The Isle of the Yellow Sands, in Lake Superior, was supposed by Indians to be made of the dust of gold, but it was protected by vultures that beat back those who approached or tore them to pieces if they insisted on landing. His motive for the crime may have been a fear that the slaves would aid the Americans in the approaching struggle or that they might return and dig up the wealth or reveal the hiding place to the kings enemies. Witches guard it, and although it has been seen, no one has been able to lay hands on it. On the banks of the Cumberland River in Tennesseeis a height where a searcher for gold was seized by invisible defenders and hurled to the bottom of the cliff, receiving mortal injuries. As the great Terry Perkins has said, to bushwack through Five Ponds, one needs to have the right attitude. The spirit of the defrauded and murdered captain had claimed him, the medium explained. This is often the most difficult step, especially these days since we live in a culture where always doing something is the norm. Good article Dan. On Isle Royal an island on the St. Lawrence River which is located off the port of Waddington, NY. So far from having gold, these Indians did not know the stuff, but the myth that they had hoarded quantities of it survived and caused the waste of lives and money. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Enter before January 31 to win. Two years of wandering, fighting, and carousal ensued before the remnant of the crew returned to Oregon. It is said that St. Leger buried the chest of gold in a farmers field just outside Fort Stanwix. In the southern part of Chester County, Pennsylvania, is money, too, but just where nobody knows. I became convinced that anyone new at the skill, with the right attitude and proper planning, should not fear becoming lost. Spanish reales were found on a hill at the junction of Military Road and highway 29 N of Herkimer. In the case of being lost, stop, drop and roll has a totally different meaning than when applying it to fire safety. The Monarch wrecked off Toronto Canada with 250 ton cargo in 1856. He has been visiting the Adirondacks since childhood and actively exploring its backcountry for almost two decades. The amounts vary from $5-9 million, sums that would be worth ten times as much today. Those coins dated to the 1500s so they could have been part of Clairieuxs lost treasure. At first I would allow myself to be unsure of exactly where I was for long stretches, but I had always studied the map and had a substantial backstop and a compass direction that would assure my arrival at recognizable points of terrain. For years the populace kept watch of all strangers that came to town and shadowed them if they went to the woods, but without result. Dutch Schultz's legal team kept the theories coming. Moses, unfortunately, disappeared in 1823 and his fate and his treasure have been lost to time. Look at your map. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Forest Rangers respond to search and rescue incidents in the Adirondacks. In 1880s, a gold vein was found near Wells. About the Author: Charles M. Skinner (1852-1907) authored the complete nine-volume set of Myths and Legends of Our Own Land in 1896. When things go bad, they go bad all at once. The Dakotah sank in Lake Erie off Angola shore carrying $500,000 of copper and $50,000 in cash. Indeed, the times I have been somewhat confused by mistakes made have been the greatest learning experiences such that I would know to never make that same mistake again. They found quantities of lead and iron but no gold. Fleeing from you initial position can simply lead to getting even farther away from your last known position, which can get you REALLY lost, plus uselessly depleting any energy reserves that just might come in handy while trying to stay warm under a tree. The key to finding the cash is to find a bronze coin, engraved with Hillig's initials, and rumored to be buried somewhere in the Catskill Mountains. E.L. Doctorow wrote "Billy Bathgate," and in the feature film he was played by Dustin Hoffman. Author's Note: This piece was actually one I originally submitted and had declined by Adirondack Life Magazine.It was recently published in The Adirondack Almanack's August 22, 2021 online edition.. For a century and more, the whereabouts of the Wentworth plate and money bags have been a matter of search and conjecture. It was also unclear if it was in cash, jewels, or even gold pieces. Immediately stopping upon realizing you are not where you think you ought to be is the most important thing you can do to make sure that a bad situation does not get worse. You are just confused. Lost Their Lives in Discovering a Rich Deposit of the Precious Metal -- The Story as Told by an Old Guide -- Found the Bodies of the Men with Specimens of Their Find -- The Location of the. If you are ever in New York City you might want to check out the Museum of the City of New York. Rumors of buried treasure by French soldiers in the area of Fort Levis on Chimney Island below Ogdensburg. They had dug to the water level when they reached an iron chest, and they stooped to lift it-but, to their amazement, the iron was too hot to handle! The following are some of those buried pirate treasures. Breathing becomes labored as if just summiting a faraway peak. on the St. Lawrence River. British troops are thought to have buried gold and silver coins at Fort Crown. Modern technology has shrunk the world to such a degree, that actually finding yourself lost or momentarily displaced is getting exceedingly difficult. The Butlerbury Mansion was built by Lt. Walter Butler and served as his son Walter Butler and his Grandson John Butlers home from the time of 1742 to when they both fled to Canada during the Revolutionary War. Somewhere in the Montezuma swamp in Seneca County, there might be a treasure buried worth $40,000. sank in Lake Erie off Angola shore carrying $500,000 of copper and $50,000 in. The subway's life ran from 1927 to June 30, 1956. The first Loomis Joseph Loomis immigrate to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the early 1600s. This would be a good island to do some treasure hunting if you are ever in the area. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Presiding Judge Bryant, a native of the area, "was visibly astonished, disappointed and thoroughly exasperated," according to the Franklin County Review (vol 12, pg. In the end, the jury deliberated for only one day. The geology found throughout New York is not consistent with most of New England and parts of Pennsylvania, in that there is very little likelihood of finding any gold sources that come from lode deposits. GT Prospect Station, 3 miles E of Westfield.GT Lilly Dale, 1 1/2 miles W of Cassadaga. Moses Follensby is said to have been a wealthy hermit who had a cabin 2 miles southeast of Tupper Lake in the early 1800s. Some people were convinced there had to be a map, as these two "city boys" would never be able to find anything in the wilderness without it. Dutch's immediate gang, including Rosenkranz, were cut down with machine guns. Lord Amherts buried $100,000 in gold coins on Treasure island during the Revolution. In 1776, while a Tory a colonist who was loyal to the British named Robert Gordon was fleeing from the Patriot troops is said to have buried a treasure worth $75,000 in a marshy area called The Haven which is on the Poultney River about a mile from Whitehall NY. Dungeon Rock, of Lynn, is the places name ever since. In several cases, the chasms that have been caused by wear of water or convulsions of nature (their opposite sides being matched) were believed to have been hiding places, but, in the old days in New England, it was believed that the earthquake caused all such fractures at the time of the crucifixion a testimony of the power of God to shake sinners. It was as if the ground had never been disturbed. So the next time you feel as you might be lost, just remember to stop, drop and roll. It may sound completely stupid, but that might just make it memorable enough that it will come to mind when the need arises. GT Charleston, 5 miles NW of Burtonsville The Loomis gang during their raids buried $40,000 in silver and gold coin in the Montezuma Swamp close by the Seneca Falls. Clairieux built a lavish house and pier on the Island. In 1983 the wreck of Dean Richmond was located in 100 feet of water off of North East, PA. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; They were also a collection point for refuse and debris. The seven cities of Cibola that Coronado and other Spanish adventurers sought in the vast deserts of the Southwest were pueblos. All rights reserved (About Us). Confusing the jury was not only a time-honored legal tactic, it was a sensible one when the law was not as well-established as it is in modern times. But the hotel keepers and three-card-monte men are not waiting for that discovery to grow rich. Needless to say, this law has hampered most any serious efforts made to search for gold. You will go home with the satisfaction, if it is indeed a satisfaction, that you have rendered a blow against law enforcement and given aid and encouragement to people who would flout the law. The chest has never found. If it is so hard to get lost in the backcountry, then why do people do so every year, with some losing their lives in the process? Even if you dont have a compass it is easy to tell what direction is what during the day. By the time Prohibition went into effect in 1919, gangsters were starting to get caught in a new trap that they never dealt with before. Outlaw loot is buried at or near Money Point. I believe that my dad gave me the right attitude when I was very young (long before I was allowed to carry a gun) as he taught me to hunt with him, and how he gradually set me loose on what amounted to increasing solo bushwhacks to favored watch locations. Many years ago, in my earlier years as a trail hiker, I once found myself lost while hiking back from the Five Ponds after taking an old side trail near the Oswegatchie River. Human bones have been found here, too, but they are thought to be those of soldiers that entered the cave in pursuit of an Indian chief who had defied the State in the 1840s. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. The location of where the cabin once stood is a southwest of Tupper Lake. . The 71-year-old was a champion storyteller of the Native Americans who thrived in the Adirondack lowlands, the soldiers who crossed the dangerous landscape in 18th-century battles and the everyday Adirondackersthe miners, foresters and farmerswho settled in the park. circa 990-995. A frantic feeling overcomes you, as if mortal danger is imminent. She had costly freight aboard, and on the morning after she went ashore, crew and freight had vanished. Compiled and edited by Kathy Alexander/Legends of America, updated January 2023. A wreck lay rotting here for many years, and it was said to be the skeleton of a ship that these fellows had beached by false beacons. In 1959, it slowly sunk beneath the surface as flood waters . The Haven is on the Poultney River about a mile from Whitehall NY. (When you tripped and broke your ankle you also smashed your emergency beacon.) This tiny island got its name because legend has it that Lord Jeffrey Amherst a British Army Officer during the Revolutionary War had buried $100,000 worth of coins somewhere on this island. Is it a heart attack? The battle was for Fort Stanwix which is not the city of Rome, NY. It was so bad that Schultz and his men would have to strongarm speakeasy owners to purchase his horrible tasting brews. Another resident back in the early 1800's was Moses Follensby. Photo: Forest near the Middle Branch of the Oswegatchie River, forest south of Lower South Pond and the edge of the carpet spruce swamp north of the Middle Branch of the Oswegatchie River by Dan Crane. Murdering a man so high up in law enforcement, and so highly admired, (Dewey was to run for President in 1944 and 1948) was sure to cause much expensive trouble for them as well as Dutch. To find the coin, Hillig is said to have left 25 clues behind to help locate it. Imagine, 1938: Near the end of The Great Depression in the Adirondack High Peaks. Funny you mention the stop,drop and roll, i was thinking that when i atarted reading the article, it makes good sense. Bushwhacking is not a lark. One summer evening in the middle of the 17th century, a ship dropped anchor at the mouth of Saugus River, Massachusetts, and four of the crew rowed to the woods that skirted its banks and made a landing. Nothing should look too familiar, if it does you are not bushwhacking. As you know Dan, in many places it can be hard to lift ones foot, move through the brush, avoid a boulder, or climb over a downed tree. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. While throwing out these fragments, one of the party fell dead. Contributors include veteran local writers, historians, naturalists, and outdoor enthusiasts from around the Adirondack region. Rawlings included a chapter about the lost Confederate treasure in his 2017 book The Strange Journey of the Confederate Constitution, And Other Stories from Georgia's Historical Past, and also . However, the country was up in arms, time was important, and as his wearied horses could not go on without a lightening of the burden, he was forced to leave behind either Lady Wentworth or his other riches. The Butlers were a rich family all of whom were British Loyalists. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Know of good Lost Treasure Stories for this County? Unfortunately, our natural physical reactions are not always the best course of action. Here's one we came across in a collection called "Short Stories of Lost Treasure in the Adirondacks." (It has no author, of course.) A large amount of Tory treasure in concealed in a cave in the Shawanjunk Mountains near Summitville. That might be a stretch but its possible. The hermit Clairieux supposedly buried several chests of treasure on Grand Island. It will be apparent to all who followed the evidence in this case that you have reached a verdict not on the evidence but on some other reason. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Ghost town(GT) Elberta, on RR, 2 1/2 miles NE of Ransomville.GT Wilson Station, on RR, 2 miles SE of Wilson.GT Pendleton Center, 4 miles NW of Millersport. Gold Panning in places where bedrock is exposed and easier to get to is always a good idea, particularly in the cracks and around the broken slabs where the stream water is being directed much like a natural sluice. Fine gold will get caught down in the cracks and accumulate, and when you are prospecting for glacial gold, you definitely want to find some accumulations to make it worth your while. When I teach backcountry navigation I often say that discovering and following a trail that seems to be going in the desired direction is more dangerous than bushwhacking completely off trail. Click to learn more. if (window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener("message", function(event) { if( >= 22) { if(, 22) == "__MM-LOCATION.REDIRECT") location =; } }, false); } else if (window.attachEvent){ window.attachEvent("message", function(event) { if( >= 22) { if (, 22) == "__MM-LOCATION.REDIRECT") location =; } }, false); }. Plus skills , I agree. In Sullivan county A large amount of Tory treasure in concealed in a cave in the Shawanjunk Mountains near Summitville.A cache known as Faquer Treasure consisting of $50,000 in gold coins is buried near Bethel. The fourth a man named Thomas Veale escaped to a cavern in the wood, where, it was reputed, great treasures were concealed, and there he lived until the earthquake of 1658, when a rock fell from the roof of the cave, closing the entrance and burying the guilty man in a tomb where, it is presumed, he perished of thirst and hunger. (LogOut/ Getting lost in the backcountry can be a terrifying experience, and probably inevitable to some degree for anyone spending enough time in the backcountry. The verdict? Imperial Seal of China created by Emperor Qin Shi Huang, lost after the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period in the 10th century. The Adirondacks are an amazing part of New York's history. Stop, drop and roll has a totally different meaning than when applying it to safety! 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