This action is used to either restrict the map to a certain area (make it smaller), or specify areas where players will be killed / spotted if they enter. Set a custom name and number to selected units, Sets the ammunition amount of selected types to zero, Makes it so some units can be damaged by other specific units only and indestructible for everything else, Allows to set trains and following it wagons or carriages, Changes the formation of selected air units, Adds a text or number to selected string value, Imports an integer value from the selected string variable to a selected integer variable, Imports all text from the selected string value, Makes player's camera view (mouse aim circle) point at selected unit or area, Makes the screen darker except for selected HUD element, Makes the AI searchlight units search through selected areas, Matching the capture zone circle with the capture area,, Trigger will be executed once at the start of the mission, Condition does not appear to currently be functional, Will check if a hint is currently being displayed on the UI, Will activate trigger if the user currently has "Autocontrol of landing gear" turned off in-game controls, Will activate trigger if no mission objective is currently being displayed on the screen, Will activate trigger if all the players are in the game, Checks if respawns are allowed in mission settings, Activates trigger if the mission is completed successfully, This action does not appear to currently be functional, Forces the player back to the hangar, works only after mission has been completed, time: The amount of seconds between each execution of the trigger, accurate to 2 decimal places, var: An integer variable can be assigned here to override the value of the "time" field (use of integer variable limits interval to whole seconds if this option is chosen), time: The number of seconds from the start of the mission after which the trigger will be executed, accurate to 2 decimal places, Works only on airfield with enabled and set up, object: Which airfield's modules you want to check, module: Select one of available airfield modules, hp_percent: HP value which will be checked. If a trigger is created with no conditions then it will carry out its actions whenever it is executed, this is useful for triggers which always need to run, for example, a trigger to draw various lines on the mini-map at the start of the mission. Navigation section and expand it if necessary. The T-2 is an aggressive fighter aircraft and features a single 20 mm Vulcan cannon which requires a brief spin-up before ammunition begins to fire, thus does not have an instantaneous fire with trigger depress which will take a pilot time to get used to and preplan shots to allow for the gun to spool-up in time to get shots off at a high-speed target. Be aware that if a trigger is created without conditions and "enableAfterComplete" is ticked then the trigger will run forever, repeatedly every time this event occurs (for a default trigger this means it would carry out its actions once a second, every second for the entirety of the mission, unless it is disabled by another trigger). The T-2 can be outfitted with the following ordnance: Describe the tactics of playing in the aircraft, the features of using aircraft in a team and advice on tactics. 2.1 The Basics; 2.2 Worked Example Trigger; 3 List of all Events; 4 List of all Conditions; 5 List of all Actions. The key mappings for War Thunder in this profile are not the defaults. Japan thought of a project of license-building these aircraft, which has later failed due to issues between SEPECAT and the Japanese Imperial Family. waypointsPrefix: If you want the waypoint effect to play at a different place to the waypoint's actual area you can create another set of areas with a different prefix, following the same rules as above, and specify that prefix here. (1,1) - bottom left Can his friends find a way to bring the train to him? In order to promote a pilot, 500 gold must be spent (same location as the boost button) for the first rank (at level 11). spawnPoint: The area where you want the planes to spawn. MAKE sure you backup your own config first in case you need to revert the settings! func: Can be "less", "more", "equal", "notEqual" "notLess", "noteMore", determines how to compare the control position to the number specified. Robes of the Tower; + Wand of Fire. With an instructor pilot in the aircraft, Japan was now ready to properly train their pilots in high-speed fighter usage. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB). ), setObjectMarking: Assign a number (mark/marking) to the spawned units, setObjectMarkingVar: Assign a number (mark/marking) from selected integer variable to the spawned units, formation: Set the formation of spawned units, resetFormation: Reset formation of spawned units, target: Select which unit you want to repair or rearm, resurrectIfDead: Check if selected unit is dead and you want to repair or rearm it, fullRestore: Rearms and repairs selected unit, partRestore: Select if you want to repair specific parts only, planePart: Set which plane part you want to repair, tankPart: Set which tank/ship part you want to repair, power: Set by how much you want to repair selected parts, modificationRestore: Sets the modification to repair, randomTargetsCount: Set the number of units which will be repaired in random order, delayForObjects: Set the random time delay in seconds (for example - 1, 5, so it will take 1 to 5 seconds to for example rearm the unit), You can find animation names in the CDK Asset Viewer, animName: Select which animation do you want to play, target: Select which unit you want to play selected animation, target: Select in or over which unit custom effect will be shown, effect_type: Select if you want to use a specific effect or generic effect, delayForObjects: Set the random time delay in seconds (for example - 1, 5, so it will take 1 to 5 seconds to for example show the effect), attach: If checked, will attach the effect to selected unit (, mustExist: If checked, will override in-game limit of active effects at the same time, This action doesn't kill the selected unit, Useful when you want to disable some units before the start of mission and then spawn them later, target: Select which units you want to make disappear, putToSleepType: Select if you want it to affect all units or airplanes only, delayForObjects: Set the random time delay in seconds (for example - 1, 5, so it will take 1 to 5 seconds to for example to make the unit disappear), numToSleep: Set how many units you want to make disappear, numToSleepVar: Set by using an integer variable how many units you want make to disappear, order: Select in what order will selected units disappear (random, fromStart, fromEnd), target: Select which units you want to make appear again, delayForObjects: Set the random time delay in seconds (for example - 1, 5, so it will take 1 to 5 seconds to for example to make the unit appear again), numToWakeUp: Set how many units you want to make appear again, varNameNumToWakeUp: Set by using an integer variable how many units you want to make appear again, value: Set the value (-1.0 - 1.0 - for the control surfaces, 0.0 - 1.1 - for the engine), force: Will force the unit to set selected controls (when in doubt check it), target: Select which unit's marking and map icon should blink, unit_type_ex: Select an additional status, set: Enable or disable marking and map icon blinking of selected units, delayForObjects: Set the random time delay in seconds (for example - 1, 5, so it will take 1 to 5 seconds to for example to turn off all markers for selected units), team: Select which team will be able to see blinking of indications, markers and icons of selected units, If you set it to 0 then there's a chance that the AI won't be able to attack it, set: If checked, will turn off indications, markers and icons for selected units, radius: Set the distance from which selected unit will be visible, team: Select which team won't be able to see indications, markers and icons of selected units, target: Select which unit's properties you want to change, set: If checked, will disable blinking of enemy unit marking icon when it's spotted (when player looks at it and that unit appears on map), target: Select which units you want to follow their waypoints, followWaypoints: If checked, will order selected units to fly towards their waypoints, resetWaypoints: Resets all waypoints assigned to select units, delayForObjects: Set the random time delay in seconds (for example - 1, 5, so it will take 1 to 5 seconds until the setting that you chose will start affecting selected units), object: Select the unit which you want to attack something, target: Select the target (unit that will be attacked), delayForObjects: Set the random time delay in seconds (for example - 1, 5, so it will take 1 to 5 seconds to for example start attacking selected unit), trackingTime: Set for how long it will be attacking the target, targetDistMax: Select the maximum distance between the object and target, randomObjectsCount: Select how many unit will be attacked but in random order, playerAttracted: If checked, the AI units will attack the player more often than other AI units, fightInArea: Makes the AI attack other units when it is only in selected area, fireZone: Makes the AI attack units only in selected area, effShootingRateInZone: Multiplies the unit's base shooting rate by the given amount, accuracyInZone: Sets the accuracy of the attacking units against units in selected area, weaponType: Selects what weapon type will use the attacking unit, fireMode: Sets the fire mode (Auto, salvo or single), maxNumAttackersPerTarget: Sets how many objects will attack the same target, groupAttackMode: Makes the AI attack the target by flying one by one (every unit attacking separately), in wings or by the entire group, attackAltRange: Sets the altitude range when the AI units can attack, keepDeadUnitsInTargetList: Keeps destroyed units in the target list, anchorTarget: Makes the unit fly only nearby selected target, anchorArea: Makes the unit fly only nearby selected target, attackTimeMax: Maximum time for all attacks by action. Triggers can be assigned multiple events, conditions and actions. Once inserted set the object to the player's unit and target to "Destination_Area", then click the "+ move_type" button to add the move_type field to the trigger and set the field to "teleport". But to win, she'll need the ultimate spatula. Triggers are a feature of the Mission Editor which allow for vastly more complicated missions to be created, they can be used for scripted events, as well as for enabling more advanced mission features such as capture points, spawn points, visible way-points, and much more. a spitfire will probably have the "type_fighter" and "country_britain" tags. visibilityTreeTransparencyThreshold: Checks the tree transparency before shoots in the same way as for multipoint visibility (CDK explanation), so the AI will take into account obstacles, including trees and bushes, when searching for targets, it's best to activate checkVisibilityTarget and set this option to 0.01. effShootingRate: Multiplies the unit's base shooting rate by the given amount, for ground units, airEffShootingRate: Multiplies the unit's base shooting rate by the given amount, for air units, effShootingRateByPlayer: Presumably multiplies the unit's base shooting rate by the amount of players in the battle, cannotShoot: If checked, will make the selected unit unable to shoot, aiGunnersEnabled: If checked, will enable AI gunners (if unchecked will disable), aiGunnersCanTargetGroundUnits: If checked, will make the AI gunners attack ground units (if unchecked will disable this function), aiGunnersDistance: Set the distance at which AI gunners can fire at targets from the enemy team, ignoresEnemy: If checked, will make the selected unit ignore all units from the enemy team, avoidFriendlyFire: If checked, the unit won't attempt to fire if there is a friendly in-between hostile vehicles, speed: Sets the speed of the selected unit, note that this doesn't allow you to bypass the unit's maximum speed limit, throttle: Unknown functionality (doesn't change the throttle settings), speedVar: Set the speed of selected unit using a real variable, lockSpeed: Use this option to override the speed set in waypoints (CDK explanation), waypointReachedDist: Use it flag for override speed from waypoints, enableShipCollisionAvoidance: If checked, and the unit is a ship, the unit will actively try to avoid collisions, advancedCollisionAvoidance: If checked, the unit will (presumably) use a more advanced collision avoidance algorithm, slowWhenEnemyNear: Set the speed multiplier when enemy unit is near the selected unit (, slowWhenEnemyNearDistance: Set the distance between the enemy unit and, minDistBetween: Sets the minimal distance between two units (if set to 0 will disable any collision avoidance scripts), ignoreCollisions: If checked, the unit will effectively be immaterial, fighterToBomberSpecialAttack: Unknown (ramming? This wand has 7 Charges.While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its Charges to cast the Fireball spell (save DC 15) from it. [Core/Elites] Veterans of the Long War (2CP): ... With a pathetic S2 T2, even Fire Warriors are going to beat them in melee. The aircraft was produced until 1988, and was retired in 2006 along with its fighter variant the F-1, when it was replaced by its successor, the Kawasaki T-4 (the F-1 was replaced by the Mitsubishi F-2 Viper Zero). T2 — 부정확한 탄도 계산기가 삭제되었습니다. 1: The Encroaching Darkness The Encroaching Darkness 8 Map Corrupted No matter where your dreams take you, Nightmare follows close behind. checkUp: If checked, the trigger will be activated when the player releases the specified control. However, the weapons can be paired with the Addict Decal to boost the attacks as … Note: All player_var options in actions require target_type set to isUnitVar to make them work, This category is for in-depth explanations on how to use certain actions (when the explanation simply doesn't fit in a table). Shaped more like a dart than the stout Jaguar, the T-2 was built for speed, though to help with maneuverability the wings do not house fuel tanks and feature leading-edge root extensions (LERX) and full-span leading-edge slats on the wings to aid in creating a higher angle of attack or higher lift capacity, especially helpful during slow flight. Unclear if this field is currently working, axis: The control axis which is being checked, value: the value to compare the current axis value to, timer: How long the axis must have been at a value matching the requirement (in seconds). This condition is best used with the "useForTriggerFiltered" option on actions to allow the trigger to act only on units which have just spawned. We will leave all other settings at defaults, but for future reference here is what they do: Math allows you to specify how the unit is checked to be in the area; by default it is set to "3D" so the unit must we within the area, if it is set to 2D then along as the unit is within the 2D footprint of the area it doesn't matter how high up the unit is (this setting is mainly useful for triggers aimed at aircraft). Don't forget to make sure the "markUnitPreset" parameter is set to the relevant type ("tank_decal" if your capture zone is on the ground for ground vehicles to capture, "ship_buoys" if your capture zone is on the water for ships to capture). The Void is a mysterious realm of extradimensional space, where the laws of physics hold little sway. Next, click the "Action" button and from the list select "unitMoveTo" and insert it into your trigger. The "object" field is what the condition is going to act on, in our case we want to check the player's unit to see if it is in the area, so we will set this field to the player unit (in this example called "Player"); to do this simply click the field and select the player's unit from the list of available units. area: The area(s) you want the trigger to act on. This will put the correct key bindings in place for the SST profile. Play War Thunder for free. If it were real, I would never win." You should now have a fresh trigger (likely called Trigger_01 or similar), we will begin by renaming the trigger to something more descriptive so if we come back to the mission later it is nice and clear what it does; to do this select the name field, delete the old name and type a new name for the trigger, for example "Teleport Player". To initiate this, trigger depression will result in a .25 second delay before the ammunition begins to fire to allow for the barrels to get to proper rotating speed. When the player tank enters "Teleport_Area" we want it to be teleported to "Destination_Area". You are looking for pre-war cars for sale? value: An integer value for the number of units required to meet the condition. if "any" is set then if any part meets the required HP then the trigger will activate), value: A number accurate to 2 decimal places, the value the current health of the part should be compared to (0 is destroyed 1 is full health), var: A real (decimal number) variable can be assigned here to override the value of the "value" field, planePart: You may type the name of the damage model part you wish to check for an aircraft unit, tankPart: You may type the name of the damage model part you wish to check for a tank unit, func: Can be "less", "more", "equal", "notEqual" "notLess", "noteMore", determines how to compare the part's property to the number specified, value: A number accurate to 2 decimal places, the value to compare the unit's current property to. target: The unit to check if the player can see, target_type: The status of the target in order to be considered by the condition, check_targets: Can be "any" or "all", decides if player must be able to see all targets or just one, distance: The maximum distance between the player and the target in order for the trigger to activate. value: The angle the camera should be at (-180 to +180, accurate to 2 decimal places), orientation: Which axis (yaw, pitch, fov (field of view)) the trigger should check the value against. (5,5) - up right, Note: All object_var options in actions require target_type set to isUnitVar to make them work, Note: All object_var options in actions require object_type set to isUnitVar to make them work. ), target: Select which unit will be able to take any damage, player: Select which unit will be able to damage the, player_type: Allows you to filter any unit in the given list according to the given status, object: Select which units you want to use to create a column (need to be a, numKilledUnitsToStop: Sets how many units needs to be destroyed to destroy the column, killLeaderToStop: Stops all column units when the leader unit is dead (train), stopKilledUnits: Used to continue the movement of the destroyed carriage, stopAfterCollision: Used to stop the train after impact with something, distanceBetweenUnits: Distance between units or carriage, var: Select which string variable you want to edit, input_var: Select which integer or string variable you want to input, digits: Select how many digit number you want to input if you selected an integer variable in, value: Select from which string variable you want to import an integer value, var: Select to which integer variable you want to export an integer value, var: Select to which string variable you want to import a string value, from_var_name: Select from which string variable you want to import a string value (remember to not put, var: Select which variable you want to modify, operator: Select what type of operation you want to do (inv - Inverse, mul - Multiplication, add - Addition, subAB - (var - value), subBA - (value - var), divAB - (var / value), divBA - (value / var), modAB, modBA - get the remainder from a division), use_variable: If checked, will use the value from other integer or real variable, var_value: Select a string or real variable, Using this action will remove (overwrite) everything from selected, var: Select a bool variable to which you want to input a value, value: Select the type of value (checked - True, unchecked - False), input_var: Select if you want to input the value from other variables, var: Select an integer variable to which you want to input a value, source_var: Select if you want to input values from ongoing battle (overwrites current, var: Select a real variable to which you want to input a value, var: Select a string variable to which you want to input a value, var_from: Sets the first value using an integer variable, to_not_including: Sets the second value (it won't be included in getting the final number), var_to_not_including: Sets the second value using an integer variable (it won't be included in getting the final number), check_prev_value: Exclude value from variable, time: Sets how long will be the delay (seconds), lookat: Select at what unit or area should point player's camera view (mouse aim circle), You can either add or remove tickets using this action, value: Set the value (percentage or normal amount depending what you choose in, valueSystem: Sets the type of inputted value (percentage or normal amount), team: Select for which team you want to change the tickets amount, element: Select which HUD element you want to blink, blink: If checked, will make the selected element blink, element: Select which HUD element you want to make larger, enlarge: If checked, will make selected element larger, targetName: Select which player unit it should affect, element: Select which HUD element you want to show without the shade, follow_player: If checked, will make it so the player is always on the center of map, use_scale: If checked, will change the scale of displayed in-game map, text: Set the text that will be displayed on the bottom of screen, duration: Set for how long it will be displayed, area: Select through which areas the AI should search, searchThroughAreas: If checked will make the AI search through areas, timeToOneArea: Changes for how long it will search through one area, searchAngularSpeed: Changes how fast the AI is searching through the area, rndSeed: Randomizes the way how AI units search through areas, (Easiest) Select the capture area, open the object properties panel if not already opened, and edit the "Radius" value (see image for reference), changing the radius will edit both the X and Z axis at the same time and make sure they're the same. , I would never win. it were real, I would never win. of... 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