My response is that I had already answered this question in July 2021, almost 2 years ago, that Trump will be indicted any time before May 1, 2024. Donald Trump's time is little bit positive from now until October 17 this year. We are hoping COVID will be slowly contained after May 1, 2022. According to the results of his latest Presidential physical, Donald Trump stands 6 feet, 3 inches tall, and weighs 244 pounds. Light, Motion and the Body And please remember that your kind Shares and Likes are always much appreciated! Vivek Ramaswamy announces he will run for president. Biden / Harris will face decline in poll numbers. American people are realizing corporate profits have skyrocketed and still they are raising prices. This is what I had predicted in my President Biden's Astrology article for the year 2023. Updated 02/21/2023 09:10 . We will see how these difficult periods will play out for President Biden. Hindi News. Donald Trump Impeachment, 3 years before Donald Trump got impeached (prediction given on internet on January 20, 2017). The time between now and April 2022, will be the most difficult and challenging period in President Bidens Presidential Term. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - No, but may succeed later after 2024. Mars progressed conjoins both planets from 2024-2028 which also suggests explosive developments that lead to a dissolution of power. Biden will not be able to complete his term in America and Kamala Harris will take over power. Mamata Banerjee will have big setback in 2024 as BJP will be piercing fully in West Bengal in 2024. Greenpeace estimates 50,000 people die of air pollution each year in this city. There will be a significant improvement in the economy between April 2022 and February 2023. Russian Flag up. US economy will be doing very well from April 2024 to April 2028 for 4 years. Modi will remain after 2024. Democrats have a chance in this mid-term election because of the following, despite President Biden's low approval rating right now: 1. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction takes place every 20 years, but this one is special. Either she takes over here, or she is appointed to be the Democratic candidate in 2024. Joe Bidens approval rating is under water for first time, but still, it is better than Donald Trumps approval rating. Jupiter will be especially busy in 2022, as he will dance into Aries from May 10, 2022 until Oct. 28, 2022. When American people will stop spending money because of high inflation, then we will go through recession for some time in 2023, that will bring the inflation down. Only when SHANIJI is willing, Modiji will decide himself to retire. Midterm election polls this time could be misleading, because the Pollsters use the past election data to determine their polls. Early voting data looks very good for Democrats. Predictions For 2020-2024 and Beyond. This is not going to happen. I will be posting a Mid-Term Election Astrology update soon, stay tuned. Here's some of the info we discovered in the 8 predictions that will rock America in 2022: Dick Morris reveals the coming political earthquake set for Congressional elections. Because of Donald Trump Republicans lost the Georgia Senate races in 2020, and Mitch McConnell is Senate Minority Leader. Please read the last few lines in my 2022 astrology predictions for President Biden in this astrology article. It is scary when you see the level of ignorance in the country. The major G8/G20 Currencies will . Below is my prediction for the 2024 General Elections: In 2024, Modiji will come back even stronger. In the 2016 and 2020 elections, polls famously underestimated Republicans. One of the nation's most accurate forecasters in 2020. President Biden is going through honeymoon period right now. Heat as a byproduct of light will be eliminated, just as diodes replace filaments in light bulbs. The next election which will as usual be corrupt will be on March 17th 2024, when Saturn is at 11 Pisces and the Sun conjoins Neptune at 27 Pisces, so it is going to be a foggy affair. First 8 months of 2023 are very difficult months for the US economy. He cited the governments of former prime ministers IK Gujral and HD Deve Gowda, while jawaharlal nehru and narendra modi were strong prime ministers. Young voters usually tend to have a low voter turnout. The solution to the high inflation is not the Republican party in power. No, and I dont expect to, ProfLichtman said. So, I rectified President Bidens birth time to 8.17.30 AM based on some past important events in his life, and the dates when the important events occurred in President Bidens life. by Adrian Duncan | Dec 18, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments. This will require a whole new set of treaties to avoid global meltdown. What is Lichtman's prediction for 2024? The 2020 activation was six months long, coinciding with the summer and early autumn of the Trump re-elect campaign, and 2021's stint was for seven months, with Eris exactly opposed d'Arrest at the same time that Pluto made its final pass in exact square. astrology and accurate predictions. Mr Lichtman said although this election was unconventional because ofthe Covid-19 pandemic and several other factors, he did not flinch on election night when it came to his prediction of a Biden victory, while also acknowledging the mercurial nature of voters. Elise Stefanik - No, but may be later after 2024. Midterm election right now is anybodys ballgame. The Frenchman, who has accurately predicted some major world events during the 16th century, believed that the current conflict in Eastern Europe could spark a "great war". During December 2021, January, February, March 2022 opposition / enemies will be strong. Friday July 9, 2021: First we should note that a multitude of earth-based social and political factors will affect the final results of the 2024 Presidential Election and quite a few astrologers poo poo the Venus Cycle theory of US elections. What we are learning is GOP cannot win elections with Donald Trump and they cannot win elections without Donald Trump, because if GOP dumps Trump, then the MAGA crowd will stay at home on election day. The daily planner that tells you what happens before it happens. We haven't seen much of President Donald Trump since President-elect Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 elections, but we have heard rumors being floated about that the soon-to-be former President is considering a return to the White House in 2024. My astrology prediction on war between Russia and Ukraine came correct. Sure enough, Mr Biden secured enough electoral votes to become president-elect, and also won the popular vote by approximately fivemillion ballots. The planetary energy will be very negative during this time, you will see many angry people. India will be steered brilliantly by Yogi Adityanath in those troubling times. Aaj ka panchang. ASTROLOGY FUTURE PREDICTIONS - 2022. Her Sun progressed went to conjoin her Descendant and South Node when she became vice-president. 15.15. At the same time, those whose horoscopes showed their absence, their governments were in the minority and they too lost the trust of the people. Either way Trump will be indicted before May 1, 2024, this was my astrology prediction given in July 2021, more than a year ago. One of the most exciting astrological omens we have to look forward to in 2022 is February's Pluto return. Every indication, including statements from Republican election officials throughout the country, indicate that this was a remarkably smooth, full and fair election, and Donald Trumps challenges are entirely baseless, frivolous and dangerous, he said. No more fire. Go beyond sunsigns and see the personal effect of all the planets in your life. Joe Manchins stubbornness could cost Democrats 2022 mid-term election. You lose the incumbency key right off the top, and youre much more likely to have an internal party battle for who will be the nominee to take over fromJoe Biden, he said. The Country will go through challenging and difficult time between October 25 to November 15. - Clairvoyant reading / Psychic predictions January 2022 - by Clairvoyant House " Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova " - from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna 2. In a poll released this Sunday, 54 percent of Americans disapprove of President Bidens job performance, and 71 percent believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. People think of the concept of a Universal Basic Income as a Utopian idea, but the pandemic triggered the first mass experiment in UBI, when governments even in the USA distributed cash to large swathes of the population. Weakening support for the incumbent US President Joe Biden encourages more and more Americans to . But she will be the face of opposition in 2024 elections. "Everyone will put their hopes in him, but it will turn out exactly the opposite; he . Eric Adams ( Mayor of New York and potential candidate for US Election 2024 ) - Who will be the next US President 2024 ? Sun is placed in the 10th House in exchange with Jupiter. I had predicted in the March 3 astrology update that Biden's approval rating will go up in May, June, July this year. This will bring change in party leadership and a leader, who has a persona bigger than any other party leader, will rise to prominence. Biden wants them to pay their fair share of taxes, and they are doing their best to make Democrats lose the midterm election by raising prices of gas, grocery items etc. Weekly Numerology Prediction. #2022-2023 #astrology2022, #2022predictions, #astrology2022-2023#newyearpredictions2022 is going to be a powerful year! In . Biden will not complete his term in America. January through August 2023 are very difficult months for United States economy, and there will be a war like situation during this time. In 2024, Modiji will again win elections with majority and become Prime Minister but will not be able to complete his 5 years tenure. Election Day 2022 promises to be quite a stunner, a supercharged day which is, ultimately, unpredictable. 2016 U.S. Presidential General Election Electoral College - 92% . Coal, oil, factory farming and the mass production of meat, money, ambition and greed. This year the midterm elections fall not . He writes horoscopes and political astrology forecasts. In my opinion 300+ million Americans will get vaccinated either by April 2022, or by end of 2022, and Coronavirus will be contained. The 13keys to the White House is an index of true or false responses to a set of questions, based on a simple pattern recognition algorithm. Between November election and the January 2025 Inauguration, Pluto moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius, which means the Inauguration horoscope has the Sun conjoining Pluto within one degree. 4. At the November 2024 election her Sun progressed is exactly sextile Saturn. Trump faces a criminal probe in New York, we reveal what happens. American People have also asked me if Donald Trump will be Republican candidate for 2024 Presidential Election and can Trump be President again. Again, this is, According to the Forewoman of the Georgia Grand Jury, Emily Kohrs, the Georgia Grand Jury recommended indictments of multiple people in 2020 Presidential Election interference for range of crimes. This could mean a Black president. Also of interest is the so-called Tecumseh curse, which was the prediction that all presidents elected in zero years 1900, 1920, 1940 etc. Prof Lichtman, who details his strategy for predicting the White House winner in his book, Predicting the Next President: The Keys to the White House, said although it is very early, it would strongly be to the Democratic party's advantage if Mr Biden ran for re-election in 2024. We will see which party has momentum going for them during the challenging time between October 24 and November 8, that party will be the winner in the midterm election. April, May, June, July 2022 will be more positive months for President Biden to get things done. If there will be any correction to stock market, it will happen either in May, June 2021 or November, December 2021. The birth time has A rating, not AA rating. With about five months left for the upcoming Assembly elections, what the survey shows is an interesting trend AAP is likely to play a spoilsport for the Congress in most states. President Joe Biden's approval rating bounced back on Friday to 44 percent, close to the mid-term election, according to a new poll by Rasmussen Reports. Val Demings - Yes could win. Early Predictions Ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election. Each area where there has been pollution will undergo a transformation which will radically reduce or eliminate pollution. It seems like we may see the Georgia grand jury indictment first for Donald Trump and the Special Counsel indictment next. We will see how this time from October 24 to November 8 will play out for Kevin McCarthy. The last president of the United States will pull the country out of the economic crisis but push it towards war. Biden's approval rating now stands at 42%. Although the Sun-Moon trine shows support from the People to the Party, Pluto on the Moon unleashes the concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat. That was surprising in the middle of the worst pandemic in 100 years.. After the mid-term election, the betting platforms have shifted their goalpost, and most of them predict Ron Desantis to be the GOP nominee. That is why I am very careful this time making bold astrology predictions. The only astrologer who predicted Donald Trump will get impeached twice in his Presidential Term and will survive the second senate impeachment trial. Now many people have asked me during past couple of days, when this Russia / Ukraine war will be over. Although Mr Biden has not indicated whether or not he plans to run for re-election, there is ample speculation that he might not. So, I will try to answer this question by analyzing President Bidens astrology chart. President Biden has pretty much just four months, July, Aug, Sept, Oct this year to get his agenda done. Indictments are coming. Be Your Own Astrologer. Please remember March, April, May, June, July 2023 are very sensitive and challenging months for the country and our economy as well. Inflation is a worldwide problem. Expect the Cover-Up on 8th May 2022 You can expect a cover-up involving sex, death and money in the US regarding Midterms election day, 8th May 2022. There is nothing much President Biden or Republicans can do to control high inflation. Mr. Singh is known for making bold astrology predictions on internet. Does this mean jagan reddy will rule till then or is there change of guard by 2024. The timely movements of the outer planets are again present as we reconfigure our political and monetary systems. Either name yourself or keep your comments to yourself. Just like an electric version of Skype. Since this mid-term election is happening right in the middle of two eclipses, so it makes it very difficult for me to make a bold and accurate astrology prediction this time, because eclipses bring surprises. Candace Owens' 2024 odds are +10000. Shri Narendra Modi: Astrology Predictions for Election 2024 With the announcement of the Lok Sabha elections, the round of predictions has also started. The results were delayed also because of eclipse. American astrologer predicted, Modi will win with so many seats in 2024 election! The poll numbers before October 25 have no meaning, because the momentum can quickly shift from one political party to the other political party between October 25 and the mid-term election day, if they make any mistakes / gaffes or some scandals take place. On 26 May 2014, PM Narendra Modi was sworn in as the Prime Minister for the first time. Some GOP candidates who completely went against Trump are still winning the primaries, while others are losing the primaries despite receiving Trump endorsements.'. I've made public predictions before, and several of these predictions I've already shared through podcasts, live events and in private readings over the last 1.5 years. And that also goes for Midterms 2022! McCarthy had a disappointing election day night. Andhra Pradesh will continue to struggle atleast until 2035. Early voter turnout is very high, 36 million Americans have already voted by November 4, Republicans should be worried. Should the winner of the presidential election not be the candidate of any party listed in this market at the time of resolution, all contracts shall resolve to No. loksabha election 2024 prediction will bjp come back in power. This will happen in 2024. 2024 UP state will be divided and 2 states will be formed. Many people don't know, Donald Trump has already destroyed the GOP party, it is too late to separate Donald Trump from the GOP party. Control of the airwaves will become far more important than control of territory. Also of interest is the so-called Tecumseh curse, which was the prediction that all presidents elected in zero . Professor, congrats, good call, it reads, in large letters written in marker with Mr Trumps signature. October 20 to December 14 this year is the perfect time window for Donald Trump Indictment if the indictment is coming this year. Thanks again for all your support. This isn't inflation anymore; it is 100% corporate greed. 25th December 1991, 20.45 Moscow AS 25 Leo. So, in this time window we should see the indictments coming. The world is changing at an exponential rate, and everything will go faster than you think. Please read my October 20 and October 2, 2022, astrology updates to understand why GOP did not see red wave this time. The astrology prediction has again come correct. The country will be out of woods by second quarter of year 2024. July, August, September 2021 should be good months for President Biden to get things done. -Source: Allan J. Lichtman, The Thirteen Keys to the Presidency, Beta V.1.0 - Powered by automated translation, Look, I'm 73 years old and I've been doing these predictions for 40 years, and I get butterflies in my stomach every four years, Every indication, including statements from Republican election officials throughout the country, indicate that this was a remarkably smooth, full and fair election, and Donald Trump's challenges are entirely baseless, frivolous and dangerous, It doesn't look like the Republicans have anyone who fulfils the 'challenge charisma key', the once-in-a-generation inspirational candidate, like Franklin Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan. I decided to sum them up and offer a . Donald Trump has divided the Republican party. Want to make a complex subject like astrology simple? You will see April, May, June, July, Aug 2023 are really very bad months for Donald Trump, and a challenging time for the country. GOP has alienated moderates and independents who decide all elections in US. Some of the polls released in the past two weeks are Republican-commissioned and designed to (falsely) show a GOP landslide, and they are included in the average of polls, to shift the numbers towards GOP. This is a fiery place to have such a monumental conjunction, and the transition from Pisces to Aries suggests a dissolution and perhaps violent rebirth. (It may be the biggest in history!) Read my lips neither President Biden nor Republicans can fix the inflation and higher gas prices, but recession in 2023 will. Ron DeSantis is the new GOP leader with his impressive victory in Florida. Inflation reduction act also imposes a 15% minimum corporate tax on large corporations who pay little to no federal income tax. 528K jobs are added in July 2022, and unemployment is at 3.5% (50-year low). The election chart has a Moon-Venus conjunction in Sagittarius, so a woman with foreign roots may well be one of the candidates. Courtesy of Maren Altman. The "anti-woke" entrepreneur has thrown his hat into the 2024 race. This election is anybodys ball game so far. The moment has finally come, Donald Trump will be indicted any time after March 4, 2023. The conjunction squares the 1991 Russian horoscopes Sun, so it is likely that leadership is completely undermined at this time. On election night outside the White House, a very partisan crowd of demonstrators clearly expected Mr Biden to be declared the winner in a clear landslide, but they would have to wait for hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots to be counted across the country. There is partial solar eclipse on October 25 and Total Lunar eclipse on November 8, the election day. The British psychic starts his annual predictions video by telling viewers, "I produce these sort of videos all the way through the year, but . Whoever decided to schedule Election Day during Scorpio season clearly wasn't working with an astrologer - how much nicer would it have been to hold the election during Libra season when everyone wanted to be nice. Thanks to all my regular astrology readers for all your support. He may lose his grip as changes sweep through the population. It is said that Donald Trump is planning to run in 2024. Anand Mahindra himself predicted a huge rise in the astrologer's popularity should Donald Trump win the 2020 US Presidential Election. I had also indicated in my 2021 Biden Astrology predictions that President Biden will face further decline in poll numbers and opposition / enemies will be strong after October 2021. 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