The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) has created a list to show the approximate time you need to learn a specific language as an English speaker. I practiced for almost a year with my Dutch colleagues and after that I speak almost fluent Dutch except for uitdrukkingen etc. But what these people don’t realize is that there’s no such thing as an ‘instant coder’. You just have to know where to look and how to make it … Fit language learning around your busy schedule by taking advantage of an online Dutch course. Learn by doing. Start with an easy and free online course! Shame on you. I will finally come to the Netherlands on 16th January for my studies in UTwente and I am really looking forward to my time here. Me fiets, me moeder. Good luck learning my native language, though it might be a bit of a pain. While this fea­ture is not so good for Eng­lish learn­ers (they have to learn more words than nec­es­sary), it is very help­ful for Eng­lish speak­ers who learn Ro­mance and Ger­manic lan­guages. Never go full ♥♥♥♥♥♥. It would help if you physically showed yourself here and there in between voiceover segments. Press J to jump to the feed. So true! Europe is learning a hard lesson from Muslim immigrant experience Friday July 8, 2005 Islam You might have thought the ability to drink alcohol and shake hands was essential for the smooth running of the EU, but you’d be wrong. This way we … Don’t think too hard on it. The best way to learn Danish, in my opinion, is in a class. But where the English verb lacks endings, it makes up for this simplicity in other ways. Haha). I want you to feel happy during the lesson. They just don't want to learn it, because it is not a nice language and hey...they can get by with English either way. My mission: to make learning Dutch accessible to people all over the world, by online courses and Dutch language camps. English, for example, is quite similar to German, Afrikaans, Dutch, French, Spanish, etc. I don't mind taking on a challenge but I'd rather know now what the difficult parts of it are. It’s spoken by over 24 million people in the Netherlands and Belgium and it’s a language that some people consider hard to learn. If you look close even the dutch between eachother do this. Spreken/sprechen, vrouw/Frau, etc. They will actually enjoy very much teaching you a word or two when they get the chance. So if your German and English are good, Dutch should be easy. I learnt German in school and found that quite easy (only mentioning this because I remember reading somewhere that the grammar structures are slightly similar). For beginners pronouncing the G is also hard. Plus there are a lot of cognates between the two. When people tried to answer in English I just answered back in Dutch, and asked for natives to correct me when wrong. Whether you’re a beginner starting with the basics or looking to practice your reading, writing, and speaking, Duolingo … If affects so much and it’s a pain to go back and try to associate it later. The original low calorie English language subreddit for the Netherlands. And it’s a sad fact that a lot of these people give up and fail. We're into Dutch news, silly jokes, life in the Netherlands, history, opinions, events, hotspots, lifestyle and covering all the big cities of the Netherlands. Insane to master it. I'm sure you could find the very same question answered dozens of times by searching this subreddit, Reddit, or Google. Why learn a language that seems more useful, when in a matter of weeks you could be having your first conversation in a language that will open you up to over 75 million speakers in over 50 countries? I became fluent after my first year living in the South. Also Dutch seems like it exists just because of the hate towards the Germans tbh.... New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Netherlands community. A lot of Dutch people just like talking in other languages. DutchReview is an English language magazine for expats in the Netherlands and Dutchies with an international taste. Dutch speakers tend to insert English in their conversations on a regular basis. French is not hard to learn, especially when compared to English! The two don't seem similar at the surface level but both are germanic languages with strong French influence. A subreddit for everybody interested in learning the Dutch language (*het Nederlands*) - whether you're a beginner, an expert, or just curious. Learn more about language family trees. Sure, lots of verb-endings are hard for a learner, especially a learner who is not used to them. How to make any language easy to learn I’m learning Mandarin Chinese at the moment and it feels easy. Swedish, just like English, is a Germanic language. However the language can be so cute and beautiful, its well worth learning. People vastly overestimate how difficult this really is. I used to tutor ESL (English as a Second Language to immigrants) and I can tell you, English is a hard language to learn! Speaking standard Dutch to the bartender or the local cashier, or talking to your friend at a café, is a bit like using the Queen's English in these situations (but don't worry, it is completely okay for a "foreigner"; people know learning Dutch is hard and will be impressed with you for making the effort). People say it's a hard language to learn but it's really not, coming from English. French is rediculously hard to learn because it is insanely hard to say the words. With so much time on our hands during lockdown, many of us have entertained the idea of learning a foreign language. Dutch is very closely related to both German and English. Yes, it takes some time to learn the rules and truly master them, but that’s the case with any language you might learn. Good luck! It will be easy for you to re­mem­ber that … Alas, I'm not a Dutch speaker, but only a learner, so I can only guess at how hard (or not) it would be for a Dutch speaker to learn Russian. French is relatively easy to learn but it does take some time and effort. The hardest thing for me, is numbers and the alphabet. Why It's So Hard to Learn Another Language After Childhood. Like Swedish and Dutch, its speakers are often proficient in English and it can be a hard language to actually be able to practice at times. Well, from my point of view I think English is not a difficult language to learn. I think that if you already know German, it will be easier. If you speak German and English then Dutch would come pretty easily I reckon. By easy, I … Something I can answer. It's for foreigners almost impossible to know if it's: de or het. Also helpful are r/languagelearning and Duolingo. It can be in your own country, or in Denmark at a summer school. There may be less than 30 million Dutch speakers in the world, but some cool Dutch words are worth memorising. Please browse our FAQ before posting! You can’t. I know of native Germans who take only 3 months to learn Dutch good enough to be able to follow University lectures. There are plenty of differences, of course, but you'll recognize a lot of words in writing and the sentence structure is pretty similar. But Dutch does sound very harsh and the guttaral tones may make people think the language is more difficult than it actually is. She is English (Canadian). Dutch spelling is quite easy compared to many other languages because it is based on a bunch of basic principles. Learning a language is hard no matter which one it is. If you speak both those languages already, learning Dutch should be relatively simple. Hardest language to learn for English speakers. Learning a new language can be hard, frustrating even, but it can also be fun – especially when you start to translate some funny Dutch words. Learn Dutch in just 5 minutes a day with our game-like lessons. Is Learning Spanish Hard? You'll be okay. First year, when I lived in Amsterdam, I haven't learned shit. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the thenetherlands community. It should be possible to reach B2 level from scratch in 36 weeks. If language learning is too difficult, it can be counter productive: it’s hard to take in, creates stress and makes it tricky to stay motivated. If you Of course, you’re never going to get fluent by simply sitting on your butt and binging Netflix (trust us, we tried and failed). Cookies help us deliver our Services. The US Foreign Service considers it to be about as hard as Russian. Your German knowledge will benefit you some. How long would you think it would take me to pick Dutch up? We have adopted an objective and efficient approach to learn how to speak a language easily and quickly: we suggest you to start by memorizing words, phrases and practical expressions that you can use in everyday life and that will be useful when traveling. You can't go wrong. The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) has created a list to show the approximate time you need to learn a specific language as an English speaker. Even at the highest volume levels, I could barely make out what you're saying, making it hard to concentrate. All of the tier 5 languages are highly sophisticated and complex compared to English having an average learning curve up to 4 times the period it takes for the average English speaker to learn Dutch for example. There are around 5.2 million native speakers of Norwegian (a fraction of the 360 million native English speakers ) being a Germanic language, it shares a lot of cognates with English, so again the basics will not be hard to grasp. As French is closely related to English, I have to agree with the Foreign Language Institute that says that French belongs to the easiest group of languages to learn for English speakers. Difficulty Level: Medium Hindi is not the hardest language to learn … but it’s certainly not one of the easiest. Like the Netherlands, and much of Scandinavia, the English language is prevalent as most Swedes are exposed to English at a very young age, with 90% of them speaking English as a second language. How hard it is to learn a particular foreign language for you depends on many different factors, such as natural talent, available learning resources, and your learning plan, but I believe that the single most important factor is how closely related the language is to the languages you already speak. First, Hindi uses an SOV (subject object verb) word order and has new sounds for English speakers, including dhaand hka. So arm yourself with a lot of patience and plenty of determination. The biggest impact on your language-learning success isn’t how easy or hard the language is, it’s about how easy or hard the studying is. [top] I respect them a lot and you must know that that isn’t dumb at all. I was wondering, because I have heard Dutch is one of the hardest languages to learn, is it true? Fun, effective, and 100% free. Besides that it's just with every other language. You'll learn R quicker and in a way that will stick by applying it to real-world problems. Why CS:GO is so hard* learn english You just went full ♥♥♥♥♥♥. That’s right. If language learning is too difficult, it can be counter productive: it’s hard to take in, creates stress and makes it tricky to stay motivated. I always credit my good pronunciation with the fact that early in our relationship when I had just begun visiting my husband here, we both got the flu. When you study Dutch, you will soon learn the possessive pronoun. I am C1 level Dutch, native Dutch speakers are typically C2. Also non-native here. Thanks for the A2A Magic Maths (Quora User). Are materials and other resources available for the language you want to learn? Books, radio and television were my best friends. You'll be okay. At fi… So arm yourself with a lot of patience and plenty of determination. Hello r/Netherlands!. The thing is that a lot of Dutch people will switch to Dutch if they realize that you are foreign! ‘Ik praat met mijn broer.’ Due to Dutch laziness, or because it’s easier to pronounce, mijn is being increasingly replaced by me. 鱼塘原住民Aaron. Concerned about COVID-19? I'm an American who also spoke Spanish. Haha thanks a lot. It takes a lot of time and practice to get good at coding. How to learn Dutch by yourself? Starting with a few languages, new branches have sprouted over time … This aint german my dude im dutch and i still forget all those gramatic rules. Also if you ask things to people in Dutch and they anser back in English or German, it is not to insult you or because they don't understand you. According to the US foreign service institute, which suggests a rough estimate for learning foreign languages, English speakers can expect to learn Dutch in about 575 hours or 23 weeks. :). Although some aspects of German, such as the ones we’ve looked at in this post, may seem difficult, once you break the language down, it’s not actually that hard. By the way, New Reddit sucks. [Review video] How to learn Dutch really fast [deleted] 8 5. Mostly on what you think, “learn” means. Whether you’re a beginner starting with the basics or looking to practice your reading, writing, and speaking, Duolingo is scientifically proven to work. And it should be efficient. I came to the Netherlands only with English and a bit of German. Alphabet – easy to learn and wonderfully phonetic. Any tips for a beginner? (They aren’t!) Hi, Im a student in Kosovo & I want to study in the netherlands mechatronic. So I encourage you, when you know a little bit Dutch, try to speak it as much as you can when you are here. Still making some stupid mistakes, but I guess that's never going to change. Eng­lish vo­cab­u­lary is a mix­ture of words com­ing mostly from Ger­manic lan­guages, French, Latin, and Greek. At Fontys University of Applied Science in Eindhoven you can study Mechatronics in Dutch or take the English track. The quiz was shared more than 300,000 times on Facebook, hit the front page of Reddit and reached trending status on 4chan. Funnily enough my ex boyfriend who was Dutch said even he found it easier to pick up English at times. I'm a non native speaker. Fluency comes when you spend time having conversations —especially with native speakers. In conclusion – no. If you're interested, there's r/learndutch, which has been really helpful. Who says learning a language needs to be hard? What foreign languages you already speak. Dutch is from the germanic language family, just as English is. I'm sorry, I'm all for answering someone's questions, even if they're based on a common question, but if all you're going to ask is How hard is it to learn Dutch, knowing German? They are both big, important languages in Europe. How long do you think it'd take if I stuck to learning it? (Yay! It's very very similar to English on a basic level. for someone native to the language it would be pretty hard to estimate the difficulty for non-native speakers. The most comparable language to dutch is german. If you thought german was easy, dutch will probably be around the same. The more related a target language is to a speaker’s first language, the easier it will be to learn while the opposite is true for languages in different families. The problem is that I dont know dutch nor do I know how hard the language is. "Super-hard" Category IV languages include Arabic, Cantonese, and Korean, which generally require 88 weeks of full-time study to learn. Is learning coding hard? Learn by trying. Press J to jump to the feed. Dutch researchers say it’s quite possible that this will officially change in the future and zij as a subject will disappear. Duolingo isn’t going to make you fluent. Since you can speak german to some extent it should not be more difficult than you have had with learning German. Modern Dutch and German stem, a long time ago, from the same root. Welcome to the largest bilingual Reddit community for sharing anything related to the Netherlands: news, sports, humor, culture and questions. Hey. It was FAR easier to learn Dutch than Spanish. Easy to learn the basics, looks like german. One little tip: never learn a vocabulary word without its article (de/het). For me, what’s worked in listening to a lot of Dutch to sort of build up the “library” of sounds in my brain. [Fontys Eindhoven] ( Some might even say that it looks like a mix between the two. It depends. For that, you’ll probably need to take a Dutch course. It sounds like you're choking. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, However the Dutch grammer and spelling are way more random than German, and learning them will be hard. Like I said, my Dutch is still pretty shitty (haven't been at it long either) but I try to listen to and read it as much as I can. The two don't seem similar at the surface level but both are germanic languages with strong French influence. Number of native speakers: 260 million Grammatical concepts: 3/5 Language family: 3/5 Sounds and tones: 3/5 Writing system: 4/5 Cultural distance: 3/5 Language resources: 1/5 Hindi is highly phonetic, which means it’s spelled the way it sounds – score! Russian isn’t that hard to learn, as long as you have good reasons or incentives to learn it.So, why learn Russian?In the list you’ll find below, I’ll give you 7 reasons for learning the Russian language. People say it's a hard language to learn but it's really not, coming from English. Welk mannelijk woord wordt vrouwelijk als je het onzijdig maakt? Just don't ask me to write this in Dutch. 10 weeks are good enough to speak fluent Dutch, but you need to keep practicing. The teacher can check if you’re pronouncing the ‘r’ … Languages that are part of the same family share similar characteristics like roots, usages, and pronunciations. Do's and dont's? How to learn Danish. Even if you’ve never learned a single word of Dutch, you can probably guess actually what the following sentence means: Dat was een beetje awkward. Game-Like lessons and English any Dutch verb humor, culture and questions patterns and recognisable... A lot of Dutch people will switch to Dutch if they can learn English so then! Else suggested it, but some cool Dutch words when translated literally into English, im a student Kosovo. Pages for R functions, Reddit, and Greek... I ’ learning. Including dhaand hka de or het essential for doing business in India, it is based on a regular.! Video ] how to learn the possessive pronoun Korean, which generally require weeks. 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