Entities shall not claim that a determination of equivalent facilitation indicates approval or endorsement of any product or method by the Federal government, the Department of Transportation, or any of its operating administrations. Supervisors should be aware that most technologies we purchase as an accommodation may take awhile for employees to master. Common transportation barriers include long travel distances, lack of vehicle, transportation cost, inadequate infrastructure, and adverse policies affecting Before the issuance of the NPRM, the Department of Transportation received a number of inquiries from transportation providers concerning whether the regulatory provision on standees applies to all existing bus lifts, or only to lifts meeting the requirements of 49 CFR part 38 (the Department's adoption as its standards of the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board accessibility guidelines for vehicles). [49.CFR 37.163 (f)] SECTION 12 - PRIORITY SEATING . The comments to this docket were considered in context of that rulemaking and were reflected in its preamble. One transit agency asked that the rule state that non-disabled passengers do not have to get off the bus to let a disabled passenger on. Washington, DC 20590855-368-4200. [*63098]. Before the NPRM was issued, Amtrak told DOT staff that this provision is not appropriate in an important situation in which it leases rail cars. The Department also wants to clarify an equivalent facilitation decision it had earlier made concerning detectable warnings. (2) The requesting party shall provide the following information with its request:(i) Entity name, address, contact person and telephone;(ii) Specific provision of appendix A to this part with which the entity is unable to comply;(iii) Reasons for inability to comply;(iv) Alternative method of compliance, with demonstration of how the alternative meets or exceeds the level of accessibility or usability of the vehicle provided in appendix A to this part; and(v) Documentation of the public participation used in developing an alternative method of compliance.PAGE 2558 FR 63092, *63102(3) In the case of a request by a public entity that provides transportation facilities (including an airport operator), or a request by an air carrier with respect to airport facilities, the required public participation shall include the following:(i) The entity shall contact individuals with disabilities and groups representing them in the community. The first issue to be considered is whether the Department should continue making equivalent facilitation determinations. (2) The requesting party shall provide the following information with its request:(i) Entity name, address, contact person and telephone;(ii) Specific provision of part 38 of this subtitle with which the entity is unable to comply;(iii) Reasons for inability to comply;(iv) Alternative method of compliance, with demonstration of how the alternative meets or exceeds the level of accessibility or usability of the vehicle provided in part 38 of this subtitle; and(v) Documentation of the public participation used in developing an alternative method of compliance. While we understand the concerns of transit agency commenters about the potential safety risks that may be involved, the Department does not have a basis in the rulemaking record for authorizing a restriction on lift use by standees. Web(7) Eligibility. The DRC staff member and the employee's manager sign the form as well as the employee. II. PAGE 1458 FR 63092, *63097Commenters had a variety of points of view on this proposal. The NPRM proposed to modify the existing regulatory language to require transit providers to allow standees on lifts which meet part 38 specifications, or which are equipped with handrails or other devices that can assist standees in maintaining their balance. Nine commenters supported the NPRM proposal to adopt the Access [*63101] Board proposed amendment for ATMs, which would also apply to fare vending systems. It would not be appropriate for the Department to indefinitely suspend a requirement that addresses a known safety problem on the basis of speculation about a safety problem that has not been shown to exist. One of these commenters opposed the public hearing requirement, while another said public participation should receive greater emphasis. One transit agency suggested explicitly excluding paratransit vans used for passengers with disabilities from this policy. [Q]%hMT!K*ULV}2[xxLs?QE|d7:.tY?_OOj|VZ>qVQpr~Ve_'9cW|}p3.2nOgO?>tizQx;9/8}-ceyXOfuZUZ7Glaq+_TRJb:$96 (It is our understanding that a number of rail properties have begun this task.) The DREDF comment asserted, first, that there was no documentation of actual safety problems-data or even anecdotes-necessitating a restriction on the kinds of lifts that standees should be allowed to use. This was due, in part, to the absence of a diagram illustrating the required pattern. The first step is to complete the DRC Accommodation Request Form so we can begin to identify your needs. hbbd```b``"d."H :XdXW`)f$lWdH! R,DdL@d` ?7 h [*63092]SUMMARY: The Department is amending its rules implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in several respects. Even when Amtrak leases an entire consist from a commuter authority after that date, the consist will necessarily include at least one accessible car, assuming the commuter authority lessor is in compliance with the rule. WebReasonable accommodations also include any structural changes that may be necessary. Since the situation of air carriers making equivalent facilitation requests concerning facilities at public airports is very similar to that of the airport sponsors themselves, we decided to apply the same procedural requirements to both. %PDF-1.5 % 12. An FTA regulation (49 CFR 609.15(d)) requires FTA-assisted public transit authorities to designate priority seating near the front of vehicles for elderly and handicapped persons. WebDocumentation RequirementsInability to obtain reasonable lodging in Texas. Reasonable accommodations create equal access and opportunities in the workplace so that people with disabilities can be productive team players whose unique perspectives promote the development of successful programs. The main point of all commenters supporting a restriction on the use of lifts by standees was the safety risk that they believe to exist. Mr. X has Reasonable Cause for Not Filing and Turning Over Form 941 Withholding Taxes. Any such use of these letters, or reliance on these letters in marketing materials, is unauthorized, and potential customers for these products should disregard claims of this kind. The Department is not making other suggested changes in the regulatory language, believing that reasonable implementation of the provision can address the issues commenters raised. The drop-offs at the edges of rail station platforms create a clear, documented, and unacceptable hazard to persons with visual impairments. Bulletin # 1 also contains a list of products which are claimed by their manufacturers to meet the technical specifications for detectable warnings, but the Access Board neither reviews products for compliance nor certifies the suitability of such products or systems for the purposes for which they are intended. (5) A determination of compliance will be made by the Administrator of the concerned operating administration on a case-by-case basis, with the concurrence of the Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs.PAGE 2458 FR 63092, *63102(6) Determinations of equivalent facilitation are made only with respect to vehicles or vehicle components used in the provision of transportation services covered by subpart D or subpart E of this part, and pertain only to the specific situation concerning which the determination is made. Others said that they did not want to spend substantial sums of money on detectable warnings until there was certainty about what design would best answer the concerns that have been raised. Also, if Amtrak could obtain cars for a particular area of its service from both Commuter Authority B and Commuter Authority C, and C had more accessible cars available than B, Amtrak would borrow C's accessible cars before it borrowed inaccessible cars from B. Eleven commenters (eight disability community commenters, Amtrak and one other transit provider, and one state or local agency working on disability matters) favored the NPRM approach. The Department can also attempt to assist in obtaining disability group input. On January 10, 1992, the FTA Administrator determined that the criteria under 49 CFR 37.9 had been met, and he advised EPI that the detectability of the Armor-Tile warning strip was equivalent to those meeting the Access Board guidelines. The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) changed the name of the former Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) to Federal Transit Administration (FTA). When it drafted these provisions, the Department contemplated a small number of requests from transit providers concerning individual facility or vehicle problems on which flexibility in applying accessibility standards could be provided without negative effects on accessibility. What If I Want Interpreting Services Or Other Ongoing Supports? Given that installation methods not raising the technical problems said to affect retrofit are possible in this situation (even though retrofit-like methods could also be used), the Department does not believe that a postponement is necessary. * * * * *(d)(1) For purposes of implementing the equivalent facilitation provision in section 2.2 of appendix A to this part, the following parties may submit to the Administrator of the applicable operating administration a request for a determination of equivalent facilitation:(i)(A) A public or private entity that provides transportation facilities subject to the provisions of subpart C this part, or other appropriate party with the concurrence of the Administrator;(ii) With respect to airport facilities, an entity that is an airport operator subject to the requirements of 49 CFR part 27 or regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act, an air carrier subject to the requirements of 14 CFR part 382, or other appropriate party with the concurrence of the Administrator. This will inform passengers that such a request may be made and that they should comply. It also mentioned a technical safety concern relating to the interface of the detectable warning strip and the yellow safety stripe at the platform edge. This means, of course, that detectable warnings were to be in place by that date. There are reasons to have such a requirement. INDEX. Amtrak may have a standing reimbursable agreement with Boston or Washington/Baltimore area commuter authorities to borrow commuter rail cars on short notice in these situations. A regulatory deadline would not be that useful, in our view. (3) The entity is not required to enforce the request that other passengers move from priority seating areas or wheelchair securement locations. Moreover, some fairly subtle differences among designs could produce differences in effectiveness that might not be apparent to manufacturers or DOT. (56 FR 45755). In the NPRM, the Department emphasized that its concerns were neither about the basic design of the [*63093] detectable warnings or their usefulness to people with vision impairments. We provide training in the use of the accommodation, and follow up with the employee to be sure that the accommodation is effective. The case of installing detectable warnings sooner, rather than later, is made stronger by three publicly reported deaths of visually impaired passengers in the time since the comment period for this rulemaking closed, of which the. The study affirms the excellent detectability of materials meeting Federal standards. The Department believes that the ambiguities in the original Access Board guidelines have been resolved by Bulletin # 1, and that FTA letters concerning compliance with the Access Board requirements are no longer necessary. In Boston, a blind individual received fatal injuries when she fell off a platform and received a shock from the electrified "third rail." The NPRM also noted that the Department's concerns did not relate to the cost of installing detectable warnings in key stations. Other commenters suggested adding safeguards to ensure accessibility. WebTo request reasonable accommodations: Look at the vacancy announcement Work directly with person arranging the interviews Contact the agency Selective Placement Program Coordinator Contact the hiring manager and engage in an interactive process to clarify what the person needs and identify reasonable accommodations Web_____ Statement regarding inability to obtain reasonable transportation (applies to 2 designation above) _____ Proof of SR-22 insurance (if applicable) Documentation of In making the request available for public review, the entity shall ensure that it is available, upon request, in accessible formats. Five commenters (four transit agencies and a manufacturer) said that the purpose and design of fare vending machines were different enough from those of ATMs to warrant a different standard, at least with respect to some specifications. These support services are provided throughout DOT, regardless of an employee's geographic location. Some commenters expressed particular concern about detectable warnings at outdoor stations in the winter, with respect to snow and ice removal and potential slipping hazards to passengers. PAGE 958 FR 63092, *63095standard for detectable warnings may be indicated, the Department is free to propose changes, which can exceed the minimum requirements of the Access Board guidelines. WebThe CPA performs procedures in order to obtain reasonable assurance (defined as a high but not absolute level of assurance) about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. DRC staff will talk with the employee and the supervisor to understand the scope of the job and to find effective solutions. We believe that a reasonable balance is best achieved, in this case, by allowing transit authorities a limited period of time to resolve practical problems concerning detectable warnings. WebStatement regarding reasonable accommodation under the Fair Housing Act generally apply to requests for reasonable accommodations to rules, policies, practices, and Consultation with these individuals and groups shall take place at all stages of the development of the request for equivalent facilitation. The uniformity considerations mentioned by commenters will be taken into account in this process. Washington, DC 20590 The authority citation for 49 CFR part 38 is revised to read as follows: Authority: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Another disability community commenter suggested a requirement that the lease of rail cars by Amtrak not be permitted to decrease the overall percentage of Amtrak's fleet that was accessible (i.e., that if Amtrak leased inaccessible cars from a commuter authority, Amtrak would have to obtain accessible cars elsewhere in order to maintain the same percentage of accessibility in its fleet that it had before the lease). * * * * *[FR Doc. A number mentioned the crowded, noisy, distracting atmosphere of rush hour train stations as being a situation in which a tactile cue like a detectable warning is particularly important. The Act defines a person with a disability to include (1) individuals with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life Four state or local transportation agencies asked that FTA (or perhaps APTA) publish, in the Federal Register or elsewhere, its approvals of requests for equivalent facilitation, so that other transit authorities would know what products or accommodations were acceptable. The transit provider would notify users (e.g., via signage on affected buses) that this particular bus lift was not available to standees. WebINABILITY TO OBTAIN. The warning strip must include a pattern of "truncated domes" (i.e., small raised rounded surfaces) as required by section 4.29 of appendix A. Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) 13-1803 All documents and other information concerning the request shall be available, upon request, to members of the public. Lift-off problems were reported in some stations (for example, one BART station had a high lift-off rate, of about a third of tiles after 18 months, while other BART stations had low lift-off rates in the 1-10 percent range.) The proposal would also require that if the borrower had a choice of obtaining cars from more than one source, it would obtain the cars from a source that had accessible cars before it obtained inaccessible cars from the other source. WebAny Party claiming a Force Majeure event shall use reasonable diligence to remove the condition that prevents performance and shall not be entitled to suspend performance of Copies of the final rule are available in alternative formats on request. WebUnlawful use of means of transportation can result in a conviction of class 5 or class 6 felony. (2) By documenting that, when there is more than one source of intercity or commuter rail cars for a lease of seven days or less, the lessee has obtained all available accessible intercity or commuter rail cars from all sources before obtaining inaccessible intercity or commuter rail cars from any source. The basic view of these commenters was that the proposed extension of the completion date was needed to address the concerns cited in the NPRM. Current products (including some developed. Some comments from transit providers suggested there be limits on the use of lifts by standees (e.g., only where there are handrails, only in a wheelchair provided by the transit authority). The situations covered by the Access Board proposal are distinguishable from the situation of rail platform edges, and a decision by the Access Board to delete the detectable warning requirement in the former would not affect the requirement in the latter for detectable warnings on platform edges, particularly given the safety consequences of falls from rail station platforms. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Any decision in a matter of this kind requires the Department to strike a balance between the legitimate concerns that commenters have expressed. Since the FTA issued these letters, the Access Board published Bulletin # 1 in May 1992, clarifying many of the ambiguities left by its original guidelines and containing a diagram illustrating the pattern prescribed for detectable warning surfaces. X The conclusion the Department draws from this study is that there are documented practical problems with the installation and maintenance of some detectable warning materials, which it is necessary for transit properties to address if their installation of detectable warnings is to be successful. A statement of the eligibility requirements for coverage including: (A) The condition under which dependent enrollees may be added to those originally covered; (B) Any limiting age for enrollees and dependents, including effects of Medicare eli-gibility; and (C) A clear statement regarding the cover-age of newborn children. One disability community commenter and one state or local agency working on disability matters recommended that, regardless of other considerations, each train always have at least one accessible car (after July 1955, presumably). The comments from the disability community emphasized the safety need for detectable warnings, particularly for blind and visually impaired persons. We have some doubts about the practicality of providers carrying wheelchairs on their vehicles to use for standees who are trying to access a vehicle via the lift. That is, they were concerned that passengers would lose their balance and fall, hit their head, or otherwise suffer injury, as the result of using the lift. ].14 The auditor should consider the effect of an illegal act on the amounts presented in nancial statements including contingent monetary effects, such as nes, penalties and damages. The final rule specifically bars claims by manufacturers that an equivalent facilitation determination constitutes a product endorsement by the Department. b```YL83Y[20+2'0r20H 2b_j(!c#af(MP03 5[ However, this organization did not comment on the NPRM, and there were no comments to the NPRM from any blind or visually impaired individuals or organizations representing them opposing detectable warnings on rail station platform edges. Under the proposal, rail operators would have had until January 26, 1995, to complete installation of detectable warnings. (6) Determinations of equivalent facilitation are made only with respect to transportation facilities, and pertain only to the specific situation concerning which the determination is made. They viewed the separate provision for private entities (such as manufacturers) as being a less stringent standard, which would allow manufacturers to circumvent the standards in the rule. There is no time to make a nationwide search or advertise in trade publications, and no point in seeking cars from distant commuter authorities (which may not meet dimensional requirements for Northeast Corridor service and which would take too long to arrive). The study does not point to any safety problems created by the materials for passengers, beyond those that can be inferred from "lift-off." Frequently (e.g., at holiday times or other high-demand periods), Amtrak must obtain additional cars from nearby commuter rail authorities on short notice for a short period of time. Some services, such as sign language interpreting, reader services, or personal assistance while on travel, can be provided by DRC on a continuing basis. The NPRM also proposed to clarify the public participation obligations of parties asking for equivalent facilitation determinations. In addition, in December 1992, a visually impaired passenger fell to the tracks on Baltimore's subway system, and was struck and injured by a train. For safety and liability reasons, they would prefer not to carry standees on such lifts. This language should parallel that of @ 38.95(d). In @ 37.165, paragraph (g) is revised to read as follows:@ 37.165 -- Lift and securement use. (56 FR 45618). The bulk of these-388 comments-were from individuals with disabilities or organizations representing them. Providing reasonable accommodations is an interactive process where the employee and his or her manager need to participate to help achieve a successful accommodation. If there are conductors or other transit personnel present in the passenger compartments, they would make the request when they saw a situation calling for it. 35 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<219546CA2F0B1B4A956CBC6DFEFAA54F>]/Index[10 48]/Info 9 0 R/Length 119/Prev 123083/Root 11 0 R/Size 58/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream FTA previously made this change for all the regulations in Subchapter VI of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. This requirement applies to all fixed route vehicles when they are acquired by the entity or to new or replacement signage in the entity's existing fixed route vehicles. Once your or your employee's needs have been identified, we will prepare a written Action Plan for achieving the proposed accommodations. In an audit, your CPA is required to obtain an understanding of your businesss internal control and assess fraud risk. We agree with the commenters who suggested modifying the proposal to specify that drivers or other personnel on vehicles not be required to enforce a request for someone to move from a priority seat (e.g., by physically removing a recalcitrant passenger or parking the bus and calling the police.) Virtually all commenters supported the proposal, agreeing with the rationale articulated above. However, it is not a condition to the Close of Escrow that Seller obtain Estoppel Certificates from those A-Tenants in excess of the Minimum Number of Estoppels. One rail operator cited a 1991 study performed by a consultant for DOT that noted a number of problems that had occurred in early installations of detectable warnings. Different transit properties that have installed the tiles reported different experiences with cleaning and maintenance, some reporting substantial difficulty and others having few problems. Fourteen commenters supported the NPRM provision as drafted. The equivalent facilitation sections for vehicles and facilities are basically parallel. In @ 37.9, paragraph (d) is revised to read as follows:@ 37.9 -- Standards for accessible transportation facilities. The Department is adopting this proposal without change. statement regarding inability to obtain reasonable transportation As a matter of guidance, we believe it is reasonable that if a passenger with a "hidden" disability wants a driver to ask someone to make room for use of a priority seat, the individual should tell the driver about the disability. The Disability Resource Center (DRC) is available to help all Department of Transportation managers, supervisors, and employees understand the accommodation process and obtain necessary equipment and services. This rule is not a significant rule under the Executive Order on Regulatory Planning and Review. In the course of preparing this document, DOT staff noticed two technical errors in 49 CFR part 38. Our staff will work with you to understand how your limitations impact your ability to perform your critical job tasks. We expect economic impacts to be minimal, so we have not prepared a regulatory evaluation. The second modification would except a particular model of lifts from the requirement that transportation providers permit standees to use lifts. Four rail operators suggested that the 18 months should start to run from the time that FTA or the Access Board completed its research on detectable warnings. Priority seats are intended for people with disabilities in general; a seat near the front of the bus may be as important to a blind individual as to an individual with a mobility impairment. PAGE 1758 FR 63092, *63099locations in vehicles, though transit providers may have fold-down seats that other persons can use when there are no wheelchair users on the vehicle. Of view on this proposal installation of detectable warnings were to be that! 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