I would also talk to the teachers at her school and let them know about your daughter's fear. hate them too, My 5-1/2 year old daughter has the same fear. The little seats that make the hole smaller? (Guaranteed, when she's older, some despicable person will encourage her to ignore her fears against her will over some other small or more serious thing, and you will want to know that you helped her learn to respect and take care of herself and her fears--not that I'm suggesting that stopping auto-flush toilets will prevent all future problems! Dopamine Fasting Can Make You a Happier, More Focused Man, Core Strength in 15 Minutes: An Easy Ab Workout. Did you teach them, and if so - how? We have only used it a couple of times, but it has been very convenient. The fear is real, and only by seeing that she can address it (and won't be harmed by it) will she get beyond it in a healthy way. I would also talk to the teachers at her school and let them know about your daughter's fear. to no avail. Here are several reasons one may experience a toilet phobia, and tips for overcoming the anxiety, discomfort, and ill health effects of such a phobia. A 'new' toilet is a real challenge. COPROPHOBIA or CORPOROPHOBIA - fear of going to the toilet (passing faeces) Aka: toilet phobia A fear of anything related to a bowel movement, toilets, public toilets, being heard going to the toilet, feeling unclean or dirty generally. Use a plastic bag fo a liner. As a result, there’s a weird overlap between when children might be able to understand that they have to go number one or number two, but they don’t totally compute that a potty monster won’t eat them. She didn't go potty at her preschool for the first four months! We ended up averting an accident just-in-time when a kind store employee re-directed us to the bookstore, for non auto-flush toilets (her child is also fearful). If you carry a pack of post-it notes with you you can stick those over the sensor and make it turn off. I bet she won't be the only one who may avoid the bathroom at school because of fear of the toilet flushing too early. Coprophobia is the name for fear of toilets, apparently the common name for flushing toilets is just "flush phobia". It depends on your comfort level if you want to try it and of course on his. He did eventually outgrow it (he's 11 now), and also his fear of the dentist, but it took a while. When did they ''outgrow'' this fear? In the last few weeks, she has developed a horrible fear of certain unfamiliar, typically public, toilets. So many K students were afraid of it that the teachers put tape over the sensor so that it wouldn't go off automatically, and taught kids how to push the button to flush instead. Karen Rubins-Lawrie said she … My daughter had a morbid fear of these things too. Hi -- well, your daughter is not the only 5 year old out there with this fear of the auto flush! Give us a little more information and we'll give you a lot more relevant content, Oops! While it may seem silly, this phobia can be very real and negatively affect a person’s health. 1 kid down, 1 to go, I think you should go on your vacations. There is nothing about it that you can anticipate. On top of the loud noise, young children often fear they’re flushing a part of themselves down the toilet — that they’re losing something important forever. You might also try bringing along one of those little portable potty seats that fits right on top of the toilet. If your child is afraid of the loud, annoying flushers that you’d typically find in a public bathroom, help them cover their ears.”. It’s important to note that many young children are sensitive to loud noises but become more tolerant as them as they get older, but if parents are concerned it’s always best to check their child’s pediatrician. Research into these conditions is limited, despite the … He becomes extremely frightened and screams when we've tried to take him into a ''foreign'' bathroom. Sometimes the phobia is linked to an inability to “go” in the presence of another person, known as Paruresis or Parcopresis. If you are willing to carry them around, you can also use removable stickers to cover the sensor. BUT I should warn you not to take him out on an ''all-day outing'' until this problem is solved. no flush while in midstream! remove when done and voila! That’s not a reason to delay potty-training in itself, but something to be aware of and patient about. Just be patient. I have to fight the panic. Don't dismay, I am sure they will grow out of the fear with time and repeated ''exposure.'' Then I just tell her it's her turn and help her on the potty. anon, Our three-year old daughter (potty trained for six months) doesn't like strange toilets either (she doesn't like using the toilet period...but that's another story). And, yes, sometimes she will hold it for hours on end. Have you tried the potty inserts that make the opening smaller? Does anyone have any ideas on how I can ease her into using the adult-sized toilet? Last weekend we were in a store and she had to go so badly but refused and I finally convinced her to let me hold her over the sink (totally gross, I know, but I was desperate and I washed it out really well w/ soap and water after). loo-loo, Get a potty chair that you keep in the car. Sign up for the Fatherly newsletter to get original articles and expert advice about parenting, fitness, gear, and more in your inbox every day. Why? My daughter will be 3 years old this month. Best of luck! We certainly don't want to make a habit of that, especially since my husband found her sitting on the sink at home the next day. My daughter has since confided that ''even when she is a grown-up, she might still be afraid of it.'' Good luck ~ sign me MRS. SOGGY BOTTOM! I either end up forcing the pullup on her (not fun), or just hoping she can hold it till we get home. “Toilet anxiety, or toilet phobia, is a term used to describe a number of issues related to using the toilet. Some of the most common treatments for toilet anxiety are listed below. Ironically, this solution helped her get over her fear. Health Issues Caused by Toilet Phobias. http://www.kidsurplus.com/kal1730.html We keep one in the car, and one in the stroller for long outings. We regularly hear stories of individuals who refuse to use their work toilets or public lavatories because of the stress and anxiety this brings about. (he was extemely miserable and uncomfortable). But with the help of their parents and caretakers, they’ll eventually acclimate as much as anyone can to bathroom automation. Here is a trick that worked for us: Tell him that you can turn it off. Then I cover his ears while he is on the toilet (which otherwise he would do himself) and certainly if he finishes before it flushes I get him out of the stall ASAP, regardless of whether his pants are up! I felt terrible for trying to make her use the toilet with auto-flush. When we are out, she refuses to use public toilets. This results to shame, humiliation and social anxiety. Good luck! I feel quite sure that this fear will pass with time, as long as I don't make a big deal out of it, and as long as on occasion he has to deal with these toilets, with me there supporting him, so that he can gain a sense of mastery over them. This phobia encompasses a number of issues relating to going to the toilet including: using public toilets, not having close access to a toilet, having an accident … Marijuana vs Alcohol: Which Is the Better Vice for Parents? I have a phobia of flushing the toilet, I really don't know why. Oh no, do not tell me they're putting auto-flush toilets in elementary schools. Toualetaphobia Symptoms. I tell her that she doesn't have to sit on the big potty if it frightens her, but she does have to put on a pull-up just in case. “Hang in there,” Wittenberg laughs. Hypersensitivity to sound is more common than many parents realize, but because it can be an early sign of Autism Spectrum Disorder, studies show. You can also travel with post-it notes, and put the post-it notes over the light till she's done. When we're out and about and I can tell she has to go, I just tell her that Mommy has to go to the potty. The flies are light and dry so they float stubbornly. Talk to your son and listen to him. This is episode 65, Fear of the autoflush toilet: how to help your child overcome her fear of being autoflushed away. You're covering up the little camera that tells it when to flush. Good luck- michelle, I think this is not uncommon, with my son, also recently potty trained (more or less), I had a potty in the car for a while and I also carried around a large purse with one of those cushy toilet seats you get for little ones in a plastic bag and whenever he needed to go voila it was like being at home (I just washed it (almost) each evening). For a long time she'd go 12 hours without peeing rather than use a public toilet, no matter what our cajoling. heidi, My five-year-old also has autoflushphobia, which started a year ago and continues to this day. Once my daughter realized it wouldn't flush while she was on it, she was fine. Regardless, many kids will not be comfortable with flushing the toilet the first few times, and that’s totally OK. They’ll get there. If I were the teacher I'd take the kids into the bathroom the first day of school and show them the trick with the strip of TP. But when we went out of town recently, she obviously had no choice but to use public toilets. I have not used this method myself (I heard of it's success from a friend) so I am not sure if the toilet will flush as soon as the note is removed or a bit later or if you have to push the flush button on the toilet. She's even become adept at opening stall doors using her elbows (which is not too bad from a germ perspective...) anon. For a while, the only way I could get her to sit on these toilets was if I went first, which definitely reassured her. Unfortunately, he is afraid of any other potty, or even walking into a bathroom (restaurants, stores, relatives' homes, etc.) We tried the seat out first at home before using it in a public restroom so it seemed to her like we were bringing her own seat with us. In addition, it is rare that the toilet phobia occurs by itself. I never insist that he use an auto-flush toilet, but remind him that he may go in his pants if he doesn't. So much so that she would pee on herself before using one. I've tried going first to show her it's not scary and various ways of holding her over the toilet, but neither has had much effect. • Tax ID: 46-4347971, About BPN • Contact BPN • Credits • Terms of Use, Connecting Bay Area families online since 1993, Daycares & Preschools with Current Openings, Parent Classes, Workshops & Groups with Openings, Advice about Classes, Camps, Groups, & Tutors, 5-year-old is terrified of auto-flush toilets, 3-year-old afraid to use toilets not his own. It took a while for my son to understand that I really was not going to let the toilet flush until he was out of the stall, but once he knew this he felt a lot better. “Until then, you can ask them if they’d like you to flush the potty later, when they’re not there,” Wittenberg says. I tried not to make too big a deal of it and she did grow out of it. The first thing he asks as we approach any toilet not in our home is whether or not it ''goes by itself''. Fix the auto flush fear by: Anonymous I'm 48 and extremely fearful of auto flush toilets and it was started to effect my life where I didn't want to go anywhere far in fear that my only choice was to use one. The trick we use is to rip off a strip of toilet paper and drape it over the back sensor so the toilet doesn't know when you're sitting or standing. Because, all phobias can to some degree limit a persons daily activities and are in some cases the root cause that make someone experience anxiety and leading up all the way to depression. Like other well-known phobias, it becomes devastating for its sufferers when confronted by it. Also, if she hates the noise, you can tell her to cover her ears when it's time to flush. Liz O. tired mama, This doesn't solve the entire problem, but my nephew who has a really hard time with the noise that commercial toliets make when they flush, loves to pee standing up outside (how great to be a guy). My daughter also was afraid of auto-flush toilets. She's not even a fearful kid in other regards, but auto-flush toilets scared the crap out of her (oops, unintended pun). This is very important Anon, Public restrooms are scary! If your son liked it, you could even take it into a restroom and use it there. I just squat in the corner with my ears plugged until the toilet stops screeching. been there, teach her to drape a few sheets of TP over the sensor so it can't ''see'' her do her business. I usually just cover it with my hand until she's through. The toilets flushing or blowing hand dryers can easily scare your child. Although most parents begin potty-training when their kids are between the ages of two and three years old, kids only develop the ability to separate fantasy from reality by age three and it doesn’t happen overnight. Three years ago when I found out Disneyland has auto-flush toilets I feared we'd have to cancel our trip! I think loud flushing of public toilets spooks her, but having happen under her bare bottom really freaked her out. It all started the first time we used an automatic flushing toilet when he was in the early stages of potty training. Right now, I accompany her to the bathroom and try to stay in the ''sight'' of the sensor (which is at the back of the toilet).If I stand there in front of her, it seems to delay the flush. Something went wrong. Though I worry for her comfort, I've discovered that continuing to coax her into using the potty just doesn't work for her. She can take a sticky-note to the toilet, cover up the blinker, then uncover it and throw the sticky-note away (or leave it on the wall for the next terrified kid). I'm crossing my fingers that she'll forget about it by Fall, but she's not one to easily forget. So she did. As if there were not enough reasons to cry about public restrooms as an adult, this can be overwhelming for kids, who are more prone to setting flushers off frequently because they move around so much. I have recently seen a number of posts on Google about a fear of toilets which is something I have experienced to a certain extent. We've tried talking to him calmly and explaining things, etc. The problem with little kids is that their bodies aren't big enough to block the sensor on the back of the toilet, and the sensor gets confused and flushes before it should. This is a big deal for my almost 4-year-old son too. another mother of a child afraid of the ''magic toilets''. Good luck! I am scared of standing in the bathroom while the toilet is flushing, I don't know why. My 4-year old daughter is also very afraid of autoflush toilets (she is otherwise not at all skittish by nature). There is a distinct lack of research on this phobia, although a surprising number of people suffer from it or related fears. If you do get one of those seats though be sure to get one with a ring all around the bottom for stability Kelly B, Maybe your child is afraid of those automatic toilets that make a very loud (and scary) sound. My daughter started at a brand spanking new kindergarten when she was 5, and yep, everything in the bathroom was automatic! Next time, ask him if he wants to help you flush the toilet. “Little kids aren’t quite clear on the concept that certain parts of our bodies, like our hair, fingernails, and even poop, don’t hurt when we get rid of them,” child psychologist and author Dr. Heather Wittenberg explains. ... has an irrational fear of toilets and struggles to go to the bathroom without a family member to flush for her. Our solution-we let him go pee outside if we are out and about. Your child could pick out the character she likes as an incentive to use it (Toys-r-us, Target, Wal-Mart). what i've done when there's no other option is stand in front of the sensor, straddling the back of the toilet, then hope he doesnt' pee all over my jeans. In any event, this is a portable solution and your daughter can take the sticky notes to kindergarten with her if she needs too. Maybe formally introduce her to the toilet, let her watch what happens when it is flushed, hold on to her while she flushes it, maybe let her take her ''pee'' from the little potty and dispose of it in the big potty, and also be sure to ask her why she is so afraid of it so you can address her concerns. That was a life-saver for us on a recent road trip. Then it will not flush while she is on the toilet. Some children are afraid of toilets because of the sound of the flush and the fact that things disappear. I wouldn't wish that situation on anyone! I don't think this is an unusual fear at all. Fear of flushing the toilet. it started when the thing just up and flushed for no reason (as they are want to do). What do you want the president to prioritize in the next four years? He has no qualms about peeing in public, and even once sat on the toilet, to no avail. On top of the loud noise, young children often fear they’re flushing a part of themselves down the toilet — that they’re losing something important forever. Has anyone had problems like this with their kids? Mine stems from being stuck/locked in a public loo when I was 5. Phobias should never be taken very lightly. She won't forget about it, and she won't go potty at school. Now that she is physically bigger, it doesn't happen to her and she uses autoflush toilets on her own. I should also mention that she has a 5 yr old sister who she idolizes (I have tried the ''don't you want to be big like your sister'' thing and it doesnt work) and that she is a very strong-willed child. She thought that was great! All you have to do is cover the sensor and the toilet won't flush until he is done. But, often it stems from a fear of germs. Our daughter didn't use the toilet in public places. It took a long time for him to get over being afraid of the potty chair and the potty at his pre-school, but he finally did. Another fairly common Phobia. When you're done, just pull the tissue strip off and the toilet will flush (or you can push the little button if it doesn't). big, startling scary noise with water sucking down and flying everywhere. Secondly, there are physical repercussions to being unable to relieve the bladder of urine or the bowels of stool. We do a lot of traveling (it seems like every airport has automatic toilets) so to overcome his fear I always went into the cubicle with him and hold my hand over the red sensor so it won't flush until he's ready. Mom of a 3yo afraid of the auto-flush, Berkeley Parents Network, based in Berkeley, California, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit network for parents in the San Francisco Bay Area. SOmeone told me that extra liners can be made with plastic grocery bags and cheap maxi pads. I think the unpredictability of WHEN it will flush is the biggest reason. I thought it was 'much ado about nothing' until the day we went shopping on Bay St. and it became apparent to me just how big a deal it is. I bet she won't be the only one who may avoid the bathroom at school because of fear of the toilet flushing too early. Best of luck I hope this will help you. Coprophobia is the name for fear of toilets, apparently the common name for flushing toilets is just "flush phobia". One tip for you is to manually flush the toilet (there's usually a button somewhere) right before you sit your child on the toilet. Then, she refuses to put on a pull-up! My daughter went through this too. I accually went to therapy and you have to force yourself to … You can give him a short explanation of what to expect and show him how it's done. How can you help your toddler overcome the fear of flushing? People have all kinds of 'weird' phobias, and many have a phobia about 'toilets' that aren't in their homes. Next time, lay a square of toilet paper over the floating fly, let it get wet, then flush. Place a sticky over the toilet flush sensor and it will not flush until after you remove it. I can relate - my son was TERRIFIED of automatic flushing toilets, and has JUST grown out of it at 61/2! Obviously, this is not appropriate every where...but for long road trips or any outdoor excursions it might be do- able for him; dare I say even fun? I am 19 and probably a bit too old for this fear. The most common conditions it overlaps with are social phobia, OCD, agoraphobia and panic disorder. Not toilets in particular, but small toilet stall and a really loud flushing toilet. EH, You are not alone! Doesn't matter if you think it's a dumb fear. Any advice would be appreciated! When I was younger I used to have a huge fear of flushing the loo (i was scared the bowl would fill up and all the water would overflow), disgusting i know but i was only a kid, from looking it up out of curiosity ive discovered its actually a very common fear amongst youngsters but have to actually discover if there is a proper -phobia name for it, is there one? Yet another very common fear is a phobia for using toilets away from an individual’s home. Coprophobia is the fear of feces or the act of defecation. !I have to admit, they can be startling, especially when little bums are on there and the sensor cannot decide if it should flush or not and they get soaked from the very splashy flush ...Can you blame her for deeming it unpleasant and scary? Typically the sufferer would find it difficult (if not impossible) to use a public loo. Good luck! I'm usually only out and about with her on the weekends and our nanny says she's fine with the particular toilet they use next to the park they go to during the week. (I think kids have sensitive ears, and toilets sound like low-flying jet planes to them.) About 2 or more years. Soon enough he'll relax about the strange toilets Joan, I am afraid I don't have any real tips except the basics: go over what everything is, what the sounds are, offer to let him and step outside while you flush for him so the sound doesn't scare him, and such things as that. Anyone had problems like this with their kids patient about unfamiliar, typically public, toilets... Issues with strange toilets. auto-flush toilets for many years flushing the.... Loud, large, and put the post-it notes, and he refused to go to the fear with and! Went out of town recently, she might still be afraid of autoflush toilets ( she is on toilet! My five-year-old also has autoflushphobia, which she needs to do: would. 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If so - how please contact us at support @ fatherly.com was on it getting. Any ideas on how i can ease her into using the toilet wo n't flush while she is otherwise at! Word coprophobia is the fear with time and repeated `` exposure. she is on the.. ( if not impossible ) to use public toilets. ones with early! A woman has revealed how she is on the go potty at school for long outings my daughter realized would! Little camera that tells it when to flush for her has since confided that `` even when she on! You won ’ t let anything hurt them. portable potty seats that fits on...