But the obvious drawback of this variation is that the d5-pawn is chronically weak. Even positional GMs like Boris Gelfand are using Benoni sometimes. Besides White's main option 16.a5, Marin deals with a number of alternatives. After the moves 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.Nc3 exd5 5.cxd5 d6 6.Nf3 g6, the original idea of Nimzowitsch was to put an immediate pressure on d6 by playing 7.Nd2 Bg7 8.Bf4. Click here. He should decide whether to allow b7-b5 or not. 2.9 out of 5 stars 6. A Survey on the 7 Bf4 Modern Benoni We're very fortunate this month to have Richard Palliser as a guest contributor for the Modern Benoni section. In these chapters, the author analyses the most popular continuation after 9…b5 – 10.Nxb5. Lateriflora Jul 26, 2020 #51 Computers hate the Czech Benoni because they put a premium on space. This store only ships to the United States, Canada or Mexico. White's setup is very ambitious: he safely defends e4, allowing him to avoid Nd2 as in the classical system and also prevents the freeing ...Bg4. The Modern Benoni is a chess opening that begins with the moves 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6.It is classified under the ECO codes A60–A79. Nevertheless, exceptions exist. , and has just recently completed a new work, The Modern Benoni Revealed . For example, he can avoid the exchange of the e5-knight and go forÂ, Despite looking completely inoffensive, the, In this position, Marin advocates the naturalÂ, In this position, White has two major options -Â, This chapter features one of White's most principled ways to fight for an opening advantage -Â, This is more active than 10.h3. At this point, Marin recommendsÂ, The idea behind Black's last move is to complete the development by playing ...Nbd7 on the next move. Of course, because it is weak. This relatively rare move is somewhat underestimated by the theoreticians. If you don`t believe me "on word" - search in … After kicking the black knight away from the center by means of h2-h3 followed by f2-f4, White will play again Nc4. In the introduction to this system, the author states: In this Chapter, Marin discussed the system with, In these chapters, the author analyses the most popular continuation after, In this chapter, we are dealing with the main line. If you need an opening which is dynamic, strategically sound and offers plenty of possibilities to outplay your opponent, the Modern Benoni is your bread and butter. In his first structure article, the author deals with Black's queenside play. God Member Offline Posts: 622 Joined: 03/13/04 Gender: Re: Is the Modern Benoni alive and kicking? This is why the last move is considered the main continuation. The white knight goes to the edge of the board but this is usually a temporary situation. followed by 12.Nc4 Re6! In the first example from the article, White managed to carry out this plan in pure form, without the contribution of pawns nor allowing Black any shadow of counterplay. As we already know, Black has a good antidote against this knight pirouette. Here is how the author explains the position in a few sentences: In this Chapter, the author is dealing with a system which arises after the movesÂ. This issue is also typical for the Breyer Ruy Lopez or the lines with a blocked center in the King's Indian. However, in return, Black gains the opportunity for tremendously dynamic counterplay. The Modern Benoni is one of the sharpest and most controversial replies to 1 d4. The Modern Benoni is just about the most aggressive method that Black can choose to counter White’s 1 d4. It turns out that Black is just in time to prepare the advance b7-b5. His main idea is to follow with Be2, 0-0, and Nf3-d2-c4. Besides, ...Ne4 is something White should count with. On top level it’s a rarer guest but with this DVD Rustam Kasimdzhanov, opening expert and second and coach of Fabiano Caruana, will turn the tables. In principle the most solid development involves ...Nbd7 but this leaves the c8-bishop at least temporarily passive. In this chapter, we are dealing with the main line 9…b5 10.Nxb5 Re8 11.0-0. In return for active pieces and a queenside pawn majority, Black voluntarily inherits a position with the clear defect of a weak, backward pawn on d6, a … On the diagram position, White has a variety of moves at his disposal. In our computer-driven time, the level of preparation is drastically increasing. The moveÂ, Nowadays, the biggest challenge for Benoni players is the position which arises afterÂ, Keeping the pawn on e3 takes out of Black's hands one of his main ideas in the Benoni: the pressure on e4. As we already know, Black has a good antidote against this knight pirouette. In his latest database for Modern Chess , one of the best Benoni experts in the world, GM Mihail Marin provides you … If Bd3 and Nge2, ...Ne5 may be molesting for instance. … Benoni Defense Modern Variation. The only drawback of this line is that Black has difficulties to play for a win. In a review published in Chess Life, John Watson looks at two titles that seek to reestablish the Benoni as an elite opening, Rustam Kasimdzhanov’s “The Benoni Is Back In Business” and John Doknjas’ “Opening Repertoire - The Modern Benoni”. Here, Black's most flexible continuation seems to be 10...Na6. The dream scenario would be Bf4 followed by Nd2, but Black can usually organize his pressure on e4 by one move earlier than White develops his bishop. In fact, this position is last important crossroad for White in the Fianchetto Variation. The Modern Benoni is well known for being a dynamic opening which offers great oppor-tunities to play tactically. If you need an opening which is dynamic, strategically sound and offers plenty of possibilities to outplay your opponent,  the Modern Benoni is your bread and butter. The Modern Benoni is just about the most aggressive method that Black can choose to counter White's 1 d4. With his last move, he overprotects the d6-pawn and prepares to attack White's center by means of ...f7-f5. In Chapter 8, Marin proves that Black holds his own in every single line. The Modern Benoni. The conclusion is that for Black it would be best to exchange one of his minor pieces, most typically with ...Bg4xf3 or ...Ng4 and Ne5 (any of them). Celebrating the debut of the new Ferrari Roma and essence of “La Nuova Dolce Vita”, Scuderia South Africa continues to lead at the forefront of innovation and modernisation, with the reveal of the Prancing Horse’s new V8 2+ coupé taking place fo The main line goesÂ, Black's idea is simple - he wants to counterÂ, The white knight goes to the edge of the board but this is usually a temporary situation. Optimally, White would play Nh3-f2, but if Black is accurate enough he would keep the h3-c8 diagonal open until White commits his knight to e2. For some reason – perhaps because “Modern” sounds more exciting than “Delayed”? Besides White's main optionÂ, The main position arises after the moves:Â. It goes without saying that the diagram position is of a huge importance for the theory ofÂ, The maneuver Nf3-d2-c4 in Benoni is often associated with the name of great master from the pastÂ, Before going for the abovementioned plan, however, Black should take care of the d6-pawn. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. I would advise you not to change anything. White hopes to consolidate his knight on c4, of course, but things are not that simple. This idea is much more effective when the move h2-h3 had already been played. Nevertheless, now we are going to limit ourselves to the main line which follows: 12...Rb8 13.Nc4 Ne5 14.Na3 Nh5 15.e4 Bd7. Here is what the author said about this line: Adress: Petrich (2850), Bulgaria, str. After dealing with the typical plans of both sides, the author starts examining the subtleties of the piece play in Benoni type of positions. Here is what he has to say about the typical piece arrangements in this structure: Time has come to talk about the optimal piece trajectories in static positions, where pawns offer only the immobile background for piece play. In most of the openings Black struggles to obtain a playable position. In his first structure article, the author deals withÂ. In Part 1 of two-part Benoni series, Marin deals with all the system in which White develops his knight on f3 (without playing f2-f4). In the main line variations Black allows White to have a preponderance of central pawns which, traditionally, grants the first player the advantage. That is why Marin suggestsÂ, Time has come to deal with one of White's most dangerous weapons againstÂ, 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.Nc3 exd5 5.cxd5 d6 6.Nf3 g6 7.Bf4, The systems based on Bf4 tend to force matters at an early stage, due to the pressure on d6. If you don`t believe me "on word" - … White’s most popular response to 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 is 3.d5, to which black will mostly reply 3… e6, known as the Modern Variation of the Benoni. Of course, White has a number of interesting options in this position. If he succeeds, the bishop would stand perfectly on g2, overprotecting the d5-pawn. All these moves have the same drawback - White’s king is still in the center and with different kind of tactics Black manages not only to maintain the balance but also to seize the initiative. says Bob Long after 4+ hours of enjoyment with this new video course. Paperback $3.99 shipping. This problem is even bigger when it comes to playing for a win with Black. For example, moves like ...b7-b6, Nc7, and Bd7 are always possible. Is the Modern Benoni alive and kicking? The antidote of this system according to GM Marin is 9…Re8 10.Nf3 c4! This chapter features the moves 8.Nd2, 8.Ne4, and 8.e4. If you want to play a very calm game with concrete ideas, and not a ton of opening preparation, the Czech is the way to go. Before going for the abovementioned plan, however, Black should take care of the d6-pawn. Like in the chapter (6) White refrains from the early occupation of the center with e2-e4, thus avoiding Black's usual counterplay in the center. Shipping to the United States, Canada or Mexico? This would paralyze Black's queenside and keep d6 under permanent pressure. After the initial moves, Black proceeds to capture on d5, creating a majority of black pawns on the queenside.To support their advance, the king's bishop is usually fianchettoed on g7. There are many possible plans, Black frequently sacrifices the pawn in order to get an advance in development, but we will examine a solid and hardly refutable plan. If you need an opening which is dynamic, strategically sound and offers plenty of possibilities to outplay your opponent, the Modern Benoni is your bread and butter. That is why Marin suggests 8...Ne8 followed by b7-b6 and Ba6. … At the end of the database, GM Mihail Marin provides you with 28 interactive tests which are designed to test your understanding of the Modern Benoni Defense.Â, Copyright © 2021   e-shop Мodern Chess Magazine. In his annotations to Chapter 7, the author explains why some minor moves like 10.h3, Re1, 10.a4, and 10.e4 do not create problems for Black. Alternatively, he can prepare b2-b4. Black must certainly be well prepared, but the workload is less than most aggressive defences – this book supplies all Black needs to know. White has two main plans. The point is that after 7...Bg7 8.Qa4+ Bd7 9.Qb3, we reach a position which is favorable for White. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. But it takes a first-class teacher like Andrew Martin to explain to you the critical positions without beating around the bush. Black is ready for active counterplay, especially with his pawn majority on the queenside. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Keep It Simple 1.d4: A Solid and Straightforward Chess Opening Repertoire for White, An Attacking Repertoire for White with 1.d4: Ambitious Ideas and Powerful Weapons, Kaufman's New Repertoire for Black and White: A Complete, Sound and User-friendly Chess Opening Repertoire, Side-Stepping Mainline Theory: Cut Down on Opening Study and Get a Middlegame You Are Familiar With, Beyond Material: Ignore the Face Value of Your Pieces and Discover the Importance of Time, Space and Psychology in Chess. More Buying Choices $5.00 (11 used offers) Modern Benoni. The main line goes 10...a6 11.a4 Nbd7, Black's idea is simple - he wants to counter 12.Nc4 with 12...Nb6. But as we will see below, sometimes it is possible to use concrete details of the position to open horizons for all pieces. An early f2-f3 implies developing with Nge2, but this causes some problems with thef1-bishop. The idea is simple - Black wants to counter 13.Nc4 with 13...Nb6. La difesa Benoni è un'apertura di gioco semichiuso degli scacchi caratterizzata dalle mosse: . Richard is an International Master and an expert on the Modern Benoni; he advocated 7 Bf4 against the Modern Benoni in his 2003 book Play 1 d4! It mainly depends on such issues as whether White consolidates his e4-pawn with f2-f3, or prepares to launch it forward with f2-f4 etc. The Modern Benoni is just about the most aggressive method that Black can choose to counter White’s 1 d4. In his further analyses, he proves that Black shouldn't be worried about this line. 11.Bc2 b5 12.a3 Bd7!. Alternatively Black can play ...Na6, leaving the h3-c8 diagonal open, but after a later ...Nc7 the knight does not always have an easy life.Â. This chapter features the absolute main line in the Fianchetto Variation. In the modern benoni, what should I do if this happens. (Read 10338 times) Bonsai. because in the videos I have seen for the Benoni, I can't really find this variation anywhere. The key element in Black's counterplay. It mainly depends on such issues as whether White consolidates his e4-pawn with f2-f3, or prepares to launch it forward with f2-f4 etc. "Unlike in the Gruenfeld, there is not such a wide variety of structures in the Benoni. The diagram position is a very important crossroad for White. As a general observation, piece pressure usually is good enough for helping one of the players stabilizing the position to his favor, but after obtaining an advantage he will most likely have to resort to pawn breaks to make progress. Sitemap. But if Black later plays ...f7-f5, the d5-pawn may turn weak. In the Benoni, there is a conflict between Black's minor pieces (with the exception of the g7-bishop, which has its own play). Mainly there are competing for the d7-square, causing some problems of coordination and development. Here is how the author explains the position in a few sentences: White aims completing his development as quickly as possible, to build up an initiative based on the undeveloped black queenside. Black should play very precisely in order not to find himself in a passive position without any counterplay. This issue is also typical for the, On the diagram position, White has a variety of moves at his disposal. Usually, the knight goes to d7, but in some cases, it is better to keep the possibility of ...Na6. As that implies, the book aims to provide Black with a repertoire against all lines that White can employ against the Modern Benoni, rather than an exhaustive analysis of all lines by both sides. Later on, he can play on the queenside by means of Rb1 and b2-b4.Â, Of course, White has a number of interesting options in this position. As it was the case with his work on the Gruenfeld Defense, Mihail Marin goes from the knowledge of the typical pawn structures to the subtleties of the theoretical lines. The ABC of the Modern Benoni. The database contains three sections: In this part, the author deals with the structural ideas which are essential for your understanding of the subsequent theoretical section. In Chapter 1, Marin's main line is 11.Nd2 (Also, the author deals with the moves 11.h3 and 11.Bg5 which are not challenging). His main idea is to follow with Be2, 0-0, and Nf3-d2-c4. Richard is an International Master and an expert on the Modern Benoni; he advocated 7 Bf4 against the Modern Benoni in his 2003 book Play 1 d4! At the same time, Black is also ready to start playing on the queenside. For all other countries, click here. In his latest database for Modern Chess, one of the best Benoni experts in the world, GM Mihail Marin provides you with a complete Benoni repertoire. Here is how the author justifies his choice: I have almost always played this move, considering it the most flexible. In this position, Black can overtake the initiative by means ofÂ, This chapter features the absolute main line in the, In this chapter, Marin analyses a lot of possibilities for White on virtually every single move. In principle White has it simpler as he enjoys considerable space advantage. The maneuver Nf3-d2-c4 in Benoni is often associated with the name of great master from the past Aron Nimzowitsch. The Modern Benoni is one of the sharpest and most controversial replies to 1 d4. More Info: http://www.chessbase.com/shop/product.asp?pid=385 Download PGN of July '07 Nimzo and Benoni games Modern Benoni: Modern Main Line One line that has become more popular in the last few years is 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 e6 3 c4 c5 4 d5 d6 5 Nc3 exd5 6 cxd5 g6 7 e4 a6 8 h3 b5 9 Bd3 Bg7 10 0-0 0-0 11 a3 : In his analysis, Marin deals with a variety of moves for White. In this position, Marin advocates the natural 9...Re8. The idea behind Black's last move is to complete the development by playing ...Nbd7 on the next move. Later on, he can play on the queenside by means of Rb1 and b2-b4.Â, Here, Marin suggests 10...Ne8 11.Be2 Nd7 12.0-0 Ne5, According to the author, only this continuation allows Black to equalize. The knight stands well on e5 and after an eventual exchange, the other knight will happily jump to d6, achieving a perfect blockade.Â. If you need an opening which is dynamic, strategically sound and offers plenty of possibilities to outplay your opponent, the Modern Benoni is your bread and butter. So, White has two decent options at his disposal - 9.e4 and 9.h3.Â. The most active move, immediately attacking d6. Because e5 isn’t occupied, the a1-h8 diagonal is clear, making a fianchetto possible. Thanks to his efforts the move 15…Ne5 gained popularity and now this position is considered as absolutely harmless for Black. The immediate 9.e3 allows 9...Bg4 when Black gets rid of his problematic bishop and the maneuver Nf3-d2-c4 becomes impossible. In his latest database for Modern Chess, one of the best Benoni experts in the world, GM Mihail Marin provides you with a complete Benoni repertoire. ,... Ne5 may be molesting for instance the position to open horizons for all pieces in certain.... But not good the analysis, Marin proves that Black is in a passive position without any counterplay face... Advocates the natural 9... Nh5 14.h3 f5 the different chapters options in this way Black. Is always an issue chapters 8, 9,  and 10 a number of lines, Benoni! Extinguish the initiative by means of h2-h3 followed by f2-f4, White play! Obvious drawback of this Variation anywhere I have seen for the best on. This idea is to follow with Be2, 0-0, and Bd7 are always possible 10.Nd2! To be expected 9,  we have a transposition to Chapter 3, this is! Everyman ’ s Indian kind of guy only ships to the edge of knights. 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