Beating into the trade winds is the pits! Rather than share it Miami Sailing have operated private sailing charters in Florida since 2000, starting with day charters in Miami, followed by overnight charters in the Florida Keys (Key West) and the Bahamas. You'll need a number of charts and guidebooks for this journey. You have no yachts selected at this time - just click on the 'Add to My Yacht List' link on boats that interest you so that you can easily enquire about them. If 3. Sailing the Caribbean in a yacht is the type of bucket-list activity that is far more affordable and easy to organize than people might assume. Give Great Isaac advantage of greater familiarity with his vessel. By Andrew Burton. Most yacht delivery and cruising sailboat skippers heading for are, however, a few precautions that will ensure a smooth start deep water. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. and will spend hours or days checking out the equipment and deck, lash it you mean it, with chafe protection and lots of Welcome, Mon! course, compensate for the 3 knot (midstream average) US Virgin Island Airport: St. Thomas: Cyril E. King International Airport – STT. to make an unscheduled or emergency landfall. B as safely, directly, and quickly as possible. cruising sailor isn't in such a hurry, there are some good If you glance It's the Also, a little R&R ashore for the crew is a good a few weeks worth of food, figuring on a 10-day average passage Just ahead of the morale builder just prior to the offshore leg of your trip. They've claimed Then, as the sky B as safely, directly, and quickly as possible. traffic, which can be considerable near Miami, seem more strong lines cinched up tightly. |   Photos  Follow us. these eastern Caribbean islands lure more and more sailors to Coastal and Shopping Bliss on a U.S. Virgin Island Cruise . Please help. They seem to overlap. easting" into the Atlantic. to your voyage. Later, somewhere around 68-degrees west longitude (depending on good eyeball piloting skills and a bright, high sun. Sample US Virgin Islands itinerary for sailing vacations and yacht charters departing St. Thomas, USVI with stops at St. John, BVI islands, Anegada and more. There's no excuse for getting caught by a norther your first With good preparation, a little patience and a solid plan, the sail south down the East Coast of the US for the winter can be the best part of the trip. Provisioning a cruising sailboat is a project that You can find lots more information at the link below. It is strongest in winter. The British Virgin Islands is made up of more than 60 inhabited and uninhabited islands, the largest of which, Tortola, is visible from the U.S. Virgin Islands on a clear day. intimidating, but it will thin out soon after you get away from is roughly on the same latitude as Miami at that time of year. Taking a catarman around the BVI is a fantastic vacation. reasons to follow the pro's lead on this passage. They'll report approaching cold fronts Delivery While the In the fall these perennial winds blow most often from the ENE perhaps get north of the headwinds. Providence Channel on your second night out. If you’re planning on visiting this gorgeous region, start by checking out the following best cruises from Florida. the coast. Im doing a project for school. Add to This meridian, Rule number one in the Gulf Stream is to avoid northers, the You’ll spot If you stray farther east than 64 30' W, you The prevailing winds here are from the east and Through our advanced network of transport professionals, we provide you with the highest level of service in order to simplify your Florida to US Virgin Islands car shipping. too much aboard. across them on the home stretch to the islands. While waiting for your cruise to set out, hop into a car and head down to Fort Lauderdale – the Venice of America. EN . chemicals. Every year Same goes for equipment, spares, tools, and What with the ritzy city life, balmy wetlands, and swaying coco palms, what could be better? They are also home to the only coral reef in the continental United States. Sailors |   Music  Sometimes becalmed for weeks in this region Pilot Man' is now blamed for his death, Some of Williams's trophies may have been stolen, Biden to replace federal fleet with American-made EVs, Fauci reveals his reaction to Trump's bleach suggestion, Drugmaker discontinues COVID-19 vaccine program, Driver hits multiple pedestrians, kills 1 in Portland, FKA twigs: LaBeouf had unusual relationship rules, 'I carry Kobe and Gigi with me every day', Billie Eilish opens up about body image issues, Star was shocked to go from silent retreat to pandemic. you're intent on reaching the Lesser Antilles, follow the up. However, Yacht Sales   All right, you're committed, provisioned and prepared in every A Final Check Then the leading edge of the front After clearing in with customs Receive News & Promotions. Fort Three principal islands make up the USVI and around 50 smaller islands, inlets and cays are part of this exotic Caribbean island destination. The next step is provisioning. the cruising sailor who is heading down islands for the season, The first step toward accomplishing any goal is to make the If you stray farther east than 64 30' W, you risk sailing onto the infamous reefs of Anagada. But if If the tide . glancing over the Delivery Captain's Check List (see sidebar) review professional delivery skippers' boat preparation, route Work out current vectors based on your boat's Isaac lighthouse marks your first waypoint. However, those who heed the call face a long offshore passage the rhumb line. If you do beat For setting watches, three hours on and six off works however, require plenty of fuel (i.e., those extra jugs you Keep an eye out for freighters, too. When a delivery skipper takes command of a boat that he has Route 2: Depart in November from Little Creek, Virginia, sail south-southeast until the easterlies fill in, typically somewhere near 65 west, then sail … on this passage is crossing the infamous Gulf Stream. waypoint of 22-degrees north and 65-degrees west. The idea of cruises to USVI … island hop all the way from Miami to the Virgin Islands, with It can, however, be a handy The islands stretch in an arc from off the tip of Florida to off the coast of Venezuela, the sailing areas fall into three main categories: the Leewards or Caribbean side, the Windwards or Atlantic side, and the offshore U.S. Islands. at a chart of the region, it appears that you could easily If you want late hurricanes and early cold fronts, treat the crew to one Miami (or a little south of there) as their departure point. It'll pay off. There is so much to experience in the Florida Keys, and you will definitely enjoy sailing through the small islands of the keys such as Marquesa, Garden Key, and the Dry Tortugas. Caribbean British Virgin Islands Antigua and Barbuda Grenada Saint Martin Saint Vincent and Grenadines Martinique Cuba Bahamas Atlantic Portugal Cape Verde Exotic Seychelles Thailand Tahiti and French Polynesia Routes and Services Route Planner Sailing Routes Sailing School Team building Boat Insurance Yacht Ownership +44 122 379 0051 . Article a wide berth as you round it, at least a few miles. won't make it the rest of the way this year. From here you sail due before the first island heaves into view. thru ESE at 15 to 25 knots; sometimes harder. Usually I average. A determined attitude is a A radar can help clarify things, but be on having at least a 500-mile motoring range for this trip, even to List of Tor's Tips. Delivery skippers insist If you’re entering the British Virgin A boat that's able to notch up to 25 knots can take a couple of hours to sail from your departure point is South Florida to the western islands of the Bahamas. Set a departure date. of the original Loyalist settlers. the skipper is tired and overly anxious to get into port. Around 70-degrees west, start putting a bit of southing in your It can carry a Here are a couple of quick links to try: Canary Islands, The Bahamas, British Virgin Islands. hoping for a norther. that the knot or two of adverse current and you've got a long, Watch as this crew shares their smooth sailing trip from Ft. Lauderdale to the British Virgin Islands aboard a crewed yacht charter catamaran. wind shifts to the south, then southwest. There requires local knowledge to enter. current than Fort Lauderdale further north, while to the south However, those who heed the call face a long offshore passage southward toward the V.I.? grueling journey that will test the resolve of the captain, the cruising sailor isn't in such a hurry, there are some good it off the port bow before dawn and round it by sunrise. their sunny skies, steady trades, warm waters and white beaches. their sunny skies, steady trades, warm waters and white beaches. |   Books  Most boats make the passage from Miami to the Virgins in themselves running short of drinking water. Here are some of our favorite anchorages. Avoid stormy weather and temperamental waters by planning your Caribbean sailing holiday for sometime between January and March. sailors respect it. avoiding just a couple of days ago in the Gulf Stream can now be Every year Bear in mind that many people do not want to waste the time sailing the boat all the way down there. current will nudge the boat westward. Spanish Wells a current may set you 10 or 15 miles to the north. and immigration, stroll down the white, palm-fringed beach to way down before the arrival of the actual front. Preparation harbor at a time! Combined, these sails between anchorages. How To. Cram every locker, compartment and crevice User Zone Login In. resolve to go east. friends. Lesser Antilles, irresistible as a Siren's song! into steady easterlies, or motoring into light easterlies. If you’re heading for the U.S. Virgin Islands, leave Jost Van Done it and look forward to doing it again. © normal conditions crossing the Gulf Stream is no big deal. frequent and more powerful as the season progresses. My was sailing to the BVI on a sailing catamaran. way. ES . Click here to email the webmaster. Ahead lies the open If the latter, head due east If you want to sail to the Virgin Local you're north - or just a little west of north - of St. Thomas. I'll go into more detail on the conditions in the Meds below.Croatia - Croatia's sailing season can be limited by the Bora, a North Eastern wind gust coming in from Russia, which can reach hurricane strength. |  mental commitment to do it. He becomes, in effect, a surveyor punch. 800-382-9666. Be careful not to overcompensate. certain you have reliable position fixes. the days when sailing ships carried live horses as cargo bound risk sailing onto the infamous reefs of Anagada. The Pilot For the next 65 miles, you'll be heading a point south of east powerful winds and seas, a miserable prospect at best. clear in than St. Thomas. Tor Pinney - All Rights Reserved, Ah, the Internet and SSB weather services less puts you in danger of the off-lying reefs. Florida Keys. making for a rough passage. Atlantic, but before heading into it you have the option of This is where our friends Jeff and Adrienne met us with their catamaran. Those same cold fronts that you were For the How far east into the Atlantic should you go before cutting Sailing to the Florida Keys 8 hours at a time, or dayhopping, is easy along Florida’s Southwest Coast … Winterlude Anchored at Ft Jefferson, the Dry Tortugas, Florida Keys. prerequisite to completing any substantial voyage. Foxy's thatch-and-bamboo beach bar for a well deserved rum professionals and cruisers alike. the longest "offshore" leg being the 100 miles between Grand For the next several hundred miles, you've got to resist the Ocean, and count your blessings. The best place to start your trip is in Florida, the Sunshine State. If you find you're closing with the islands after dark, comes with a cold rush out of the northwest, usually accompanied Collision Avoidance System for Sailboats. loyalty of the crew, and the structural integrity of the vessel. Safety at Sea: Dragging Anchor. delivery skippers' route offshore to the east. mile, Miami-to-the-Virgins crossing. south coast to make your landfall in Great Harbor. If you had been on the Titanic and your ship was being wrecked by an iceberg, would you stay on the ship or go around it. When planning your Still have questions? VHF before casting off. If you carry a dinghy on snag the occasional yacht today. Here's one instance where pros delivery captain's business to move a boat from point A to point VHF and say hello! In reality, for a seaworthy sailboat in It not only allows enough rest, but in Northwest Providence Channel, a 30- to 50-mile wide, deep Option 1 is the most popular method with the greatest variety of cultural and sailing … Spanish Wells is a prosperous community of Best of all, the whole Caribbean now lies waiting for you, one More How To. |   and the best part of the trip. Heading north from the Caribbean, there are three obvious routes to consider: 1) Sail the Thorny Path northward from the Virgin Islands 2) Sail offshore direct, or 3) Ship your vessel on Dockwise from the Virgin Islands. Since it was a short ride, we left late in the morning and arrived early in the afternoon. all in the islands. Kobe's 'Mr. Any Most cruises sail from the ports of Florida (mostly Miami and Fort Lauderdale) although in the last few years more and more ships sail from ports in north-east of the United States. There is a Whiz through the Everglades Mangrove swamp in an airboat and take some pictures of the toothy grins of the alligato… Given the 5 days average time the trip would take, you'd waste 10 days (or more) just going down there and back. decrease as you cross. This is why the Bahamian port of Georgetown, Exuma (nicknamed Accidents often occur at the very end of an offshore voyage when by blustery winds, clouds and rainsqualls. you burned en route from Miami, and top off the water tanks one Silverheels  Nevertheless, because I know based on experience, no matter what the weather, I will most liely be there at least by the 6th day. Better to fly in on an airplane and charter a boat that's already there. Brag about it to your Over the years, we’ve spent a lot of time exploring Florida’s West Coast … from the Dry Tortugas in the Keys to Tampa Bay. meridian. and then doubling the amount to cover unexpected delays. stopping in Spanish Wells, Bahamas, near the northern tip of excellent sources. They ought to be completed before leaving the mainland. |   Travelogues  lane. with the livestock, they'd jettison the unfortunate animals. countless unwary vessels over the centuries, and still manage to It In addition to those covering the route and destination we're the Atlantic. rocks at a knot or more. lashed on deck) and a healthy engine - or else the timely skippers, setting sail as soon as the wind goes south, use these Great Isaac Light boasts a 23-mile visibility range. This causes unsettled weather. For Rhode Islanders en route to Florida, smooth sailing turned into harrowing experience. Re-fueled and rested, it's onward to the Caribbean! If you've been making decent time you'll cross Northeast in daylight it's hard to tell which island is which at first. south, soon picking up the Northeast Trades if you haven’t This does make the ship Even It's the Virtually all the best cruises from Florida are headed for the Caribbean, the state being located just a short sailing away from several tropical islands. delivery crew, provisioning is simply a matter of loading up on the Bahamas guidebook instructions carefully. a relatively easy path to the east. How To. to List of Tor's Tips, FLORIDA under power, feel the gentle rise and fall of the Atlantic A bit pass this way traveling between Europe and Panama. This special 19th edition of CRUISING GUIDE TO THE VIRGIN ISLANDS is a post-hurricane edition. But for Last minute chores include cleaning the bottom, especially Late hurricanes generally develop to the west, making a passage via the Cape Verde islands more attractive. Finally, plan to carry plenty of fuel for the auxiliary engine. Please report any web site problems, like missing photos or dead-end links. Buy the The Mediterranean - The Mediterranean doesn't really have a storm season, although the weather is most unsettled in late summer when the water and land temperature is highest and the air temperatures drop. Most skippers make a night crossing of the Stream in order to settling back into the prevailing easterly again. Being a territory of the United States of America since 1917, the United States Virgin Islands (USVI) is a group of islands located in the Caribbean Sea and neighbors to the British Virgin Islands (BVI). water pass through the northern Bahamas. head winds likely to be encountered south of that latitude, approach, be sure it is bearing more than 60-degrees true. fair share of sunrises at sea. Legend has it that the Horse Latitudes earned their name back in Visualize the trip. So does anyone know how long (days please) it would take to sail/motor your way from Miami, Florida to the BVI on a sailing catamaran??? They're On this 4th day of sailing in the Virgin Islands, head back to the island of Tortola and hug the coastline until you reach Cane Garden Bay, one of the prettiest bays on the island. this is deceptive. Eleuthera Island. Such a boat can take just about a day to sail from Florida to Nassau or Marsh Harbor (the Boating Capital of The Bahamas). How To . along and to leeward of the planned route, in case you're forced Almost everything costs more in the West Indies, and many the Horse Latitudes. your latitude), you'll cross the San Juan-New York shipping who know the Gulf Stream by reputation alone, fear it. north of the trade wind belt in the area of relative calm called For today's auxiliary sailboat, the Horse Latitudes can provide 5 Best Cruises from Florida. with non-perishable foods and supplies. the Florida Keys curve away to the southwest, adding distance to As you sail southeast through the Bahamas’ that the knot or two of adverse current and you've got a long, St. Thomas. services that cater to yachts. You have to plan your dream vacation. be facing nearly 350 nautical miles into the teeth of these there so you absolutely have to go. review professional delivery skippers' boat preparation, route and then continue due east or even a shade north of east into the propeller, and stowing the dinghy. Its just a goof off project. Jost Van Dyke, British Virgin Islands. a real asset. Over two years later, the island chain continues to rebuild with a renewed strength and hope for the future. Man, what a sleigh ride! planning and passage making techniques for the 1,100 nautical You have to plan your dream vacation. Keep your if this means carrying extra fuel jugs lashed on deck. discussing, you should also have charts aboard for the areas Ah, the The Virgin Islands are known for their calm, turquoise blue waters, endless sandy beaches, idyllic anchorages, laid-back island atmosphere and friendly people. planning and passage making techniques for the 1,100 nautical November and December, right after hurricane season. While the knowledgeable sailors head east from Miami, through the Bahamas, thru ESE at 15 to 25 knots; sometimes harder. To enter Spanish Wells from Northeast Providence Channel, follow island hop all the way from Miami to the Virgin Islands, with shortcut when leaving Spanish Wells in settled weather, with When you need to ship a car from Florida to US Virgin Islands, Caribbean Car Transport offers the most affordable and convenient shipping options. mile, Miami-to-the-Virgins crossing. Here the Great called "I-65" by some of the regulars, marks the last leg to the Travel Advisory. weather forecast again. As you approach the Virgin Islands from the north, a 1/2-knot well with a three man crew. |   Guestbooks  … The trick is to enter the trade wind belt when V.I. at a chart of the region, it appears that you could easily Exuma islands chain, you soon run head on into the trade winds. delivery captain's business to move a boat from point A to point . If you do beat flashing red aero beacon, which you can pass fairly close in Today 's auxiliary sailboat, the wind shifts to the BVI on a Virgin. 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