Apologia, especially the hands-on experiments! 1(Revelation 2:8-9), Letter To The Church At Smyrna, Pt. Any copyrighted material displayed or referenced is done under the doctrine of fair use. In June of 2008, I sold Apologia Educational Ministries, Inc. to Davis Carman. The profane messages sent by the member of the Durbin household, initially deleted, proved that Seans child was not a predator in the situation. Needless to say, I love Apologia! He now makes his living as a truck driver in the Northeastern United States. Beards becomes a custom separating East and West "While wearing beards and long hair you (Eastern Orthodox) reject the bond of brotherhood with the Roman clergy, since they shave and cut their hair," it stated, in an early proof that the custom had already divided Christianity to some extent. What is the phone number of Apologia Church? At Apologia, we want to enable and empower every family we serve to provide them with the tools for successful and meaningful homeschooling. ", Full beards come briefly back into style, but fall out of style by mid-century. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about the church to give you a picture of what Apologia Church looks like week to week and hopefully address issues important to you. Tel: +971-2-6216261 You can ask for references from my family or my church body.. 2, Wisdom From Above - Adorned With The Father's Wisdom, In The Wake of His Resurrection & Ascension, He Made Them Male & Female: Christ's Lordship Over Sexuality. 1(Revelation 13), Identification Of The First Beast, Pt. Rod asked for a meeting between his family, the Durbins, and a third family with the hope of mediating the teenage conflict. It wasnt. 1(Matthew 24:1-21), The Great Tribulation, Pt. His two daughters, Amanda* and Samantha*, are former members. He had reasonable ground for disagreement but he went too far, at times outright misrepresenting Durbin. In sharing the footage, Durbins choice of language erupted in controversy online, with some claiming as Durbin did that the word is like what Paul used and is appropriate considering the situation, and others stating that while Durbins message was true, it is shameful for profanity to ever be uttered from the pulpit, no matter the attempted justification. Apologias creation-based curriculum constantly draws students toward a higher order of values and facts. get the Apologia Physical Science Module 15 Study Guide belong to that we pay for here and check out the link. According to Ted Olson, Abbot Burchard of Bellavaux wrote Apologia de Barbis in 1160, as "a treatise on the biblical, theological, moral, social, and allegorical implications of beards." In 1531, Piero Valeriano Bolzani wrote Pro Sacerdotum Barbis , after the (beardless) Pope Clement VII thought about forcing priests to manscape their faces. It was not the first time the elders had to defend Durbins secret recording and their retaliatory use. Now, with evidence incriminating their own family member available, the Durbins all but blew off the situation. Sadly, Mike Pinchs concerns about his son being in an unhealthy recovery environment seemed altogether lost on those around his son. Pope Alexander III bars clerical beards. After he was jailed for fighting off attackers who tried to cut off his beard, Palmer (and his beard) became a New England cause clbre. Durbin had accused Seans teen daughter of being the aggressor in the situation. Where [do] we go from here?. If one reads thoroughfully the old testament, he will find out that even from Moses and Aaron and onwards the tradition is the same. 1, Baptism: And Both Went Down Into the Water, Arsenokoites: Be Bold, Be Accurate, Be Truthful, The New Covenant Heavens and Earth, Pt. He believes that if there was ever a time to homeschool, it is now! smbt, 5 martie 2022; zadro customer service . Simon soon realized that he had himself engaged in gossip. Apologia Church. Samantha, and later her sister, thought this inappropriate. But historian Giles Constable says that rules on beards sound more forceful than they really were. 1 hr 16 min; JUL 11, 2022; Three Essential Christian Truths - Trinity & Faith . Some two years later, Tim once again took to his podcast to criticize Durbin, this time for his technique in evangelism. 2. However, some pastors and other leaders also voiced their views on the incident, contending that using profanity to battle evil is never justifiable. For 12 years Tim Hurd worked in full-time ministry. The fact that we know to put asterisks, abbreviate, or dont use them in polite company shows that there are certain words in every language and culture that its speakers know to be vulgar, he said. These troubles were caused by what Rod described as typical teenage cattiness. As it stands, Apologia Churchs elders have warned their church members to avoid further contact with Daniel Toro until he repents of what they perceive as his sinful and divisive behavior, going as far as to issue an official document detailing Daniels offenses. (The Roman Church had banned beards in 1031, only . Durbin then stated what he had been building up to with his preface. all on the platform at a . Chad Davidson of Good Fight Ministries, led by Joe Schimmel, pastor of Blessed Hope Chapel in Simi Valley, California, likewise talked about the matter on his podcast, stating that the use of the word was counter-productive because while Durbin was speaking against the woke church, it is woke pastors who insert profanity into their messages. 3(Revelation 11:14-19), The Red Dragon, Woman, & Child, Pt. Were taught not to rear end people. Latitude: 33.3630929513 Longitude: -111.924538259 He feels a great connection to our church family (we exist because of his life and labor), he graciously wants to invest in the leadership and members of our body, and work closely together as ministries (we already are but this will provide even more opportunities). Tim was shocked that Durbin, a pastor, would not only record a conversation with a penitent brother, but publish it on the internet. Rod was informed that the recorded meeting would be shared with the Apologia Church body if he did not take action in accordance with repentance. Southern Baptist Convention Disfellowships Saddleback Church, Black History Month: 20 Stories Christians Should Know, With Gossip of the Gospel, the Church Grows in Nepal, Complete access to articles on, Over 120 years of magazine archives plus full access to all of CTs online archives. To share this article with your friends, use any of the social share buttons on our site, or simply copy the link below. After days of putting together a strained, victim-flailing response, Apologia's elders put together a three-hour-long video confessing that Durbin indeed released the secret recording on an anonymous YouTube channel but blaming Tim Hurd for "victimizing, slandering, and abusing" Durbin for years. This led to conflict between Tim and Jeff Durbin, who is an influential postmillennial theonomist. adroll_language = "en_US"; Military, Missionary and Minister Discounts. "I . Those are too serious, well, then you need to read your Bible because God mocks sin constantly in the Bible., A social media post shared by Durbin earlier this year surrounding his End Abortion Now efforts shows a meeting at the Apologia property in a room with movie posters hung on the wall for R-rated films such as The Revenant and The Hateful Eight.. Im glad my kids didnt hear it., Durbin personally replied, stating in part, This isnt easy, safe or soft and gentle ministry. He said that such is being like the world instead of being holy in ones speech. In his defense, Durbin told those gathered that, if they prefer, he could use the Greek word skubala used by the Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:8 instead. Textbooks are necessary to help students acquire facts, yet it is essential for students to actively participate in the process of discovery to gain a personal awareness of their world. In some cases, names were changed to protect the innocent. Just a few months prior, Eleanor had been a friendly 12-year-old-girl who was interested in typical 12-year-old-girl things like cartoons, games, and her after school performing arts group. Attempting to Romanize the formerly Greek church in Sardinia, Pope Gregory VII notes that he has forced the archbishop to shave his beard "as the clergy of the whole Western church have had the custom of shaving the beard from the very origins of the Christian faith." At that time they also chose to report on a previous event that paired alcohol with fundraising on the tail end of a conference that advocated alcohol consumption in jocular and immature ways. We also chat about the upcoming God . He then, however, claimed that there are different categories or speed limits in regard to language, noting a teaching from friend Doug Wilson that certain matters require one to be more aggressive. Apologia Church; Apologia Radio; Apologia Studios; Cultish; Colors. Durbin stated that when God saved him, He cleaned up his language. Enhance your students learning with Live Online Classes or Apologia's Self-Paced digital curriculum. Some church leaders required them; others banned them. He is an accomplished debater, having engaged in more than one-hundred sixty five moderated, public debates around the world with leading proponents of Roman Catholicism, Islam, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormonism, as well as critics such as Bart Ehrman, John Dominic Crossan, Marcus Borg, and John Shelby Spong. Youre planting in their neighborhoodBrother, I gotta tell you, if this doesnt get handled with them now, where reconciliation takes place, I mean this before God, you and I will stand hand-and-hand before Jesus, and he will tell you, Im telling the truth right here. To medieval theologians, they represented both holiness and sin. Simon Mize is left aghast at the treatment he received from Jeff Durbin. This is where we train and equip the church to do abortion clinic ministry. **I reached out to Jeff Durbin in an effort to get his perspective on the stories being reported above, however, I was not granted a one-on-one interview with him. The daughters got nowhere with Durbin upon confronting him. Apologia's award-winning curriculum encourages independence and . No matter what may have encouraged, tempted or enticed the young man in his sin, he must take ultimate accountability for it, repent and be forgiven. Although we are called to a higher standard, its meant as a shock standard to get your attention. Gods name is misused at least 35 times almost all of which come in conjunction with [expletive]. Truly a great curriculum. We are joined by Dr. Kenneth Talbot of Whitefield Theological Seminary ( That's right. Web Design by PHOS Creative,, A priest called to prepare the man for confession points out another "sin": "Although you are a layman and should go about with your beard unshaven in the manner of laymen, you have nevertheless, in contempt of divine law, shaved your beard just like a cleric." Privacy Policy, Write us Thanks so much! It is a true blessing to be able to define and teach the scientific and mathematical mysteries of the universe to our children from a foundational Biblical worldview. Sean admitted to Durbin that his daughter was culpable. Try refining your search, or use the navigation above to locate the post. Skubalon is merely the word for dung or refuse. 1(Revelation 2:18-20), Letter To The Church In Thyatira, Pt. Is Baptism The Fulfillment of Circumcision? Our church plant on the island of Kauai. And its not really rocket science. It was the custom of the ancient church for men to have beards. Christian News Network News from a Biblical worldview, a video released last year on godly obscenity,, posted a fairly lengthy commentary on the matter. Cart; chantelle jamieson married He also, unbeknownst to Tim, recorded the phone call. Definitely recommend to others. While on a smaller scale, Durbin has raised questions before for using profanity outside of abortion facilities, repeating the four-letter word of a passerby to expose a womans wicked thinking. 2), Fools & Faith(Ps. adroll_adv_id = "ZHUWNHGCK5DU3GVE77DT3X"; Now, there was an uncomfortable distance between them, a distance that had a lot to do with what Sean found on his iPad: numerous texts of a profane nature that had been sent from a member of Durbins household to Eleanor. Send us your question and we'll respond within 24 hours. She muttered that word so only I could hear it. Check out our FAQ and support center to learn about our curriculum and courses. I want to be very careful about what Im about to do because I want you to understand why, Durbin said to attendees of his sessionat Franklin Arena. TheChristian News Network publishedan articulate and fair article on the proceedings at Apologia Church, centering on a video of a tattoo fundraiser. After watching Durbin contend for the Christian faith in online videos, Rod became a self-described Durbinite. Upon moving to Phoenix, he began attending Apologia Church. Davidson pointed to the liberal Tony Campolo, associate pastor at Mount Carmel Baptist Church in West Philadelphia and professor emeritus at Eastern University, who was known for opening his messages at events with, I have three things Id like to say today. You CAN homeschool, and we are here to help. Get Breaking Christian News in Your Inbox! Saddleback Church hosts a contest for "Most Magnificent Beard and Most Pathetic Beard" as Duck Dynasty's barbate Phil Robertson and his beardless son, Alan, preach. Rather than addressing the Q&A held by Durbin in conjunction with the Reformed Pub in which it was said that Theology should get you drinking and if not, youre gay, concerns for weaker brethren were ignored and demands were made that those voicing concernsshould repent.. I think what hes saying is that he doesnt use cursing loosely or uselessly anymore. Originally, Tim was joined on his podcast by two co-hosts, Len Pettis and Colin Pearson. Now, and this is my point, instead of listening to the elders of the church that have evidence that is incontrovertible, youve decided to go with a family, youve left together essentially, and youre planting a church. Join us for one of our new favorite broadcasts of Apologia Radio. We are joined by Dr. Kenneth Talbot of Whitefield Theological Seminary ( We chop it up with Dr. Talbot over the Puritans, the Law of God, justification by faith, and much more. Listen-in as Dr. Talbot talks about his passion for "the Puritan Revitalization Project".We also chat about the upcoming God . The Lord Jesus said that the end of the Age would be accompanied with the sun darkened, the moon not giving its light, and the stars falling from heaven. (Revelation 7:9-13), Summary Of The Seven Seals(Revelation 7:14-17), Critique of the Cyclical Approarch & Overview(Revelation 8-22), Overview: The First Enemy, Rome(Revelation 8-12), Overview: The Second Enemy, Rome(Revelation 13-18), Mystery of God Finished(Revelation 10:1-7), The Contents of The Little Book(Revelation 10:8-11 2), Kingdom Became Christ's(Revelation 11:14-19), The Universal Triumph of God's People on Earth, Pt. Our objective is to present the news with the word of God as our lens, and to bring to light what is hid in the darkness. In speaking to these various sources and assessing their testimony and evidence, I do not suspect that they are reporting falsehoods but rather their actual experiences with Jeff Durbin and Apologia Church. adroll_currency = "USD"; Long beards priest wearing comes as a natural tradition from the Old Testament's times and the tradition of early Church. You could buy guide Apologia Physical Science . Its common language today in a lot of realms, another stated. We dont need Gods stipulated standards of justice. Yet you throw up your Marxist, Communist fists, shouting, No justice, no peace. apologia: [noun] a defense especially of one's opinions, position, or actions. The Samsons were members of Apologia Church in Phoenix, Arizona. Get ready to be convicted, challenged, edified, rebuked, and encouraged. Apologia Studios About The Series Sermons from Apologia Church FEATURED January 1, 2023 Resolved For Christ -Jeff Durbin- (John 14:15) January 1, 2023 read more PLAY EPISODE All Episodes January 1, 2023 Resolved For Christ December 18, 2022 Advent & The Trinity December 11, 2022 Advent & The Gospel December 4, 2022 Answering Objections to Jesus We cant serve the interests of Heaven by using the language of Hell., Riccardi also remarked in responding to a commenter who asked about Durbins speech that he finds the argument that such words are biblical when used in context to be childish and false on its face.. 2(Revelation 2:9-11), Letter To The Church at Pergamum(Revelation 2:12-17), Letter To The Church In Thyatira, Pt. View all posts by Heather Clark , Keep your site fresh and your visitors coming back by featuring Christian News Network's top news stories on your site. First, the public was widely aware of the controversy from the summer, and the public should know how the story has sadly ended. Apologias elders found out and soon after, he received a message from the elders of Apologia Church stating that Rod had engaged in gossip by speaking about these issues with others. A rule is made that "no cleric should grow long hair or shave his beard." Clement of Alexandria calls the beard "the mark of a man" and says "it is therefore unholy to desecrate the symbol of manhood." It was nobodys fault she stated. In a taped meeting, Daniel expressed discomfort discussing the Boyds with Durbin behind their backs. By Posted browning 725 pro sporting canada In tennis necklace swarovski Scripture says, Flee the appearance [of evil]. It surprises me that church leaders flaunttheir freedom in such a way that seems disparaging of anothers weaknesses. [emphasis mine]. Its another to say, Well, blankety blank,' Davidson said. 2(Revelation 11:14-19), The Universal Triumph of God's People on Earth, Pt. It cannot tell us to not use filthy/foolish/obscene talk in one verse and then use it in a different verse., One commenter directly addressed Apologia, writing, [I] thought you just said before you were saved you had a foul mouth, then you use foul language. Get the best from CT editors, delivered straight to your inbox! Durbin took offense and published the recording of Tims prior repentance on an anonymous YouTube channel. Gods name is misused about six times [and] Jesus name is abused three times., In his 1872 book The Abominations of Modern Society, Thomas De Witt Talmadge, a Presbyterian pastor, wrote, The English language ismagnificent and capable of expressing every shade of feeling andevery degree of energy and zeal; and there is no need that we taketo ourselves unlawful words., If you are happy, Noah Webster offersto your tongue ten thousand epithets in which you may express yourexhilaration; and if you are righteously indignant, there are inhis dictionary whole armories of denunciation and scorn, sarcasm andirony, caricature and wrath., Utter yourself against some meanness orhypocrisy in all the blasphemies that ever smoked up from perdition,and I will go on to denounce the same meanness and hypocrisy with ahundred-fold more stress and vehemency in words across which no slimehas ever trailed, and through which no infernal fires have shot theirforked tongues words pure, innocent, all-impressive, God-honored , Psalm 19:14 says, Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer., The Language of Hell: Apologia Pastors Preplanned Profanity at Conference Provokes Shock, Rebuke added by Heather Clark on October 13, 2020 "It would be an injustice to punish it.". According to the event website, in addition to the various sessions held at Franklin Arena, a Beer and Psalm Sing was held Oct. 1 at Kings Bar in Franklin, with punch for the children in attendance. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters. The messages were full of profane language and were of a sinful nature. Pray that God removes these pimps from the pulpit and fills it with prophets who will keep His bride pure and faithful, Durbin closed. You have remained in right site to begin getting this info. Wilson is the author of A Serrated Edge: A Brief Defense of Biblical Satire and Trinitarian Skylarking. Ina video released last year on godly obscenity,Wilson explained why he used a vulgar word for a womans private parts for shock value in speaking against the grotesque actions of liberal female minister Nadia Bolz-Weber. It is a cult. Rod was later informed by Sondra that the same member of Durbins household who had sent Eleanor Samsom inappropriate text messages had sent one to her as well. In reality, the etymology for skubalon comes from the Greek phrase to tois kusi ballomenon, which means, that which is thrown to the dogs (i.e., refuse) (see the entry in the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament), Riccardi explained. The long-promised forthcoming response by Durbin-White on the Dividing Line did not address the detailed concerns of those urging caution regarding substance abuse and consumption, but instead was a braggadocious explanation of how much evangelism the church does. Apologetics ought to have proof and evidence of Christ's existence in the first place. We love connecting with the family and students who are part of the Apologia community. adroll_version = "2.0"; Students participate in the conversation, becoming comfortable with the scientific and mathematical terms so they can have a conversation about the subject matter. How do we know? (CT sister publication Out of Ur ran a similar, contemporary taxonomy of beards in February.). Let us be your passport to Laos and much more. Subscribe today for exclusive offers, new products, and encouragement. We are equipping you and your church with all the training, resources, materials, and support that you need at absolutely no cost to you. Before moving west with his wife and children, he became aware of Jeff Durbin through Apologia Studios videos. The video was shared to various social media platforms with the warning, This clip is not for those with commitments to pious language that would make the prophets look bad (they often used worse). During a meeting to discuss their exit, Jeff Durbin began to speak negatively of Daniel Toro. individual. Support: Editors Note: The following accounts are given to demonstrate that Apologia Church in Phoenix has repeatedly used secret recordings of church members in an abusive fashion and engaged repeatedly in hard shepherding. All of the information to follow has come directly from those closely associated with Apologia Church who contacted Pulpit & Pen or Bible Thumping Wingnut after seeing their elders continue in the same cult-like practices repeatedly. As stated in the fourth century Apostolic Constitutions: Men may not destroy the hair of their beards and unnaturally change the form of a man. discord packing lines vendeur in french masculine or feminine streptococcus spp high in stool symptoms jeremy alters berman. Recognizing the artifice ways to acquire this books Apologia Physical Science Module 15 Study Guide is additionally useful. But beardsespecially among clergywere once serious, symbolic matters. 1(Revelation 11:14-19), The Universal Triumph of God's People on Earth, Pt. Rod responded with a written apology. You can ask my children; a foul mouth is punished severely, he contended. There was no apology for the actions Durbins family had taken against Eleanor. Apologia was founded by its pastor Jeff Durbin. I, Interview W/ Rabbi & Roman Catholic Priest Pt. You can try to dialing this number: (480) 516-5400 - or find more information on their website: We are excited to announce our FREE Homeschool Bootcamp. Sean Samson once had the unfortunate experience of having a talk with his pastor, Jeff Durbin, about the sins between their mutual households. Piero Valeriano Bolzani writes Pro Sacerdotum Barbis, a defense of priestly beards, after Pope Clement VII (who grew a beard to mourn the sack of Rome in 1527) threatened to renew calls for clerical shaving. They separated East from West during the Great Schism, priests from laity during the Middle Ages, and Protestants from Catholics during the Reformation. Polemics Report reported on Clarks article, and in return, Polemics Report andthe Christian News Network were accused by Dr. James White (the father-in-law of the individual receiving a matching tattoo in the now-infamous video) of yellow journalism and many other charges of bias or misleading. Apologia Studios is passionate about making Christian entertainment not s*ck. Shame on you, he continued. A tattoo fundraiser members of Apologia Church ; Apologia Radio ; Apologia replied... In June of 2008, i sold Apologia Educational Ministries, Inc. to Carman., with evidence incriminating their own family member available, the Great Tribulation, Pt you can my. That concern fell on very, very deaf ears the link navigation above to the... Suffering collateral damage, and encouraged our FREE homeschool Bootcamp, at times outright misrepresenting Durbin own! Phos Creative, https: //, https: // not the first place they. 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