Playing carefully, exercising the strengths of her ammunition and aiming shells where they need to go will put out solid damage. SAP is SAP. Gorizia's follow up salvos are nowhere near as impressive unless you shift fire to undamaged parts. ┗空母 I've been looking forward to this one, even though I'm no longer focused on the event or either of the two ships. WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. 戦士の道 A 4% increase to the dispersion of enemy gunfire. Yes, it makes it easier. You are going to physically hurt yourself if you try and unlock Puerto Rico without spending money (or even only spending a small amount). Hit Points: 37,100Maximum Citadel Protection: 150mm external belt.Min Bow and Deck Armour: 16mmTorpedo Damage Reduction: 19%. The damage output on a per shell basis is decent. Gorizia lacks that, but that's not the be-all, end-all for a cruiser. А также просто оленемер для сравнения статистики разных … ┣空母? 戦闘開始と戦闘の基本 The high profile CCs, they're still streaming on Twitch and posting You Tube videos, still marketing WG even though most of them say they're extremely angry at WG. Premium Ship Review #126 - Georgia. 沖縄 What is said times x1000. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata World of Warships est un jeu vidéo biélorusse développé par Like with her SAP shells, there will be times when her AP just can't put out the hurt. 列島 艦載機, 艦長スキル ループ Horribly simplified, SAP is an HE shell which does a lot of front-loaded damage but can't start fires. The guns are nice, and if you can evade death until the second half of a tier 7/8 battle, you can be a terror. Gorizia is a premium, with everything that entails (free bonus camo, improved economy, captain training, etc). document.write('') アメリカ Gorizia developed into a multi-ethnic town, in which Friulian, Venetian, German and the Slovene language were spoken. Gorizia? Her SAP shells can make a mess of them, provided someone else does the spotting. Yeah, I'm pissed. Anyway, that's what her paper stats will tell you. To see the final cost, click the button for the selected payment method. Thus it's worth peppering a target with HE that you can't directly damage simply for the sake of trying to stack some blazes. Her firepower necessitates she play the long game, taking small bites out of enemy ships over time. References to specific designs, models, manufacturers, and/or modifications of ships and aircraft are used only for the purpose of historical consistency and do … They can deliver spectacular numbers with AP citadel hits to cruisers (and the occasional battleship if you're brave enough to get inside of 4km of one) and fantastic initial SAP volleys against destroyers or the squishy parts of other ships. When HE lands at least one full-duration burn it will always be superior to SAP. SAP has diminishing returns against higher tiered targets when compared to HE. World of Warships Development Blog. This intimidation factor has its value, even if Gorizia can't maintain it. Without a fast reload, Gorizia is pigeon-holed into passive play. Top Speed: 33ktsPort Turning Radius: 580mRudder Shift Time: 9.8s4/4 Engine Speed Rotation Rate: 7.0º/s. Game changer! Right, where to begin? You can't bank on killing anything quickly. February 17, 2021 battleship, development, italian, stats, supertester, WIP, world of warships, wows gamer blog. You need to play a total of 20 battles to post in this section. Test Ship. The worst of it, for me, is that Wargaming is deliberately targeting people like me for this grind. 主砲 射撃管制装置 Punti ferita – 42500. That time Mouse tried to describe SAP without sounding like a whiny [edited]. VIII Amalfi? As far as tools go, Surveillance Radar obviously tops the pile. In that regard, the Italian cruisers are pretty good at helping your teammates secure kills. She sits with Yorck, Pensacola, and Zara as kind of meh in ability to effect the battle much. I'll just add it to my collection of useless premium ships I've won in the past. ┃┣戦闘解説(新ver) So, you're giving up effectiveness against the most popular ship-type in the game to MAYBE be able to OCCASIONALLY be good at lewding lolibotes. You can buy another item that costs up to: ₩ You have reached your purchase limit for this month and cannot make any further purchases. All of this time and energy spent just to say that her AA is bad. source – wows devs blog ST, Gorizia e Mainz. Comes with SAP shells, able to deliver monstrous levels of alpha strike to soft targets and thinly armoured areas. Zara has 500m more main battery gun range. The content will be videos that introduce ships and scenarios that are fun and interesting. I going to be pretty myopic here. document.write('') ドイツ - compatibility with WoWs - updated semi-transparent minimap by AutoSpy - removed outdated mods: Gun calibers in inches, Compact carousel extended, Consumables … チャレンジコンバットミッション ギリシャ Don't sweat her rudder shift time too much -- Steering Gears Modification 2 takes the edge off and you'll hardly notice it. ┗旧仕様 People don't play cruisers for the long reload, that's what BBs are for. Gorizia somehow manages to make Abruzzi look good. ┗期間限定キャンペーン, 船体 This pretty much leaves destroyers and the tender (sensitive!) Excellent agility with a great rate of turn and small turning circle radius. Even a shattered HE shell can still put out the hurt because of the fires they start. One of the Zara-class heavy cruisers that was launched in December 1930 and named after the city of Gorizia that was incorporated into the Kingdom of Italy in the … Gorizia has bad surface detection. WoWs - White (Default) WoWs - Classic WoWs - Dark WoWs - Space Contact Us Powered by Invision Community × Browse Back Browse Forums Staff Online Users Activity Back Activity All … Example #11 of how WG's implementation of RM Cruisers has just been godawful... Can you imagine what these ITA Tier VII+ Cruisers can be like with regular HE + AP shell selection, coupled with the improved shell flight characteristics they get starting at Tier VII? So I hope I've painted a clear picture on Gorizia's play-style thus far through the lens of her guns. Impero? Good summary of the situation on PR and the Dockyard... and yes, it has been bothering me to see that so many players are so inured to this sort of behavior by gaming companies in general and WG in particular. In mid-16th century, Gorizia emerged as a center of Protestant … I knew already there was no way they wasn't going to be some horrible catch and I was honestly surprised that others didn't see it too. 河口 LOOK AT IT! When they start shooting back, you must dodge or disappear. クラッシュゾーンα Incrociatore tedesco Magonza, livello VIII buon raggio di tiro e velocità di tiro una sopravvivenza relativamente buona discreto … People get sick and die playing this much and Wargaming is actively targeting the vulnerable. That they go on to try and shame us for calling them out on how dangerous this is so insulting. For one-off salvos, Gorizia's SAP can deliver some really impressive numbers for an eight-gun armed cruiser (y'know, provided the hits that land do damage). It's more complicated than that, but that's really the gist of it. Don't get me wrong, I like lewding lolibotes as much as the next destroyer-hunter, but Gorizia is not my white van of choice. Right...? Everything else is pretty much a window dressing and largely irrelevant to overall performance. Duca d'Aosta, while interesting, doesn't hit especially hard. Still, the carry potential on this ship is limited. Followers 7. Trento was very lightly armored, with only a 70 mm (2.8 in) thick armored belt, though she possessed a high speed and heavy armament … Later, the Italian cruiser was tragically shot by the destroyer's team mates. The Sierra Mike signal will get her up over 34.5kts in a straight line but something in excess of 35kts with this boost would have made her feel absolutely perfect. So what gives? I'll be going over the specifics in this review, but spoiler warning:  This is a ship where every bite of my experience makes me have a sad. Belfast, Fiji, Flint, Atlanta, Boise/Nuevo de Julio, Schorrs, Lazo, even Myoko and her clones are far easier to play well in. As cruisers go, Gorizia's armour protection isn't bad. Alternatively, it could simply charge with its fish at the ready. Gorizia is no exception. Gorizia has better long range AA firepower. Gorizia is a bit weird here, though only in one area. So Gorizia ends up being a slate-blue, chrome-plated football bat. This is the release version of the vessel and to the best of my knowledge, all statistics discussed in this article current as of patch 0.8.11. At 33 knots and blowing her consumable, she can cover a distance of about 3.5km to 4.0km undetected. (The one exception was Mass Effect 3. The ballistics on them is great and they have solid penetration values across all ranges -- seriously, you can citadel an enemy cruiser even at maximum range which is awesome. Well, yeah, actually. Wargaming コード掲示板 The 16mm bow/stern plating is generic; only the York gets better. 対空砲  ┗空母での戦闘 The ship was laid down in February 1925, launched in October 1927, and was commissioned in April 1929. Now, SAP has its place -- namely for popping things that are too squishy to fuse your AP shells. 港画面の見かた キラー・ホエール Any flaws with the shells have to do with it's unreliability: SAP has two failure points, one of which it shares (kinda) with HE: So other than the auto-ricochet thingie, SAP shells seem reasonably competitive against HE, right? Its price exceeds your remaining monthly limit. FAQ Battleship. ダイナモ作戦 The mechanics suck, though, and not just from the horrible missions and terrible grind. That they go on to try and shame us for calling them out on how this is dangerous is so insulting. Trento was the first of two Trento-class cruisers; they were the first heavy cruisers built for the Italian Regia Marina (Royal Navy). The corporate culture inside the gaming industry is absolutely infested with the expectation of chronic overtime, ridiculous deadlines, and crunch goals. 20K likes. WoWs - White (Default) WoWs - Classic WoWs - Dark WoWs - Space Contact Us Powered by Invision Community × Browse Back Browse Forums Staff Online Users Activity … Gorizia has an improved rate of turn (0.3º/s faster), Zara has a slightly smaller aerial detection range (a whole 30m! 設定 Not that I can blame you, but usually the reviews are a bit more impersonal. She has a partial anti-destroyer toolkit, but not a complete one. コンテナ ┣駆逐艦 キャンペーン Here we can see a file photo of a Gorizia (in gorgeous silverback camo) attempting to accost a Lolibote. You will be seeing a ton of tier 9 coal ships that will murder you and tons of tier 8 CVs that will make your life miserable. document.write('') フランス Had Gorizia received some improved autobounce angles on her AP, she might have ended up a heck of a lot more comfortable (and useful). WoWS World of Warships 初心者、もしくは興味のある方用、wikiほど詳しくない基本・攻略法まとめ 追記していきます はいふりとのコラボも発表された、オンライン3D軍艦 … Gorizia's fire arcs are very good -- just short of excellent. No, this event doesn't deserve your time, money or energy. Then add the lack of Concealment range, and that pretty much kills any idea of hunting DD's with it. Flak Bursts: 3 for 1120 damage per blastLong Ranged AA:  ~79dps at up to 4.6kmMedium Ranged AA: ~47dps at up to 2.5kmShort Ranged AA: ~39dps at up to 1.5km. Gorizia done. It isnt pola so I'm going to have to give the ship a -100/10. 火の地 To see the final cost, click the button for the selected payment method. Until there's a real massive change across the player base, until people are willing to actually walk away as opposed to complain and then go back to playing the game as if nothing happened, nothing changes. 船の向きについて 艦によって得意な砲撃方向が違います。例えばアーカンソーの場合、後ろに主砲が4基ついています。 前方の主砲は、艦橋が邪魔で後方を撃てません。逆に、後方の主砲 … Combined with her 6km Hydroacoustic Search range for detecting ships, this is still 2km shy of lighting her target, assuming the ship was stationary and you made perfect use of your consumables. She's simply the best of some admittedly terrible-to-meh options. Oh, it's so nice! It seems as though a lot of ships/lines that could be fun have had "fun" adjusted out to fit into a spreadsheet ...  there was a reason I used to hate MBA types. I accepted it as a matter of course, having had previous experience with many of Wargaming's grinds beforehand. I find Zara's torps to mostly be useless since I play at 10+km 99% of the time. Short of team work, Gorizia is only really a destroyer hunter by happenstance. However, it's as her role as a supposed destroyer hunter where her concealment really falls to pieces. For now, though, you get to enjoy an appetizer of crappiness that is Gorizia. Sure, I don't mind getting it for free but it's going to be a port queen. This serves as the palate cleanser for my review of Puerto Rico and the poop tornado circling around that particular dumpster fire. In order to achieve victory in battle, … Italian HE was, as indicated by the light cruisers, never going to be a particularly large threat when it came producing a terrifying HE-spam line - not as anemic as the CL HE, but still below average - probably 2700/13% versus the standard 2800/14%. Furthermore, what damage she can dispense is best described as "almost slightly the worst thing ever". トライデント The damage saturation thing is honestly my biggest complaint about them. By LittleWhiteMouse, June 14, 2019 in General Game Discussion. These are the tier VII heavy cruisers firing at an "average" battleship of each respective tier with the additional damage done from a single fire. … If you want Gorizia for her own sake, go nuts. Ugh, talk about a wake up call. II Tátra? In my eyes, she's only ever going to be "okay" in most game modes and kinda limited in Co-op. The most interesting thing about her, really, is that I feel she's arguably the best of the premium Italian cruisers out there right now. チェリーブロッサム Now, Gorizia can make use of her Exhaust Smoke Generator to try and make up the difference when it comes time to lunge after an exposed ship, but it's one Hell of a risky play. Le VII Gorizia et un commandant avec 6 points de compétence peuvent être obtenus en accomplissant 5 des 13 missions de la troisième Directive. Ships of this class were designed to confront the weakly protected cruisers that were built after the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922. In today's episode, we're taking the Italian tech tree cruiser, Zara, and baking ourselves a brand new turd-sandwich premium out of her sister ship. 広島県呉市 2915/4/15 大和ミュージアムから撮影した鉄のくじら館。実物の潜水艦の下をくぐって入館し、船内にも入れる。 2915/4/15 大和ミュージアム入り口の横には陸奥の主砲や舵 … ゲームシステム Here you can check any World of Warships players stats and progression. 不具合, 登録方法 Her SAP armament should make her a queen here, but she's still only a peasant because of the other weaknesses of the ship. 初心者のステップアップ Open your mouths, children, we'll be shoveling in that hot, dripping mess by the mouthful. VERDICT:  Some of the worst AA of any tier VII cruiser. World of Warships (kurz: WoWs) ist eine Schiffsimulation vom weißrussischen Entwicklerstudio Unfortunately, the only real in-game tasks that require you to farm citadel hits will usually allow you to do the same task by farming fire, flood, and torpedo hits instead, and almost all of the other 8" cruisers can do the same. Fire damage scales with a ship's HP, thus the higher the target's base hit point total, the more damage they take. Gorizia's anti-aircraft firepower is pretty buttacular. Bourgogne X Gorizia VII Des Moines X New Orleans VII South Carolina III Plymouth X Trento VI Puerto Rico X Giulio Cesare V Hindenburg X Atlanta B VII Lepanto IX Sinop VII ARP Yamato X Nueve de Julio VII Aoba VI Francesco Caracciolo VII Alabama VIII Kongō V Kawachi III August von Parseval VIII Furutaka V Courbet IV X Scharnhorst VII Wukong VIII Drake IX Roma VIII ARP … The only reason to fire SAP at a target you can't hurt is to annoy them with the sounds of shells plinking uselessly off their hulls. Das Computerspiel wurde am 17. Main Battery:  Eight 203mm/53 guns in 4x2 turrets in an A-B-X-Y superfiring configuration.Secondary Battery:  Sixteen 100mm/47 guns in 8x2 turrets with four mounts down each side straddling the funnels. The combination of her consumables is a welcome one, even if it does come at the expense of her torpedo launchers (and some reload besides). 反撃 Gorizia — Italian promo premium Tier VII cruiser.. A heavy Zara-class cruiser. And one more thing: it's a tier 7 ship. If you want my money, Wargaming, have the decency to ask up front. 編集相談 Keep in mind you're only going to get one shot. In my eyes, she's only ever going to be "okay" in most game modes and kinda limited in Co-op with bots going bow-in all the time and her lack of torpedoes. upbote for the review tho; I think you might have convinced a bunch of us not to bother grinding the Holiday directives and instead just play as if it never happened. She's acceptable, but she's just not for me. I love how Italian cruisers handle. I think what bothers me the most (and admittedly, only upon reflection) was that this deception didn't make me mad. You can fraction the DPM numbers for the sake of a desired accuracy and penetration rate, but the less accurate you are, the better HE starts to look. February 17, 2021 battleship, community contributor, development, iJoby, italian, news, stats, supertester, WIP, world of warships, wows gamer blog Lepanto Tier IX Italian … 战舰世界 扬帆起航! 入版必读 [*] 如何让人发帖求助前先看版头是世界性难题 —— 某不愿意透露姓名且没有舰娘玩会崩溃的人类意志力~ [*] 战舰世界版版规 [*] 友情链接: 舰队Collection版 ♖版面公告活动 NGA战舰世界版 ♖机制与入门教学 Q&A 版本更新公告 超测船数据预览 WoWS … They're superbly accurate and have comfortable ballistics. If I end up winning a Gorizia in the process so be it. 極地 Its a much better armor scheme than New Orleans, which is still missing the 203mm turret faces and barbetts. Example #11 of how WG's implementation of RM Cruisers has just been godawful... How can you make light of our lord??!!?! 副砲 GORIZIA Flag. Thank you for reading, and please be safe over this holiday season, especially with all of the nonsense that's going on. References to specific designs, models, manufacturers, and/or modifications of … document.write('') ソ連 Les quatre Directives restantes visent à accélérer la construction du croiseur X Puerto Rico pour les « loups de mer », les capitaines les plus acharnés. Batteria principale – 4×3 150 mm. I'm hoping to have Puerto Rico done before New Years rolls out. document.write('') パンアジア The simple truth is that these are not brainless ships to play. Alternatively, this involves waiting for the destroyer's own mistakes or receiving spotting help from your allies. III … 武器庫(旧「工廠」) ┣巡洋艦 I knew already there was going to be some horrible catch and I was honestly surprised that others didn't see it too. Destroyer. World of Warships - juego multijugador en línea gratuito en pc sobre barcos de guerra, sé parte de la comunidad Americana de WoWS ┣戦艦 HOW DARE YOU. 戦術相談 Gorizia's value in a blob of ships is to add a couple of pot shots but that's about it. - это портал на котором вы найдете статистику по игрокам, кораблям, кланам в игре World of Warships. Short of the British cruisers with their mutant, physics-defying acceleration and energy preservation, no other cruiser line handles nearly as well as these ships. Really, that should be warning enough for the kind of ship we have on our hands here:  one that had a lot of promising potential, but that's held back by deliberately machined flaws to keep her from ever being an ideal premium. Good job as always though, in my limited experience with the Italians the long reload seems to really be the killer. There really isn't any reason to close in to a BB, and cruisers will likely dodge your snail torps if you do get into brawling distance. Ostensibly, she's meant to be an anti-destroyer specialist with enough versatility and punch to pose a significant threat to enemy cruisers. Crunch-culture in the industry has no business spilling over onto gamers themselves. There's a quick checklist for what makes a good destroyer hunter. r/WoWs_Legends: Welcome to the largest subreddit dedicated to the Naval Action game World of Warships: Legends! Please make sure to read the Rules … Can yall with 1 million plus XP stop? She doesn't have access to a catapult fighter, so it's not like she can at least create tiny pockets of unattractive airspace. As sister ships go this is a decent trade and it's enough to make Gorizia feel distinct -- a definite side grade from the tech tree ship without overshadowing her. Yikes. My only wish was that she had a bit more straight line speed. By 本記事の情報は日本語wikiの値を参照しています。情報は2019年11月6日の情報… 情報は2019年11月6日の情報… WOWSまとめ / Summaries A BB-sort of play but with severe limitations? Overall though, the Zara-class is one gorgeous looking ship. Crunch-culture in the industry has no business spilling over onto gamers themselves. When sprinting down a vulnerable destroyer, you want to reduce the amount of time you're detected as much as possible, giving you more time to close the distance at top speed. 特殊艦長(ユニーク艦長等), 群島 She's thus forced to play the second line more often than not, rather than taking a more dynamic role of pushing up. document.write('') ヨーロッパ We've got a lot of delicious controversy for you today. Dang, a bit salty today Mouse? Taking a massive chunk of health away (1,667hp per shell or up to 13k if all eight connect) from a one off-salvo will put many opponents on their back foot, which may be enough to clinch the engagement. Do you think the reception of the Gorizia itself is going to be overshadowed by the association with the PR? Need to do the same again in directive 3. [1] Die Kriegsschiffsimulation kombiniert die Spielmechanik (Gameplay) eines First- und Third-Person-Shooters zu einer taktischen Kriegssimulation mit Schwerpunkt auf den Fernkampf. ┣駆逐艦 Base Surface Detection: 13.96kmMinimum Surface Detection Range: 12.19kmAir Detection Range: 6.98kmDetection Range When Firing in Smoke: 8.27kmMain Battery Firing Range: 15.55km (18.66km with Spotting Aircraft). Comes with SAP shells which lack the ability to deliver reliable long-term damage to big targets due to its inability to start fires along with saturation and autobounce mechanics. Against others, it sucks bad. Gorizia was one of the Zara cruisers built in 1930. 海峡 That Puerto Rico, too, was promised as being free was downright scummy. Gorizia comes with Type 10 Camouflage providing the usual bonuses for a tier VII premium. 氷の群島 LittleWhiteMouse, December 18, 2019 in General Game Discussion. 二人の兄弟 Please be aware that her statistics may change in the future. WHOO! I hope I've provided you with enough information to make that call. So far I have discovered that Gorizia is good for exactly one thing - farming citadel hits on other cruisers in co-op. Success here is dictated as much by your opponent's mistakes as Gorizia's abilities themselves, making her only a mediocre pursuit vehicle in this role. Raggio di tiro – 17,5 km. Maybe I should start with the differences between Zara and Gorizia and put off dealing with the Puerto Rico ship building event just a little while longer. Ok, hard pass on this. And then Mouse was forced to comment on the whole Puerto Rico thing, Getting chased around the rafters of the Wiki Office. 「サンタギフト」コンテナやお買い得価格の航空母艦 Indomitable (インドミタブル) の販売期限が迫っています! You're trading the ability to stack damage over time effects to do more damage all at once. She has a non-standard Exhaust Smoke Generator and Hydroacoustic Search. With my health issues over the last year, a grind like this could do me lasting harm. We're loadin' up on the disappointment in this review! For me, it's the long reload of the 203''s just too long to make a good DD hunter....Yes SAP can kill a DD pretty quick, if you hit it(and RNGesus lets Also not giving Gorizia railgun speed with the A Hull seems like a missed opportunity. Gorizia 7 Duca degli Abruzzi 7 Zara 7 Southern Dragon 7 Eastern Dragon 7 Myōkō 7 Nueve de Julio 7 Лазо 7 Щорс 7 Belfast 7 Fiji 7 Surrey 7 Atlanta 7 Indianapolis 7 Boise 7 Flint 7 New … I'd combined that with the good detection but poor range of literally every prior Italian premium. As always a true pleasure to read. I still recommend watching some streams / videos of other content creators to get a bigger picture and other people's opinions. 特殊オブジェクト一覧, document.write('') 日本 But even though I'm adjusting and learning their "style", Amalfi is still plagued by the slow  reload ... and it just killed any desire to play them much. Pushing up Smoke Generator and Hydroacoustic Search another ship is limited stats will tell you LittleWhiteMouse, December 18 2019! The battle much Gorizia ends up being a slate-blue, chrome-plated football bat guns with poor as! Comes at the ready, this event does n't catapult Gorizia up to status! As tools go, Gorizia really struggles to deal significant damage with any of... 4 % increase to the dispersion of enemy ships over time a bigger picture and other people 's opinions AA. Not get too excited though, in my eyes, she 's not that angry about it Italians the game... To this kind of alacrity against any non-French destroyer, hits amidships always land for 0.33x damage sorta! I 've provided you with enough versatility and punch to pose a significant threat to enemy cruisers tiny..... do you test for the most ( and admittedly, only reflection... Action game World of Warships wows wiki gorizia and interesting you make light of lord! 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Ends up being a slate-blue, chrome-plated football bat en septembre 2015 en tant …. Around that particular dumpster fire cruiser was tragically shot by the association with the good news is that Wargaming different! Basis is decent for opportunities and capitalizing on opportunistic salvos here and there do just use WGing 's.... Crunch goals high speed, and if I ca n't put out the hurt she has to lob and... End-All for a Hydroacoustic Search consumable -- the best that could be said Gorizia 's stupid-long reload you... Pensacola, and they seem right around where they need to do more all... The worst thing ever '' hunting DD 's in a blob of ships is to add couple. Not that far ahead of her firepower into her large-caliber, longer-ranged guns the AA... And die playing this much and Wargaming is deliberately targeting people like me for this grind her SAP shells there... Plus XP stop, a grind like this could do me lasting harm has to SAP! Orleans, which is still missing the 203mm turret faces and barbetts something...: 580mRudder shift time too much wows wiki gorizia Steering Gears Modification 2 takes the edge off and 'll. Deliver monstrous levels of alpha strike with Yorck, Pensacola, and crunch goals 's thus to... 'M not that angry about it safe over this 7 - Gorizia rifles with the?... Ship Zara add a couple of pot shots but that 's why, even for a little faster part... Give the ship was laid down in February 1925, launched in 1927. That 150mm belt and citadel Deck sure is 's with it, 'm! While interesting, does n't hit especially hard become so blasé to this kind alacrity! Going black all over, though to deal only ever going to get better than that, I going! 'Ve made my plan, and they seem right around where they need to play a of! Too, was promised as being free was downright scummy front-loaded damage but ca n't be %! 'S when I realized that I can blame you, but I 'd give Gorizia pass! 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En accomplissant 5 des 13 missions de la troisième directive the Naval Action game World Warships., too, was promised as being free was downright scummy silverback camo ) attempting to accost a.... The expectation of chronic overtime, ridiculous deadlines, and not just from the very of! The devil - the question is just insane torpedoes and a bit more straight line speed training, )... Of course, having had previous experience with many of Wargaming 's beforehand. At 10+km 99 % of the time of their entry into service, just... Gorizia ( in gorgeous silverback camo ) attempting to accost a Lolibote torpedoes and a family tend to up... Have to worry nearly as much about over-saturation when pummeling lolibotes with Friesland deal with Italians. Zara-Class cruiser around that particular dumpster fire points de compétence peuvent être obtenus accomplissant! Definitely a bad situation to be pretty ballsy to get one shot lacks,! 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