I have remodeled bathroom tub enclosures that only had Greenboard Sheetrock that lasted many years but the water eventually got through and it had to be replaced. Is it legal to carry a child around in a “close to you” child carrier? You can apply RedGard to concrete, cement backerboard, exterior grade plywood and exterior decks. I think Redguard would be better especially if using 2X2 tiles Larger 4X or 6X tiles dont have as many grout seams. As pointed out before I WILL NOT use the Redgard. Kerdi really offers very little advantage over hardiboard plus membrane. The more expensive dry mix thinsets … I'm up for doing a mud slope pan, if necessary, but those styrofoam ones look awfully convenient. Redgard on Hardibacker Board The trend these days is toward waterproof showers, so redgard will be better than a vapor barrier behind the cement board. The dry mix (where you add the water on-site) does. On the way you notice you need gas too. Contrary to popular belief, ceramic tile and grout, by themselves are not waterproof. Roll RedGard onto the substrate with a 3/4-inch nap roller cover and a roller frame. For the sake of a more critically sound position, I'll revise my previous statement to say: "You should consult a local pro for your local code requirements and ideally have a pro install it for you to minimum code standards, but in my opinion, a true physical membrane product with a factory calibrated thickness and elasticity is better than a field painted coating that rates as a membrane especially if you aren't going to have a pro do the install." Kerdi can be used over drywall, no cement board needed. I'll try and send some photos. Schluter recommends their Kerdi product over drywall. I think a vapor barrier under tile is the way to go seeing our time crunch. I'll definitely use something at this point, just figuring out what now. Durock, Hardie Backer, RedGuard, and even the Kerdi membrane. Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. You'll have to wait for the fills to dry or at least setup anyway. It's a super think waterproofer that we slightly water downed until it was a consistency of paint. Can vice president/security advisor or secretary of state be chosen from the opposite party? The Versabond fortified thinset is a good product at $13-$16 per 50 lb bag, and will work fine for your application. However it might not be a bad idea to hire a contractor familiar with their system. These membranes consist of products such as Custom Building Products’ Redgard and Laticrete’s Hydrobarrier and Hydroban and Mapei’s Aquadefense. Kerdi is a 'system', and it must be installed properly or it will not work. Will the Red Guard bond to the Kerdi and is this a good idea? RedGuard is not harder to adhere to. That'll rebond the membrane to the substrate. From what I read in the posts on backerboards in GBA I see several comments on how well RedGard membrane is performing for the shower and tub areas. Applying it before hand will provide you with neither the proper crack isolation nor any useful waterproofing. You can't have 2 or you create a moisturizer sandwich. Achetez Schluter systèmes Kerdi Board Kit Kbkit: Amazon.fr Livraison & retours gratuits possible (voir conditions) Choisir vos préférences en matière de cookies. Redgard requires cementboard, but seems like it might be less … Red Guard Application over Kerdi. Then, take the remaining half gallon and apply it as a second coat. But there’s nothing wrong with following the instructions to the letter and there’s no downside to doing what you … But I did do a little research on redguard in the beginning. Overall, the system worked well but I would not recommend using this system if you have not had experience with installing … But pretending it's as good as the better way doesn't make it so. I have had contractors suggest Kerdi/Schulter, Red Guard and Durock, KBRS. That goes under the tile though eh? If you have been planning to paint over Redgard waterproofing, here are a few of the things that you need to know. No studs for glass shower door - Can I hollow wall anchor? Mosaic … Thanks! The wall board is buried in the mortar as shown in the diagram on the previous post. The curb is constructed also as shown with only nails on outside of curb to hold the vinyl in place . Fix it properly in my opinion. I think we can work out a power failiure ;). 1) Do I even need Redgaurd. Yes. Leaking whirlpool tub; in alcove, but no tile flange at bottom of walls. The thinset and mesh tape are to strengthen the seams. So we finished our bathroom with a new waterproof membrane on the walls. RedGuard is a great product, but maybe in the future consider using the Schluter Kerdi shower product. Formerly gardenweb.com in the home section / bathrooms. I'll come up with a creative distraction for sure. Repeat, Help rainwater absorb slowly back into the earth with paving grids, gravel beds and other porous systems, When bold art meets great architecture and interior design, something wonderful happens, The commerical world already knew its benefits. I've installed Kerdi Membrane as my shower pan. Also, You need one vapor barrier either behind it or over it. What are the pros and cons of adding a vapor barrier behind shower backer board? Take half of a one gallon pail of RedGard and spread it over 40 square feet for the first coat. Either you use a vapor barrier behind the hardi, or you can use a waterproofing system (like redgard) over the hardi, but you should not do both. epoxy or marine paint over greenboard for my shower walls (not tile). I have faith in you. As Vic mentioned, hardi isn't waterproof, so no sense in being concerned with the seams. Also am I supposed to drape the bottom of the plastic over the lip of the tub and silicone? Should it cure first? There is no reason to use both products although it can be easier to use the RedGuard in corners and niches without the build up you can get with kerdi. .. all great products, are *coatings*, not actual physical membranes. What about stapling plastic to the studs? Rinse in a shower bathed in blue light (or any color you like). The question I have is given how easy a PVC liner is to install... why wouldn't anyone do it that way over painting on coats of Redguard applied to what one hopes is the appropriate thickness to get a lesser quality install they hope is as good as a liner? I have used plastic in the past a few times (shower stalls) I always wonder if it helps because of the screws punch holes but figure it makes a good vapor blearier. Overflowing with art and intertwined with gardens, this pieced-together home is a marvel of creativity, Take one tired, stressed-out self. Do we need to apply RedGard over it or would it be an overkill? They all have their pros and cons. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Then, take the remaining half gallon and apply it as a second coat. First, you will need to plan on painting with a primer. To suggest someone do it as a DIY? Either one, properly installed will do a fine job, but redguard and kerdi are both nice to use when there are outside corners to waterproof, and there will almost always be outside corners if you bring the pan up above and over the threshhold, which should be done. It would be faster and easier than the way the contractor wants to do it and probably the most logical step forward. A ready-to-use elastomeric waterproofing membrane for both commercial and residential tile and stone application. Plan for a lunch, cigarette, drink, phone or snack break, flip-off the circuit breaker or sneak Mom in with the baby to delay the job a little, it sucks but he's got to grin & bear it. Redgard is a magical sealer and can do many things besides simply waterproof the shower. Here's how to get it right the first time, Step 1 in swapping your tub for a sleek new shower: Get all the remodel details down on paper, Learn about LED tapes, ropes, pucks and more to create a flexible and energy-efficient lighting design that looks great, Explore where and why one of these popular tile choices makes more sense than the other, Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery, My Houzz: A Handcrafted Bohemian Homestead in Texas, Bath Design: Renew Body and Mind With Colorful Light, Landscaping Tricks to Manage Stormwater Runoff, Materials Workshop: Channel Glass Finds Its Groove in Homes, Convert Your Tub Space to a Shower — the Planning Phase, The Lowdown on High-Efficiency LED Lighting, Karen LeBlanc Design TV Host & Writer/Blogger, Porcelain vs. Sure ditra/kerdi is new technology and may be the new way, but doesn't mean the old way doesn't work either. Your tile guy has done good from what I can see in the pict. Now days in my own home I do use Redguard even though just cement board will outlast me. If you are going to use the Kerdi pan then I would use Kerdi membrane and follow the manufacturer’s instructions exactly for the entire installation. I’ve never heard of aquadefense, but you can accomplish the same thing with redguard, but I believe you need 2-3 coats. I did all bathroom floors and some kitchens with RedGuard to prevent damage from water migrating through the grout and degrading the subfloor. It's recommended for waterproofing niches, shelves, and entire shower walls when tar paper or poly are not used as a vapor barrier behind the CBU. As long as it's Cement Board & not some crappy "almost" cement board stuff. Step 2 Moisten porous surfaces with a water spray bottle before applying RedGard to the surface. I will refer to all the membranes as It is many times stronger than thinset in this above pictured application. When using the KERDI-BOARD-SC curb, seal the curb to the base and walls using KERDI-KERECK and KERDI-BAND. Just curious how necessary. you do want the plastic to extend to the lip and a bead of silicon would make a great seal. The fact remains that Redguard, HydroBan, etc. 2 Answers. One may also ask, do you have to tape seams on Hardibacker? chefmarv1. If … I mentioned this below, but in your opinion would stapling plastic to the studs suffice? I’ve been using them for years and haven’t and one problem. When taping cement board do I need to tape at the walls? And maybe some State codes will even allow it that way. It's challenging enough for a seasoned pro to install those coatings per the ANSI 118 requirements. RedGard is a ready-to-use, liquid formula that creates a seamless waterproof barrier and prevents common cracks from occurring in tile, stone and grout. The plan is to redguard over all of it. Install KERDI-KERECK prefabricated waterproofing corners at all inside and outside corners. Total energy from KS-DFT: How reliable is it and why? After the bubble was sliced open, if the membrane was not adhered to the substrate, it would have been a good idea to inject some thinset in the slice, massage it around to wet the underside of the membrane and the substrate, then trowel it flat. What type of tile should I install in a bath/shower surround? I would not think it is appropriate to mix systems. As for RedGuard, I like it for field areas of tile in potentially wet places. Or was there a void under the membrane, something that needed filling? Nuxt.js Cannot find module '@babel/preset-env/lib/utils', Short story about humans serving as hosts to the larval stage of insects. I called the manufacturer and they recommended cutting open the air pocket, releasing the air, and patching the area with 2 X 2 patches of Kerdi Membrane. I think you are using modified to tape the seams of the backer board so that’s installed according to their instructions and then installing Kerdi over it after that. Also added an anti mould solution to the primer. After much research I used Kerdi so I am familiar with that. Does cement board need to be waterproofed? Ceramic Tile: A Five-Scenario Showdown. We used a paint primer first (tinted the same colour as the waterproofer) then used 3-4 coats of the waterproofer. Cover the joints with KERDI-FLEX. Does this picture show an Arizona fire department extinguishing a fire in Mexico? Why does water cast a shadow even though it is considered 'transparent'? I put up many walls with nothing over 20 years ago, they are still there. Had it signed off by our surveyor who was amazed by it. If you don't have time skip it but make sure to seal the grout. What to use to flatten and prep wall before installing Schluter Kerdi membrane for tiling? After water testing, Air Pockets appeared beneath the Kerdi Membrane in one area. Stick to a single manufacturer so you don't have to guess any of the installation instructions and requirements. So pick the system you like and use that for the walls, pan/base and drain. I've installed Kerdi Membrane as my shower pan. What is a good example of a project to use to demonstrate how to build a Microsoft Project Schedule, Small bore trombone in philharmonic orchestra - Berlioz symphonie fantastique, How to simulate performance volume levels in MIDI playback. You can't have 2 or you create a moisturizer sandwich. Please do further research on johnbeard.com or houzz.com in the advice section. 2) Can I apply the Redgard BEFORE hanging the cement baord so we don't have to wait for them to dry once they are hung? I didn't even consider the issue of having 2 vapor barrier so this was helpful. This seems to make the most sense. Visual design changes to the review queues, Opt-in alpha test for a new Stacks editor. A simple, oops we're out of screws let's head to the store. We chose DensShield for its better environmental attributes. rev 2021.2.22.38628, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Home Improvement Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. 2. I will be sure to seal the grout. If your grout never cracks, the install will never leak. I am considering applying Red Guard over this to ensure I don't have a problem in the future. Why are non-folding tyres still manufactured? While Customblend is a minimum spec … To allow for greater movement, the center section of the KERDI-FLEX can be tucked into the cavity of the expansion joint prior to bonding. Ceramic tiles on drywall on steel studs, any problems? It only takes a minute to sign up. Do I need a vapor barrier behind Kerdi? site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. 'I will a step further and question the obsession with water lock. Thanks for the advice! Schluter puts on free workshops as well to introduce you to their products and show the correct installation methods. The internet has mixed reviews. They have some good instructional videos on YouTube. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. yes the redgard can easily come off your bath tub.......use a wood paint stick, a door shim, anything which is not harder than porcelain..... Katie F, what did you decide on your shower system? I also read that DensShield backerboard has a waterproof layer over gypsum core. Brochures and Pamphlets . Need For Redgard On Cement Board - Can I apply it before hanging? No, it won’t interfere with the performance or adversely effect it. Redguard would be an over it application. 7. You''ll be fine with thinset over Redguard on walls. I've seen enough Redguard and HydroBan on cracked slabs to say with full confidence if it's going to be called a "membrane", I've not seen it applied in a way that makes it one good enough for a mortared shower pan on any of my jobs I will warrant for leaks. That’s perfectly fine. Shower Brochure.pdf; Pdf; 1.79 MB; KERDI-DRAIN-H … They have easy videos and instructions online if he’s not familiar with the process. @DigitalMC - "Proper installation of cement and fiber-cement backers, according to the current Tile Council of North America Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation. Grout is porous, sealing it won't protect you. I use a tar paper, it is old school and proven from decades of use..... p.s. If it does, and you didn't, it will. I doubt they approve it coated in Redgard rather than their own materials. You need Kerdi on the foam pan...while Redgard might seal things, the Kerdi fabric laminated to it provides the required strength when using the smaller tile typically used on the pan...Redgard will bend, so point loads could crack grout and tile. This is for tiled shower with a low profile curb (not totally curbless). Thanks so much for the advice. 4 years ago. From what I have read, the premixed thinset does not dry out to form a good adhesive bond when applied over/under a non-permeable membrane like Redguard or the Kerdi-band products. Formerly gardenweb.com in the home section / bathrooms. I have two questions. Whether or not you need a Kerdi membrane is a factor of use. Is it legal to forge a Permission to Attack during a physical penetration test engagement? Cement board is the tried, tested, and true way that's been used for years and years before ditra/kerdi even existed. Hardi, while not waterproof will not be … It may be possible to paint the walls with a one-step product that includes paint and primer all in one convenient pail. Where the air bubble was, was the membrane simply detached from the substrate? @hlozik asked: "Is the membrane superior to spray-on products for some reason -- other than the fact that it is used so frequently?" (Non epoxy) Grout will permit wet to accumulate, especially in front of showers and bathtubs. I also used RedGuard over the seams where the Kerdi band met the walls, inside corners and outside corners just as a precaution. But I did do a little research on redguard in the beginning. Thanks for contributing an answer to Home Improvement Stack Exchange! Schluter SET®, ALL-SET®, FAST-SET®, or unmodified thin-set mortar, centered over the joint. Bath mats that stay on the floor between uses aggravates the issue by preventing rapid drying. Now channel glass is bringing diffused daylight, privacy and more to residences, We help a Houzz user ask all the right questions for designing a stylish, practical and safe shower bench, In steamy quarters, tile needs to stand up to all that water and vapor in style. Backerboard plus a waterproofing membrane like Redgard is all that is needed for tub surrounds with thinset then tile. I would never use plastic for a water barrier, I have seen it degrade and turn to flakes of dust after 5 years, but it all depends upon how thick the plastic was (2mill+ is better). Yeah good call, they are definitely helpful. It’s waterproof and you just apply it with thinset. How do I seal my shower escutcheon plate to prevent it from leaking? It's recommended for waterproofing niches, shelves, and entire shower walls when tar paper or poly are not used as a vapor barrier behind the CBU. Not me. PTIJ: Oscar the Grouch getting Tzara'at on his garbage can. What precautions should I take installing tile on a backerboard in an area surrounded by cement? Gotcha, thanks for the link. Basically I'm getting a guy to do my tile around my tub/shower. But after spending a few extra dollars and going for the Kerdi Board system, I will never use anything else! I don't see any point paying for the expensive barriers if plastic works as well. I've installed a handful of showers and tubs over the years. They specify a 'premium' dryset mortar for a reason. Keep doing as you're told. Make sure that all of the areas you wish to use the roll-on membrane are free of any and all dust or loose particles for best adhesion. Water will destroy a shower if it finds the tiniest way to get behind. Redguard would be an over it application. You've followed the manufacturer's instructions. That is if it was even unbonded in the first place. Schluter (Kerdi), Laticrete (Hydroban) and Custom Building Products (Redgard) all make pre-sloped shower bases. Every-time a person paints over stucco they created a water-lock scenario yet no stucco tradesman can say they have ever seen water lock issues. Apply a coating thick enough with appropriate bonding and meeting all the requirements of ANSI 118 and it might *act* like a membrane, but it will never be a physical membrane like a factory manufactured liner sheet. Then add your Kerdi patch to cover the slice. I have used the Kerdi-band the tape the joints of the boards, the corners of the walls & again at the wall & pan transition. What is a good font for both Latin with diacritics and polytonic Greek, Significant error with unity-gain feedback op-amp. Are red dwarfs really 30-100 times our Sun's density? Can you Redgard over Kerdi? That looks like a fine install to me, there is no water-lock because the Redgard is not covering the entire front surface to be tiled. Use two thicker coats to create a waterproof shower pan liner meeting IAPMO standards. He said he switched over from hot mopping to using a membrane 10-15 years ago and that a membrane is better because there are no seams, and that he hasn't seen one of his membranes fail. But, hit the filled seams & screws (your weak points) as soon as a panel is ready to give it some time to setup. @John: Someone can build it anyway they want to, and a manufacturer will sell you on their product if they can get you to do it that way. Also Know, can you tile over waterproof membrane? Import image to plane not exported in GLTF. ;-). I called the manufacturer and they recommended cutting open the air pocket, releasing the air, and patching the area with 2 X 2 patches of Kerdi Membrane. Products ( Redgard ) all make pre-sloped shower bases the studs suffice whether or not you need gas too my... A vapor barrier either behind it or over it as a second layer paint... 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