According to the majority of our mujtahids, charging interest is allowed between father and children, and between husband and wife. There is little or no difference between usury which was practiced in antiquity and that of a modern money center bank. The fundamental difference is the totally different outlook on what happens after entering a contract. That is banks profit will not be fixed prior to business. When you access one of these websites, you are leaving our website and assume total responsibility and risk for your use of the third-party websites. iv, mentioned above, getting the money from a non- Muslim bank would be permissible. Mutanajjis means an item that becomes najis by coming into contact with a wet 'ayn najis. Their food, shelter, clothing, and tools came from the land, forests, rivers, and animals around them. However, there is no problem in dealing in machines of dual- or multi-purpose nature which include haram purposes but are not exclusively used for such things, like radio, television, etc. On the other. Animal products from an animal that you know was not slaughtered Islamically: (a) Parts with no feeling (e.g., hair, feather, fur, bone, horn, beak, nail. Similarly, selling silver in exchange for silver with increment in the price-whether on spot or in deferred form- is forbidden. The majority of Islamic scholars believe that sharia law prohibits these transactions because the activities involve interest, […] Therefore, intoxicants that are not made for human consumption are not covered by prohibition or ritual impurity (najasat). That is why riba or interest is forbidden in However, working as a cashier in a convenient store is not haram even though it is haram to sell lottery tickets. Similarly, the alcohol found in perfumes is pure and permissible for use as well as trade. It is haram to rent out a vehicle for transporting intoxicants. “Interest is an artificial profit, which does not enter in legal trading. 2. Answer: You may buy the building but must terminate the lease of that particular tenant as soon as possible based on the agreement (i.e., immediately or at the renewal time). Working in banks or similar financial institutions: The activities of a bank are divided into two: halal and haram. (Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi). It is haram to hoard the common food items that are low in supply and high in demand. It promotes competition and short-term thinking; it forces economic growth, and it undervalues care, education and tasks crucial to maintaining a society. Books on Islam, Muslims, Prophet Muhammad(s), Ahlul Bayt. ', The lmam: "Whoever wishes for them to live is one of them; and one who is from them will enter the Fire. After the verse (2:282), quoted earlier, Almighty Allah even talks about a security against the loan. One market day, a stranger showed up and watched. “Islamic banking is an Ethical Banking System, and its practices are based on Islamic (Shariah) laws. place equitably. After having the discussion, it became very clear what God’s message was on the subject of Riba and business. If the commodity is sold by weight and it is from the category of fruits, and the first buyer wants to sell it with profit, then it is permissible. Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s): "O' Safwan, everything about you is good except one. As such, Islam considers Riba (Interest/Usury) as a grave sin since it negatively affects one of the parties. Islamic Financing avoids interest-based transactions (riba), and instead introduces the concept of buying something on the borrower’s behalf, and selling it back to the borrower at profit. Question: Can I work as a cashier in a grocery shop that also sells alcohol? A well-known hadith from Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s) says, “The penance for working for an [unjust] ruler is to fulfill the needs of the brethren.”26. for intoxicants], he who drinks it, he who serves it, he who sells it, he who buys it, he who earns from it, he who transports it and he to whom it is transported.” 1. Therefore, if the bank in which you are working is a non-Muslim bank and/or the customers are non- Muslims, then dealing in interest with them as a bank employee is permissible; and the earning received from this work is halal.22. Mutual Funds, the Stock Market and Bonds, Second Principle of Conduct as a Minority. So then how can Muslim businesspeople get loans for investment? ; blood of human beings for transfusion into a patient who needs it. The main rationale in the prohibition of interest in Islam is injustice given that justice is an important cornerstone of the Islamic worldview. It means, "Acquired impurity" as opposed to 'ayn najis which means "inherent impurity". The money does indeed make trading much easier. i. Money has to be used as a means of sale and purchase and a measurement of a commodity to be sold or purchased. If you regularly visit this site and wish to show your appreciation, or if you wish to see further development of, please donate online. However, according to Ayatullah Sistani as well as the late Ayatollah Khu'i, one can technically get out of the prohibition by taking the money from a non-Muslim bank with the intention of istinqadh-that is, using the wealth of non-Muslims which is available to you from them willingly, according to their own laws. Using money as a commodity is selling, just a forged artificial transaction. Any links to third-party websites are provided strictly as a courtesy. [Whereas] Allah has allowed trade and forbidden interest.So to whomsoever comes the admonition from his Lord and so he desists [from interest], he shall have what has already passed and his affair is in the hands of Allah; but whosoever returns [to it], then they are the inmates of the Fire, they shall abide in it.Allah does not bless interest, and He causes the charitable deeds to grow. Use these to trade with each other. It is a difference that arises because of interest and in this sense some Islamic banking techniques rely just as much upon interest as their conventional counterparts. Sa’ad bin Zaid bin Amr reported:”I heard the messenger of Allah saying: “He who dies while defending his property is a martyr; he who dies in defense of his own life is a martyr, and he who dies in defense of his faith is a martyr; and he who dies in defense of his family is a martyr”. In this scheme of things, the economy too. In cases where such a transaction is permissible, the merchandise and the price cannot be of the same commodity otherwise it is considered riba and it is haram. You will need to follow the instructions in that message in order to gain full access to the site. I recently had a long discussion on this topic as I didn’t really understand the logic in interest being haram. Using other services of the bank like transferring money and opening Letters of Credit to import goods is permissible; and the banks are allowed to charge commission for their part of the job. It is permissible to deal in mutanajjis items if there is a permissible use for it. Can a Muslim join the police or armed force of a non­-Muslim government? '', The Imam: "Safwan, is your rent due on them (i.e., Harun and his people)? In addition to showing some linguistic differences, Muslim and Islam show some other differences too between them. This would amount to promoting immorality, and it is not permissible even if that Muslim is going to lose future business from such customers. Interest means “Money paid for the use of money lent (the principal), or for forbearance of a debt, according to a fixed ratio” (Zarabozo).According to Yousuf Ibnul Hasan, Interest is when money takes the status of a commodity and is being bought and sold with guaranteed profit (Hasan).In Islam the term use for interest and usury is riba. The present day banking system, which has given interest the moral and legal license, is the backbone of the prevalent capitalism. Difference between usury and interest . The question they should ask themselves is: Will I become a tool of oppression of the unjust government, or will I be a civil servant serving the people in the true sense? Any other use of the hosted content, such as for financial gain, requires express approval from the copyright owners. For example, if lamp oil becomes najis, it can still be used to light the lamp. On the other hand Interest is a monetary payment made from a loan or money borrowed irrespective of whether that loan generate profit or not. In light of what we have said, investing in mutual funds and the stock market in which the returns are not guaranteed would be permissible. What is it? It is haram to rent out a real estate property for making, selling or buying intoxicants. Mu 'awiyah bin Wahab inquired from Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s) about the validity of the story that once a Muslim died in Medina and the Prophet was requested to lead the funeral prayer for him. A sharia boardconsists of Islamic scholars who are qualified to give opinions on Islamic business contracts. "Futures" means an agreement in which the seller agrees to deliver a commodity -which does not exist yet- at a future date at a specific price. The site and the DILP are entirely supported by individual donors and well wishers. In most cases, they were refused permission by the Imams; and whenever they were exceptionally allowed, the Imams put a condition -you will help your brethren in faith. “They ask you about intoxicants and games of chance. According to most mujtahidin, it is haram to get loan from a non-Muslim bank with the condition of paying interest. ... and interest unlawful. At day's end, the stranger called the townspeople together and said, “Your trading is cumbersome and clumsy! Similarly, making statutes or sculptures of non­ living things like flowers or trees is permissible. iv. (a) From Muslim merchant or Muslim market: it is permissible to trade in them. i. Professor Lietaer illustrates the ill of interest through an interesting story: There once was a town where the people lived in harmony. Giving such a loan is considered like giving a loan to Almighty Allah who is going to pay it back with compounded interest: “Who will give a good loan to Allah so that He will multiply it for him manifold? (b) Parts with feelings (e.g., skin): it is not permissible to trade in them.2. Let us first understand the major difference between Islamic banking and conventional banking system. The Qur’an and Sunna (Prophetic Traditions) clearly explain this idea in many verses: “Indeed those who devour the property of orphans unjustly are only consuming into their bellies fire. iv. Islam, in both theory and practice, is “exceptional” in how it relates to politics. And there is no power but with Allah.”14. Even he has concluded that the Islamic prohibition of riba covers both types of loans: qarz-e masrafi (loan for consumption) as well as qarz-e tawlidi (loan for investment). I will try to difference Riba (Interest… and teeth): it is permissible to trade in them. Your email address will not be published. Let us hope that this concept of "lease to own" is made available by the financial institutions towards purchases of homes; this will greatly eliminate the problem of paying interest on home mortgages. If you give a loan without the condition of interest, then it is known as al-qarzu '1-hasan (a good loan; an interest­ free loan) and is considered a very good deed in Islam. The interest receiving party gains a fixed amount for using the loan and the other party to the transaction has something at his disposal which may not always yield a profit. The Catastrophic Impact of Debt on the Developing World 8 7. But look at an Islamic contract. Interest in completely prohibited in Islamic banking. ", Safwan: "May I be sacrificed for you! Selling a commodity in the form of futures is permissible with certain conditions that include: He says. “Pay Now andReceive Later”: There is no problem in such a transaction as long as the commodity and the price both are not in gold or silver form. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) only did that so that people may learn a lesson to pay the debts back to one another and not to take the debts lightly ...”12. In this scheme of things, the economy too plays an important role in man’s life. So any investment in which risk is involved is allowed but wherever the returns are guaranteed for one party but not the other, then the investment is not allowed. This is valid only if the merchant had 'fixed the price for the deferred payment beforehand. Similarly, working for an unjust and oppressive government in the departments that are used to oppress the people is haram for the followers of Ahlu '1-bayt. "Loan for investment'' (e.g., for buying or expanding a business). ", Safwan al-Jammal went and sold his rental business to someone else.25, There are many examples of when the Shi'as had asked the Imams for permission to work with the establishment of the 'Abbasid caliphs. If the commodity is sold by weight and it is not from the category of fruits, and the first buyer wants to sell it with profit, then it is not permissible. Such investments, however, could become haram because of secondary reasons: like If one invests in a company that deals in a haram commodity, such as a brewery or casino. As long as Muslim lawyers do not get involved in haram activities in pursing their careers, then it is permissible for them to work as lawyers. In a community where cooperation once flourished, extra effort is now required to wrest the eleventh round from a neighbor’s hands; this leaves little time or energy to help anyone out anymore, or even to enjoy a little socializing.7. IMPORTANT : All content hosted on is solely for non-commercial purposes and with the permission of original copyright holders. Finally, even though istakhara is based on religious sources, one should never become "istakhara dependent". Mutanajjis items: The best option for a Muslim investing in mutual funds would be the “ethical funds'” since such funds do not deal in alcohol, tobacco, gambling or environmentally harmful products.23, However, you must be careful when dealing with the stock market and ask the following question: Are the shares "earnings driven" or "story driven''? Secondly, there is a famous saying that 'al-istashara qabla al-istakhara - seeking counsel comes before seeking istakhara' which means that one should use his or her own intelligence and knowledge to decide on the issue at hand: and if he or she does not know about that issue, then he or she should consult and seek counsel from those who have expertise in that field. You may wonder why a bank needs a sharia board to ensure its compliance with sharia principles. However (in such a case), letting it go as charity is better for you, if you know.” This transaction will be valid even if the payment is deferred. In countries like Canada where multi-culturalism is promoted and where the presence of minorities in law­ enforcing agencies would help in preventing racism and discrimination, the Muslims can join in such agencies provided they always remember the penance mentioned above. (Al Baqarah:278-279). ", The Imam: ''The renting of your camels to this man [referring to Harun). However, based on what I have written below, I would strongly caution the reader against being caught in the trap of debt.). At the advent of Islam, the Makkans were principally merchants. On the contrary interest without toil and effort gives easy and surplus money benefitting only the lender. If the commodity is not sold by weight, then it is permissible. Enter valid first name and last name with at least one space. (The implication is that even thought the cashier's job is legitimate but that portion of the salary which represents the percentage of work done in selling lottery tickets will not be considered legitimate.). Other ‘ayn najis items (like human or animal stool, urine, blood, semen) can be a legitimate business commodity provided there is a reasonable use for them . It is haram to sell grapes and dates to a customer who buys them for making intoxicant drinks. If you’re thinking about investing in Islamic finance or an Islamic nation or company, know that some types of financial market activity, such as margin trading, day trading, options, and futures, are considered gray areas in Islamic law. There can be no istakhara in issues which are obligatory or forbidden. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, “None hoards the food items except the sinner.”4 Under an Islamic system, the government has the right to force such a merchant to sell the food items at the fair market value. ", The lmam: "Do you wish that they should live until you get your rent? Buyer receives benefits from the article and the seller receives compensation for his effort and time spent on making the article available. The Qur’an clearly mentioned this false claim and gave an appropriate response: “Those who devour usury will not stand (before God) except like one whom Satan has driven to madness by his touch. There are two important questions about futures markets: In this case, use of that money will be permissible even if one will be forced to pay interest.19, Using credit cards as a convenient way of shopping is permissible. Muslims are not allowed to buy intoxicating drinks for their customers at business lunch or dinner party. Commodities can be exchanged either by trade or as a loan. Similarly, it is forbidden for a Muslim builder or contractor to build a place of worship for non-Muslims in a non-Muslim country. Commenting on the present interest based economic system, Bernard Lietaer, a well-known business professor and former banker, says, “…But money wasn't created by God. It is also defined as exaction of a charge over and above money owed, which is usually paid out of the sweat and blood of the borrower regardless of whether he profits as a result of the loan or not. (An-Nisa:10), “What God has bestowed on His Messenger from the people of the townships, belongs to God, to His Messenger and to the kindred and the orphans, the needy and the wayfarer; in order that it may not make a circuit between the wealthy among you” It is haram to make horoscope and predict the future of people by looking at the movement or alignment of stars. 2. – no gain, no loss. However, if the shares are "story driven", then it is like gambling and is not permissible.24 (An example in recent times was the skyrocketing shares of the Internet stock that were "story driven", and which then just collapsed.). It is also defined as exaction of a charge over and above money owed, which is usually paid out of the sweat and blood of the borrower regardless of whether he, 1-In ordinary business transactions mutually equitable exchange of benefits between buyer and seller prevails. Working in sections where interest is involved, is haram. Riba is a concept in Islam that refers broadly to the concept of, growth, increasing or exceeding. "Loan for consumption" (e.g., for advanced study, treatment of an illness, marriage of one's daughter) and 2. This is, obviously, different from astronomy that is a proven science. We make no representation as to the completeness or accuracy of information provided at these websites nor do we endorse the content and information contained on those sites. Firstly, istakhara is only relevant in issues which are religiously permissible where a person has a choice to do or not to do. The earning received from such work is haram. This claim is not new to Islam. What one family could not make for it itself, it got from [an] other at the weekly market. ii. This concept of mudaraba between the bank and the depositors is quite alien to the financial institutions of the West where the banks (e.g., in Canada in J 996) continued to make profits in billions even though the overall economy was still trying to recover from near depression. Islamic investments are a unique form of socially responsible investments because Islam makes no division between the spiritual and the secular. And, oh yes, I'll come back in a year to collect this loan I've made. The monetary system is programmed - albeit not deliberately - to cause certain behavior. transactions. In legalizing trade and condemning interest, Islam considers that there are fundamental differences between the nature of profit resulting from interest charges and that earned by trade. Ayatullah Khamana 'i, in answer to a question related to money earned in deposit accounts from banks (in a country governed by shari' a law like Iran), says: “If the act of depositing the money in the ban k is like giving the loan to the bank and the bank gives extra money in that account-then it is riba and haram. You'll see, it will be much easier than carrying your goods to market. Islam is a complete and comprehensive code which guides man in every aspect of his life. Income that is obtained from debt is called interest. the payment of the price must be done on spot ; iii. The interest and the principal amount must be paid after a given period. [i] Join the iFX EXPO Asia and discover your gateway to the Asi… Answer: Selling lottery is haram. and the time and place of delivery must also be fixed. 2. Of course, drawing, painting or carving a living being is permissible. The Qur'an and hadith are very clear on the prohibition of interest. (c) The price is more than the commodity. For example: £100 with 2% interest in year 1 -> year 2 £102, but inflation is 2% so the effect is Zero and you still have the same spending power as in year 1. Allah, the Exalted, Says (what means): " Those who consume interest cannot stand [on the Day of Resurrection] except as one stands who is being beaten by Satan into insanity. ii. (Al Hashr:7). The town represents the society. In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. One of the principles of Islamic economics is “the relationship between one's efforts and the amassing of wealth, and the importance of participating in the risk of losing one's wealth as well as increasing it in any economic transaction. And this statement also was narrated by Imam Malik and Imam At Tirmidhi with a slight textual difference: “None should trade in our market but those who have sufficient religious knowledge.” (Classed hasan by Al Albani). If the shares are earnings driven (i.e., have proven history of performance), then it is permissible. 2-In business transactions profit is made only once for a particular article while lending on interest ensures continuous profit which multiplies with time. i. It is haram to charge interest from a Muslim in loan. Pig and its byproduct it is haram to deal in pigs and their byproducts in all forms: even selling or serving pork to those who consider it permissible in their religion is not allowed. However, if a person were to sell 100 kg wheat for 110 kg raisins or to sell 100 US dollars for 125 Canadian dollars, then it would be a legitimate transaction because the items are neither the same nor weighed. This is absolutely a wrong notion. Is it permissible for the seller to sell a commodity in futures? Question: Is it permissible to work as a cashier in such a convenience store that also sells lottery tickets? Therefore, Muslims who would like to join the law­ enforcing agencies should seriously study the system or the institution in their countries before deciding to join. So making, buying or selling idols or religious symbols such as a cross would not be permissible. Based on rule no. For example, the dung of farm animals can be used for the purpose of using it as manure; blood of animals for use as a dye, etc. Islamic finance strictly complies with Sharia law. For example, a farmer signs an agreement to sell 1000 bushels of wheat to a buyer at the price of $5.00 a bushel robe delivered after eight weeks. Similarly, if a person were to sell a dozen eggs for fifteen eggs, then it would be a legitimate transaction even though the items are of the same kind because they are not sold by weight. fear God and give up what remains of your demand for usury if ye are indeed believers. A Brief History of Interest Based Banking 5 5. The interest receiving party gains a fixed amount for using the loan and the other party to the transaction has something at his disposal which may not always yield a profit. But Riba (Interest) is fixed whatever the business situation is. Beware of this temptation, and control your greed. It is not permissible for a Muslim to sell or serve intoxicating drinks, or even to wash the glasses used for that purpose. For example, methyl alcohol (also known as wood spirit) is not najis and is a valid commodity for trade because it is used for industrial solvents, and for making synthetic rubber, chemicals, rubbing alcohol, inks, dyes and stains, antifreeze and other similar products. Interest-bearing bonds would be allowed except from Muslim banks as per the ruling of Ayatullah Sistani. Thus Islam has placed great value in protecting wealth and property. Allah says in the Qur’an as follows: “God has permitted trade and forbidden interest” God will deprive usury of all blessing but will bestow increase for charity. Moreover, I am not handling [the animals] by myself, rather I am sending my slaves with him. This prohibition also applies to delivering food items which have pork in them such as pizza, etc. They say that the riba forbidden in Islam only applies to "loan for consumption'' and not to “Loan for investment,” thus allowing charging of interest on a loan given for investment This was also brought to my attention by a friend who reviewed the manuscript of this treatise. On the other hand, it has prohibited and condemned business transactions where injustice prevails. What a debtor does not have to pay back is known as charity, not a loan; a loan has to be repaid as per the condition agreed between the creditor and the debtor. It is noteworthy that Islam has clearly differentiated between business transactions and interest-based transactions. In Islam, dealing with Riba is one of the major sins, which entail severe punishment by Allah Almighty. If you do it not, take notice of war from God and His Messenger: but if ye turn back ye shall have your capital sums; deal not unjustly and ye shall not be dealt with unjustly Failures of Interest Based Banking 6-7 6. Required fields are marked *. This material is for informational purposes only. This claim is not new to Islam. It is haram to work for a company that produces such drinks, in any form of job: as a driver, worker, accountant, guard, typist, etc. Interest 4 4 been sent to your e-mail address ritual impurity ( najasat ) based banking where banks allowed. Camels to this man [ referring to Harun ) Safwan: `` yes,.! Showing some linguistic differences, Muslim and Islam show some other differences too them... That becomes najis, it has prohibited and condemned business transactions where injustice.... In harmony or sculptures of non­ living things like flowers or trees is permissible to in. The Shari ’ aor Islamic law need '' and “ greed ” is in demand websites provided. 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